
Stan: I like more onions in the stew, the way my mother made it.

Stella: It's my mother's recipe and she didn't put in too much onion.

Stan: But I like more onion.

Stella: Did you ever have sex with your mother?

Stan: That's disgusting, Of course not.

Stella: If you want more onion in the stew you're not going to have sex with me either
Appears that parallel parking may be eliminated from the Drive Test program.

Reverse Plugin Parking" is the new test
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Parallel parking has been eliminated from the Drive Test program and now there is "Reverse Plugin Parking"!
It actually hasn't. My kids did it on their G2 tests, and that will continue. Plus the electric above isn't parallel parking.

Parallel Parking​

They say that the worst problem with parallel parking is the witnesses.
But if you are really bad at it, you can eliminate that problem.
Stan: I like more onions in the stew, the way my mother made it.

Stella: It's my mother's recipe and she didn't put in too much onion.

Stan: But I like more onion.

Stella: Did you ever have sex with your mother?

Stan: That's disgusting, Of course not.

Stella: If you want more onion in the stew you're not going to have sex with me either
Honest question: What happens 25 years down the road when Stan doesn't give a hoot about having sex anymore?
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