Kitchener/Waterloo area, c u next trackday riders thread!

hahaha... actually the riding wasn't bad for red group to be honest.

I concur...
The red pace was some of the best I've seen all year. I got passed more than I did the passing.. so I definitely wasn't at the sharp end - more the lower-middle part of the pack.
Was very surprised I managed to pass on the outside of turn 1... Not sure if it was just a bad corner drive on to the straight or a missed shift...
I had to deal with the train of people going well below even a beginners pace! There was one lap towards the end of the day, after I had picked up some speed, where I had to mash the brakes to avoid running into them! I swear, they were near stationary in a corner!

The last session before the red flag...yes I checked the flag at S/F line to make sure I had not gone out in the wrong session. It seemed like it had been interpreted as an open session by some riders.
Or maybe you should get that KTM :) and we need a day with less garbage all over the surface
Yeah, you don't need a KTM. I've heard they have weak forks and triples

All this lap time talk makes me really wish I could have made it out. If I don't get there this fall then it'll be 2 years since I've been there next spring. I'm going to lose my Shannonville muscle memory.
Yeah, you don't need a KTM. I've heard they have weak forks and triples

All this lap time talk makes me really wish I could have made it out. If I don't get there this fall then it'll be 2 years since I've been there next spring. I'm going to lose my Shannonville muscle memory.

With you not there it made us all look better!
Are you coming out to GB on the 12th?

@BigEvilDoer - What hours does your leather guy work? Does he have a phone? I want to drop off my suit to get the zippers repaired/replaced before GB.
@BigEvilDoer - What hours does your leather guy work? Does he have a phone? I want to drop off my suit to get the zippers repaired/replaced before GB.

I'm not sure of their hours off the top of my head. All I know is that Aden (guy who will do the work) only works 2 days a week, Friday being one of them). I'm sure if you pop by between 8am - 5pm someone will be there. Be sure to tell them you need it by next Monday.
Chances are they'll be open tomorrow (Saturday) too.
If any of you were at TMP / Cayuga last Saturday I have some pictures for you! I was there with a few buds watching our friends track.

Makes me *really* get into track. Been looking at bikes all week on Kijiji. Will probably wait until they're cheaper during the winter.

Any tips? I heard it's way better to look for track-ready bikes rather than buying and then converting used bikes.
I doubt track bikes are notably cheaper in the winter. Those that usually have them also have accommodations for multiple bikes. Buying something pre-prepped is a good idea. Anything that includes name brand after market suspension is a cost saver down the road, but not a requirement starting out. Have a reasonable budget in mind (I suggest $3k-$5k). Anything below that will require maintenance off the bat usually. Stick with DOT tires until you have some experience, race compounds are only useful if you run an elevated pace.

Start on a smaller bike for the first season or two. You can always trade up later once you've mastered it. Get something common with a good parts supply.

If any of you were at TMP / Cayuga last Saturday I have some pictures for you! I was there with a few buds watching our friends track.

Makes me *really* get into track. Been looking at bikes all week on Kijiji. Will probably wait until they're cheaper during the winter.

Any tips? I heard it's way better to look for track-ready bikes rather than buying and then converting used bikes.
With you not there it made us all look better!
Are you coming out to GB on the 12th?

I won't rule it out. I'm hoping work will have calmed down a bit by then. I will likely have to work long hours again next week since it'll be a 3 day week already. If the weather is looking really good I'll certainly try to be there.
So Dave, how was Bogie?
Went to the Grand Bend beach today - cool and windy... left at 2pm or so to avoid the incoming thunderstorm.. Hope your day wasn't rained on!
So Dave, how was Bogie?
Went to the Grand Bend beach today - cool and windy... left at 2pm or so to avoid the incoming thunderstorm.. Hope your day wasn't rained on!
Yesterday was a complete wash out, didn't bother riding. This morning was wet, this afternoon 2 dry sessions, then started raining again. It's pouring right now and there's are car race going on.

I ran my rains in the morning and cooked the rear on the last session as the track was 70% dry. My GPA's had been on warmers all day so they were smoking hot. Next session I went out like a scalded cat to make sure I kept them hot.

So in the end it was an expensive weekend of not much riding. Oh well, it happens.
Had a few hours yesterday, with the help of a vice, a hammer, a dremel and a few nuts and bolts the rear set is all straightened out and I'll be at GB Sept 12th!
Yesterday was a complete wash out, didn't bother riding. This morning was wet, this afternoon 2 dry sessions, then started raining again. It's pouring right now and there's are car race going on.

I ran my rains in the morning and cooked the rear on the last session as the track was 70% dry. My GPA's had been on warmers all day so they were smoking hot. Next session I went out like a scalded cat to make sure I kept them hot.

So in the end it was an expensive weekend of not much riding. Oh well, it happens.

I know a few people who were there for the car/truck races and they said it was a bad weekend even for that. Sorry that it sucked.
Maybe GB will put you in a good mood!!

Had a few hours yesterday, with the help of a vice, a hammer, a dremel and a few nuts and bolts the rear set is all straightened out and I'll be at GB Sept 12th!

By the sounds of it we'll have quite the crew there!
My leathers are in getting zippers fixed as we speak (Thanks for the info Tim!) so I should be able to run without the help of electrical tape! (Thanks Randy!)
I know a few people who were there for the car/truck races and they said it was a bad weekend even for that. Sorry that it sucked.
Maybe GB will put you in a good mood!!

By the sounds of it we'll have quite the crew there!
My leathers are in getting zippers fixed as we speak (Thanks for the info Tim!) so I should be able to run without the help of electrical tape! (Thanks Randy!)
Yeah there was an open wheel car race from 5-7 last night but I think they scrubbed it at 6:30 because the rain started getting too crazy.

We're now hoping to get to Grand Bend after such a ****** weekend at Calabogie. If the weather is good and I can get the day off...
I got the call that my leathers are ready to be picked up so I am good to go for Tuesday!
And the long range forecast looks great!
Nice, trying to get an earlier flight out of Florida before the shiticane levels this place this weekend. Everything is booked solid.

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Nice, trying to get an earlier flight out of Florida before the shiticane levels this place this weekend. Everything is booked solid.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

What are you still doing there?!! You know they're all going to be ****ed and there isn't going to be an airport soon, right?

But seriously, if you end up getting stuck and are near the Orlando area, Apopka to be exact, let me know.
Im at universal studios, the travel guys found a flight out got the flight out tomorrow night.

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Im at universal studios, the travel guys found a flight out got the flight out tomorrow night.

Glad to hear you're making it out on time.
Would catching a ride with some of the equipment trucks have been an option?
Yeah, it's pretty serious, we finish up the show today, hopefully a few hours of roller coasters tomorrow then be home. Hope to see everyone on the 12th

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