why are you sorry for being right?
i do not understand why deceptive sales practices are so commonly accepted in the retail motorcycle community. what Rob did and what happened to draco would not fly in any other professional field, such as medicine, law, pharmacy, banking, real estate, etc. (even dry cleaning) so why are people so willing to excuse motorcycle retailers/shops of any comparable accountability??
Not everyone gets shafted by a place. Some people get good treatment and they'll praise the place/come to it's rescue cuz they have nothing better to do and it's the interwebz. Looking at the facts with a shade of gray is impossible for people. Easy to manipulate anything to suit their pathetic fallacy.
I need to have something checked on my bike (under warranty) but I think I'll probably take my bike to someone like Ted (Rosey Toes) who seems to have an excellent repuatation from this site.
Not sure how it works with kawi, but for Honda I remember they insist you get all warranty work done at a Honda dealership. Maybe go to another kawi dealership? Again, I'm not sure so just make sure before you get the work done.