It's Official!

I really do hope you quoted insurance before putting the money for that bike.
Best luck and rife SAFE
If you were my kid brother I would have slapped you for buying that bike given you have inadequate riding experience for that bike.
Buy decent gear and pray she doesnt throw you off.
What a bunch of pussies.
There is nothing wrong with starting on an SS.
If that's what the guy wants, let him be and stop hating on the guy.

Yes, he could start on a 250 or a 125 or a Ruckus, but not everybody wants to start there.

The only problem I see facing the OP is insurance.
Congrats, good luck, be safe!
Lol guy's I got my m2. It was 60 days after I got my m1 in which I did the course. So I took the papers and got my m2. I did practice on my friends gixxer 600 2011 before I was doing the course. I have atleast 10 hours of riding experience including public roads. I also took all your advice and bought a gear set worth 500 dollars, jacket and pants, and a 350 dollar HJC Helmet. Thanks for all your advice guys! Thought the 850 dollars would be a good investment as my life is at stake! And for those wondering, i'm under my dads plan for insurance, it comes to about 1800 a year which isn't that bad from CAA.
And to those asking me why did i buy a 600. I appreciate you guy's for caring, and I understand why you guy's wouldn't recommend a 600 as a first bike, but to me I thought to my self, it's not the power of the bike, but how you treat the bike. I won't go all out on the throttle and I'll try to treat the bike with us much "respect" as I can give it. Thanks for all whom replied!
Lol guy's I got my m2. It was 60 days after I got my m1 in which I did the course. So I took the papers and got my m2. I did practice on my friends gixxer 600 2011 before I was doing the course. I have atleast 10 hours of riding experience including public roads. I also took all your advice and bought a gear set worth 500 dollars, jacket and pants, and a 350 dollar HJC Helmet. Thanks for all your advice guys! Thought the 850 dollars would be a good investment as my life is at stake! And for those wondering, i'm under my dads plan for insurance, it comes to about 1800 a year which isn't that bad from CAA.

Well atleast you invested in some decent gear. Enjoy your new ride and keep her in good health!

You people are so harsh... starting on a 600 doesn't mean he's going to kill himself or get hurt if he knows his limits. If I had the money I probably would have bought a brand new 600 myself. To each their own!

Cheap gear especially a helmet is unacceptable regardless what motorcycle, a good helmet is a necessity.
Biggest concern I foresee is that the OP without a doubt will drop his bike. Never get a brand new bike for your first. Get one that you can beat the s*** out of it first regardless what engine displacement it may be. You'll start riding and become more concerned about the condition of your bike more so than yourself, the road, and the others around you. however, you might also be the kid who is lucky enough to completely trash a new bike and easily replace it for another. If so, then by all means good choice. Regardless of how experienced you think you are, ride safe.
Wow 18, 0 yrs of driving experience (Car and Motorcycle) and a 2012 Gixxer?
I would love to hear what you are paying for insurance on that?

Dibs on parts
Congrats on the new bike Op... just respect it and take it slow.

I started on a 600 as well and i have no regrets!

Enjoy it and ride safe! :)
What a bunch of pussies.
There is nothing wrong with starting on an SS.
If that's what the guy wants, let him be and stop hating on the guy.

Yes, he could start on a 250 or a 125 or a Ruckus, but not everybody wants to start there.

The only problem I see facing the OP is insurance.
Lol don't waste your energy, nice when people are concerned but going all the way to say that "he will kill himself" is just a stupid comment to make on this forum

But you know, people are people

OP - Enjoy your ride, you are not going to kill yourself as long as you ride respectfully - It takes a long time to learn the instincts to react properly when you get yourself in trouble on a turn etc, 3 years if you ride in average 20k a year, obviously this is an estimate from mine and others experience

This is 3 years of practicing, making a point to learn body positioning, progressively getting faster and hanging with people that can teach you the right things not a bunch of bro's with Icon vests outside their tshirt as their own protection telling you to do 300 on strights

Riding a 600 can be very safe, even for a new rider, it will all depend on the person (you) and not the situation (buying a 600 as first bike)

I have been riding since i was 11 many moons ago, and still now I respect the bike.

Just my opinion
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