It's FILTERING, NOT lane splitting!

Cars can share a lane with a parked car if there's space.

If a motorcyclist is not doing much over the rate of speed then you won't hit him if you check your mirrors and blind spot. And if you do hit him then the fault is the same as if you changed lanes and hit a car in the next lane. And anyone who whips by at much higher rates of speed would be at fault.

The system works really well in countries where it's legal; I've witnessed it first hand. I hope this helps.

Also thanks to those in the thread who stay civil during discussions and don't threaten to run motorcyclists over.

So you're speaking are most on this thread. My SUV sill the entire lane....which is my space. You hit me in my lane or when you're riding the are at fault.
I've witnessed and been part of the lane splitting style of riding, having lived in LA for many years. It fosters hooliganism. Don't we have enough of that already with the cabbies, cyclists, e-bikers, others who already blow stop lights and the like. ???

For the record i have 4 street bikes and ride them according to the law....i do have trouble with speed...
Read again.

Attempt to cause me bodily harm with a deadly weapon and you face criminal charges. Succeed and you're the sort of scum that just ran down a long border.

Threaten like that again and you reveal your psychopathic nature. You need an education and psychiatric help.

You try and run into me with your bike, you are attempting to cause me bodily harm. You would also be running from an incident. Both are illegal.....people who deliberately cause damage and flee are the type that piss me off. Promoting lane splitting further encourages those people.
Btw....i'm the same guy here as i am in person.
That's lane splitting. I am referring to filtering. The issue of moving vehicles invokes another HTA law about passing an (approaching) vehicle within 30 m of a pedestrian crossing, which would be illegal.

A cop tried to imply passing a stopped and closed street car at a red light was illegal until I correct his APPROACHING streetcar or vehicle.

Cops often incorrectly quote or incorrectly interpret HTA clauses.

A car stopped at a light would still be a moving vehicle, not a parked vehicle.

It seems like your the one incorrectly interpreting them.

Show me anywhere in the HTA that states you are allowed to pass a vehicle travelling in the same direction, in the same lane, which is not parked or turning.
Regardless of how clever you think you are about applying convenient "terms" you effect the same thing.

No Judge would take you seriously and would slap you a child

Sorry they are not terms I have conveniently created. They are the terms used by the California Highway Patrol, an agency that is on record as supporting both lane filtering and lane splitting.
A car stopped at a light would still be a moving vehicle, not a parked vehicle.

It seems like your the one incorrectly interpreting them.

Show me anywhere in the HTA that states you are allowed to pass a vehicle travelling in the same direction, in the same lane, which is not parked or turning.

It's not considered a moving vehicle, but neither is it a parked vehicle. It's a stopped vehicle and the law does differentiate between parked and stopped.
So you're speaking are most on this thread. My SUV sill the entire lane....which is my space. You hit me in my lane or when you're riding the are at fault.
I've witnessed and been part of the lane splitting style of riding, having lived in LA for many years. It fosters hooliganism. Don't we have enough of that already with the cabbies, cyclists, e-bikers, others who already blow stop lights and the like. ???

For the record i have 4 street bikes and ride them according to the law....i do have trouble with speed...

I see your first point about being in your lane. I'd definitely be at fault here. However, I'm not one to split here, simply filter. So the risk of a car changing lanes at a red light in bumper to bumper traffic is much less. Plus, simply checking the blind spot and mirrors would fix that.

I disagree with your assertion that it promotes hooliganism, at least for me. When I filter to the front of a line of cars at a red I feel much safer at the front of the pack. When I'm stuck in the middle I tend to aggressively get to the front, which is more dangerous.

For the record, as much as I'd like splitting and filtering to be legal, I only occasionally filter since drivers simply don't expect it. And of course I ride in the parked car lane when there's a red light. When I got back to Canada I tried to ride the way I did in Korea and it simply didn't work: too many ****** off drivers and a couple of close calls that made me realize that it wasn't worth it.
That's interesting, Bunda was convicted under section 3.8 of HTA 172. "Stunt" driving (sheesh!). I did notice the judge decided the right-hand pass was not permitted because he couldn't verify that all cars intended to turn left. So filtering is legal only on the right side and if the conditions outlined in the HTA are met?

Anyway, like I said, I don't really care in the end. I was making a point about people bashing the op without evidence. The existence of similar threads is irrelevant. Your link does provide an argument though, I'll give it that.

Please note, Bunda broke under the cross, contradicting his earlier statement that all cars he past were signally left. He later admits he could not verify 1 of the cars was signaling left. This was required in his SIGNLE LANE situation, but is not a requirement in a multi LINE situation. By also admitting to having to wiggle his mirrors past one car, he also effectively admits there wasn't enough room, safely, to argue a multi line situation.

What further makes this unsafe was that the intersection was a T junction, meaning that in addition to a single lane, any car not signalling left will then be turning right, and potentially cutting off the filtering bike.

172 was an excessive charge but they made it stick for the above reasons. Filtering has the potential to be done illegally under the HTA, though it can be done legally also, depending on how you do it.

It is both not universally illegal, nor universally legal.

The irony is in asking for help from the biker community is met with such negative attitudes and arrogant ignorance. And where the resources of a lawyer are available, our resident legal expert reluctantly lacks the will or the ability to argue or demonstrate fairly the merrits of filtering. Perhaps he is a prosecutor, and hasn't the ability to defend.

If a biker lawyer cracks on you like this, expect a cop or Justice to give you a hard time. Be ready for the inevitable argument if you filter, legally or otherwise. If there is a wiff of an illegal manouver while filtering, 172 is a risk. But then again 172 gets thrown in your face by cops like bad breath these days. It's practically their catch phrase, and it certainly spooked some members of this forum to the level of severe anal retention.
A car stopped at a light would still be a moving vehicle, not a parked vehicle.

It seems like your the one incorrectly interpreting them.

Show me anywhere in the HTA that states you are allowed to pass a vehicle travelling in the same direction, in the same lane, which is not parked or turning.

The word is APPROACHING. You miss read even simple text.

You are allowed to pass a slow moving vehicle in the same lane. The slower moving vehicle is obliged to turn out to the right and provide as much room to be passed as is possible, even in a single lane situation. Once again, the issue of passing a TRAVELLING vehicle 30 meters away from a pedestrian crossing is established as safe in the HTA, and NOT universally made illegal.
There's a great video floating about of a British guy who sent back his license and drove uninsured under a right to travel law from the 1800's. The video shows the eventual confiscation of his vehicle and the tool explaining his right to drive his merc with no insurance. Bottom line....even if you think you're right due to some technicality your time gained filtering might be offset by the 40 minutes or so you need to explain to the cops who may or may not book you. If you want to risk this every time you ride then fine. Me, I'll pass the traffic legally once moving and perhaps arrive 5 minutes later than you with no risk of being pulled over and having to explain ad nauseum how I think I'm right.
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The act is the act. It doesn't matter what name you apply to it.

Although very few here actually understand the messages in my posts, it really was to encourage the use of the term filtering instead of lane splitting. And while I have since been informed of the technical definitions of the two (one of your confirmation posts below, thanks) in my mind even lane splitting is 'filtering' and my reasons for labeling it that are numerous. I won't list them all again as it is my experience that very little of a persons original post is read, and what is read is usually, as a consequence of skipping most of it, is misinterpreted. Sometimes it's due to a lack of comprehension. But that has never, and no doubt never will stop many readers here of grabbing and running with the ball whether it's been deemed foul or not. In any event, like I say, my hope is that this WILL be brought into law in the future, and by labeling it filtering instead of lane splitting, really does help with that direction. You can tell that a few here have no idea how politics and media mass perception works. Suffice it to say, it amazes me how so few riders understand how they continuously shoot themselves in the foot and do or say almost the exact opposite of what would help them. It'd be funny if it wasn't so ironic.

Hopefully speed readers, will read this primary reason I discourage the use of the term lane splitting, whether it is used for filtering or not, is your average grossly incompetent cage driver (including at least one truck driver who posted his inconsiderate and rigid mindset of deliberately NOT driving in a defensive fashion if filtering is encountered, in either this thread or the other one) perceives this literally. i.e. Their pea-brained inability to reason and interpret things that is merely common sense to many, see the term lane-split, as 50/50. "I ain't gonna give up HALF of my lane to some hooligan biker!" or "My SUV uses up ALL of my lane, and not only will I crush any rider who tries to share it with me, I'll puff my chest out while doing so." (must be a Hummer H1 with trailer towing extended mirrors on it) Or maybe it just looks like it uses up all of his lane as he peers out over the hood. Many a driver has no clue where their corners are in relation to others around them.
Anyway, to most, lane-split they see as giving up half. So that is just one of many reasons I say that using the term filter helps our case to potentially have this allowed in ON. Ok, gonna spell it out for those who I am sure still won't get it...picture this on the news some night...her in the kitchen overhearing Global news as he is watching waiting for dinner.."Haaarold...did I hear that right?? Now they want us to give up HALF of our lane to those darn hooligan bikers?? Just wait'll I call up our local MPP and voice what I think of that nonsense!" and so it goes. When I talk about helping yourselves, I didn't mean help yourself to filtering at breakneck speed nor even necessarily do it until it is law.. I am suggesting that you need to understand public perception and know the strategy involved in using the system to achieve what it is you are hoping to accomplish.

When you filter and you piss off other motorists do they even know what your doing is called?

See above if you have the time. It's a waste if you want to counter or debate but not fully understand what is being debated or suggested.

Didn't read the entire topic but...


Filtering = All vehicles stopped and you move to the front?
Splitting = Vehicles moving, pass on the same lane while moving.

I am for Filtering but not splitting.

You should though. But nonetheless, I thank you for bringing this up and that Rob was able to confirm it.

Those are the commonly accepted definitions; yes.

Thank you, Rob. As is described above, though, my reasons for making the distinction I elaborated on.

I'll bet all the people against filtering don't live in downtown Toronto. I'm all for it, especially on Queen St. I don't find drivers don't really care, some of them even move to the left to give me more space as I pass them on the right. But I'll extend the courtesy and keep to the left side of the right lane at the lights to allow cars to make right turns, something I don't see every motorcyclist doing since they too can be selfish arseholes.

Yes, many are unfortunately.

So who's charged if i change lanes and some clown on a motorcycle or bicycle for that matter is splitting lanes and runs into me?

Asked..and answered later by awyala I think it was. But it really isn't that hard to determine unless your contempt for the advancement of any rider in traffic that is legally allowed to pass you, upsets your me-first line of thinking and clouds your ability to reason rationally.

If ....if....if...

Filtering doesn't bother me, this attitude does.

You need to realize when you filter your risking a ticket and ending up under a larger vehicle. Im not looking out for filtering bikes in my work truck.

You need to realize that in discussions, if helps clarify and communicate. I used two of ' do just that, (not 3) keep my points clear and understood so that words put in my mouth later don't have merit, once the poster goes back and sees I covered my bases. I have done this from the very beginning by using caveats like "at 5 - 10 - 10 kph speed differential" IOW's no faster than you could actually fast walk or jog alongside your bike if you had to push it after running out of gas. But IF you want to ignore that part and read into that I am advocating 50 and 60 kph passes then I can't help you with that. Furthermore, you ignore the fact that my quest has always been to help our chances of it becoming law, not advocate breaking a law if these maneuvers are deemed illegal, and as I have also already stated, ticket potential is already under a constable's constant discretion as are all the laws presently in place. Do I have to even state the obvious...that of course this includes the mood the judge is in also if you are before him. But the fact remains, that in most cases our cops do analyse a riders act and if filtering is made law and the rider is being smart about how he utilizes it, most aren't going to even have to be prone to a judges bad mood or influence of a recent past case.

I filter at jogging pace, not unsafe, and not exceeding the ability to the bike to brake even faster than a bicycle.

No police officer has ever threatened to quote 172 to me. I repeat I do not filter in moving traffic.

Exactly, and I appreciate that you get it. You know what is going to be seen as safe and responsible, as opposed to what is going to be seen as hooliganism. There is a HUGE difference between 3 to 5 mph and what California allows. They allow half the speed limit? No wonder it bites people on the *** there at times and still has some public perception issues..

Its illegal,

people have been convicted for it.

People have been convicted under 172 for it.

You can read the HTA as much as you want and argue till you are blue in the face, but nothing will change the above, and as long as people can get convicted for it, its illegal.
Its really that simple. No lawyering required.

I personally don't think much of it, filtering or splitting. You can do it if you want, it doesn't bother me, just know that you can get a ticket for it, and in some cases a really fat one. I take the same view of people running from the cops.

After reading quite a few of your posts, I've decided that I think you are a prosecutor. If you are a defense attorney, I wouldn't have you in my court. You exhibit shades of black and white and those resultant grey areas spend quite a bit of time not in the rider's court.

No, I think you were very clear that you were trying to encourage the use of a more positive term in the context of advocacy. I don't know how people misunderstood that but as I've come to learn; if they don't understand something the result is that they instantly and vociferously hate it. Welcome to the idiocracy.

I elaborated above.

^ +1

As far as the legality of it, I don't know. But not a single one of the OP's opponents have stated anything that even resembles an intelligent counterpoint. Although I'm not convinced, the OP at least made a proper case with citations that have yet to be factually refuted.

I, for one, don't care whether it's legal or not. I'll do what I choose to do if I feel it's safe and reasonable to do so. At the end of the day, rules mean nothing. It comes down to individual choice. Most of the time that choice is in agreement with the rules but sometimes it's not. When it's not, be prepared to accept the consequences of not following the letter of the law even if you've abided by it's spirit. Those who choose to adhere unquestionably are free to do so as well, the rules were made for them.


I don't care what you do, I only tell people what the law is. ignore at your own risk.

Next week it'll be the same thread all over again anyway.

Sound's dismissive.. if you're not interested, why torture yourself?

Please note, Bunda broke under the cross, contradicting his earlier statement that all cars he past were signally left. He later admits he could not verify 1 of the cars was signaling left. This was required in his SIGNLE LANE situation, but is not a requirement in a multi LINE situation. By also admitting to having to wiggle his mirrors past one car, he also effectively admits there wasn't enough room, safely, to argue a multi line situation.

What further makes this unsafe was that the intersection was a T junction, meaning that in addition to a single lane, any car not signalling left will then be turning right, and potentially cutting off the filtering bike.

172 was an excessive charge but they made it stick for the above reasons. Filtering has the potential to be done illegally under the HTA, though it can be done legally also, depending on how you do it.

It is both not universally illegal, nor universally legal.

The irony is in asking for help from the biker community is met with such negative attitudes and arrogant ignorance. And where the resources of a lawyer are available, our resident legal expert reluctantly lacks the will or the ability to argue or demonstrate fairly the merrits of filtering. Perhaps he is a prosecutor, and hasn't the ability to defend.

If a biker lawyer cracks on you like this, expect a cop or Justice to give you a hard time. Be ready for the inevitable argument if you filter, legally or otherwise. If there is a wiff of an illegal manouver while filtering, 172 is a risk. But then again 172 gets thrown in your face by cops like bad breath these days. It's practically their catch phrase, and it certainly spooked some members of this forum to the level of severe anal retention.

- So true..

- And I have wondered the same thing..but in his 'defense' (if you like) I think that a person's patience could get tarnished and shortened with the amount of disrespect which is shown on this forum at times. They try to shock and impress with what is assumed exaggeration, but the reality's not all just fluff and BS..unfortunately.

The word is APPROACHING. You miss read even simple text.

You are allowed to pass a slow moving vehicle in the same lane. The slower moving vehicle is obliged to turn out to the right and provide as much room to be passed as is possible, even in a single lane situation. Once again, the issue of passing a TRAVELLING vehicle 30 meters away from a pedestrian crossing is established as safe in the HTA, and NOT universally made illegal.

It is challenging to debate a topic when so often what is said is not comprehended correctly or the comments are based on nothing more than conjecture.

I realize some of my 'bolds' got timed me out...hopefully I was able to still make my points I referenced.
edit - I think I found some that were missing.
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WOW...isn't that alot of white noise!! your attempt to introduce new terminology to bend an illegal act to somehow validate what you want to achieve is laughable. Your summation on the comments made over 4 pages is nothing more than lame attempt to resurrect a bad position.

If you want a new law to be introduced answer the hard questions.....not what would be convenient!!

Have a look at our right to privacy in Ontario and the new law on "intrusion on seclusion" just think about how long that took to change.
The irony is in asking for help from the biker community is met with such negative attitudes and arrogant ignorance. And where the resources of a lawyer are available, our resident legal expert reluctantly lacks the will or the ability to argue or demonstrate fairly the merrits of filtering. Perhaps he is a prosecutor, and hasn't the ability to defend.

If a biker lawyer cracks on you like this, expect a cop or Justice to give you a hard time. Be ready for the inevitable argument if you filter, legally or otherwise. If there is a wiff of an illegal manouver while filtering, 172 is a risk. But then again 172 gets thrown in your face by cops like bad breath these days. It's practically their catch phrase, and it certainly spooked some members of this forum to the level of severe anal retention.

All you can do is get personal. Except that you are completely missing the point.

1. I say that filtering in the sense that people use the word is illegal, that is clear from Bunda, does that mean you can't talk your way out of it? or that you can be not convicted for a host of other reasons? No. However people have been convicted for it and jurisprudence has dictated that the activity in general is illegal. You focus on the cross in Bunda like it was his fault he got convicted (because he couldn't hold his lie) but if you read it carefully, it is clear that there was nothing he could have said that would have made a difference because of the adjudicator's findings that were not made in reference to his cross at all. The way Bunda is written, the only way filtering can be done legally is on the right of a vehicle when there is a lane on the right side that is wide enough to include a row of parked cars to the side and still have enough room for traffic to flow, which is not at all what people are talking about when they say filtering. I will explain why the decision says that it if Rob stickys it, I am not going to do it every single week.

2. I am not here to give you, or any one else, well crafted legal arguments about why something is illegal or not. Firstly, I ride a bike, I am not your free lawyer, Secondly, I am not here to give legal advice, only legal information (hey look a disclaimer), that means I tell you what the state of the law currently is, I don't advocate specific legal positions or courses of action. Thirdly, whether something is in fact illegal is completely situational and no advice can be universally applicable. If a car is about to hit you and you are stopped at a light and you dart between two other cars, that is clearly not illegal.

3. The advice I do give is rarely strictly legal, it usually comes with some analysis of likelihood of enforcement. I have often given opinions that sometimes say (i) legal, but will give you grief; (ii) illegal, but not enforced. In this case its (iii) illegal, potential major offence.

4. Again, I ONLY tell people the state of the law, thats all. I don't advocate positions (because you guys aren't the right people to advocate to so I am wasting my breath), and I DEFINATELY don't feed you legal arguments for you to get into an argument roadside with.

5. Anyone can do whatever they want when they ride, but don't expect me to condone it as legal or no other reason than your irrational need to justfiy your actions. When I do something illegal, I KNOW its illegal. I don't pretend that its legal then complain that anyone that doesn't agree with you is somehow not helping you enough.

P.S. I have worked on both prosecution and defense side. And have beaten 100 % of the tickets i have ever recieved. Nice try.
After reading quite a few of your posts, I've decided that I think you are a prosecutor. If you are a defense attorney, I wouldn't have you in my court. You exhibit shades of black and white and those resultant grey areas spend quite a bit of time not in the rider's court.

Sound's dismissive.. if you're not interested, why torture yourself?

My response is not directed to you, its directed to others who may be reading this thread for the first time, that they should not be confused that filtering is legal because of the HTA.

The behaviour is not directly addressed by the HTA, it is addressed by jurisprudence. Quoting the HTA doesn't provide a conclusive answer. However, jurisprudence has ended this debate about legality.

If it was never illegal, the law wouldn't need to be "changed", even your whole argument accepts that its illegal. So spare me your insults. They don't make you right.

BTW, even when you actually hire someone to defend you in a real case, they aren't there to tell you what you want to hear, so why would you think I am at all obligated to do that?
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There's a great video floating about of a British guy who sent back his license and drove uninsured under a right to travel law from the 1800's. The video shows the eventual confiscation of his vehicle and the tool explaining his right to drive his merc with no insurance. Bottom line....even if you think you're right due to some technicality your time gained filtering might be offset by the 40 minutes or so you need to explain to the cops who may or may not book you. If you want to risk this every time you ride then fine. Me, I'll pass the traffic legally once moving and perhaps arrive 5 minutes later than you with no risk of being pulled over and having to explain ad nauseum how I think I'm right.

I agree, this tradeoff is the basis of almost all of the advice that I do give. Being "right" doesn't mean dick when your bike is getting towed.
OpenGambit if you do spend the time on an analysis of R. v. Bunda, I would certainly sticky it in the Law & HTA forum. It would be nice to debunk the constant claims, by some, that splitting and filtering are legal. I wish it was. I'd do it, after a couple of years for drivers to get used to it. It isn't.
My response is not directed to you, its directed to others who may be reading this thread for the first time, that they should not be confused that filtering is legal because of the HTA.

The behaviour is not directly addressed by the HTA, it is addressed by jurisprudence. Quoting the HTA doesn't provide a conclusive answer. However, jurisprudence has ended this debate about legality.

If it was never illegal, the law wouldn't need to be "changed", even your whole argument accepts that its illegal. So spare me your insults. They don't make you right.

"So spare me your insults"

Spare you my insults? Considering they consisted of merely this:
"After reading quite a few of your posts, I've decided that I think you are a prosecutor. If you are a defense attorney, I wouldn't have you in my court. You exhibit shades of black and white and those resultant grey areas spend quite a bit of time not in the rider's court."

and this:

"Sound's dismissive.. if you're not interested, why torture yourself?"

IMO, you should probably be a bit thicker skinned, considering your profession.

I think you missed a part where I actually defended you a little. That was my attempt to be fair-minded, especially if I have said something that, no doubt you later confirmed...hurt your feelings a bit.

I said it sounded dismissive, because in no way am I a mind-reader...certainly not well enough to presume you were talking to new ears to the thread. Since that is the case, why weren't you more helpful then to their potential interpretations by also stating that the OP's reason for the thread was in an effort to use terminology that at least helps our case, not hender it, when we are trying to make a change that would benefit not just us as riders, but all road users since this has been proven (and is even admitted to in this or the other thread) that filtering (properly) does help alleviate some congestion?

Perhaps in my OP I should have said from the beginning in big bold letters..
"I acknowledge that filtering and lane spitting is presently illegal. My purpose in posting is an attempt to show to others who would vote to have that law relaxed, that there are good ways and poor ways of achieving that uphill battle."

But, and you know this, no matter how many i's dotted and t's crossed on this forum, there will be comments whose poster hopes to shut you down, yet, fail to realize that, instead, mostly what they prove is that they didn't read and properly interpret the thread from the beginning.

You said there are numerous other similar threads where this topic has been beaten to death. I'd like to be pointed to them. I doubt there is a single one that elaborated enough to include the caveats (and the type of caveats are key here...extremely slow speed differentials, etc etc) necessary to make them anything more than troll-bait and wasted bandwidth. At least in this thread, there are those who are potentially onboard with the idea if executed correctly. The battle is made much bigger by negativity, but this is internet...what else is new?

Finally, I could edit my first post to try to cover even more bases so a greater number of readers might better comprehend what my message has been, but I want it to look original so that anyone who gives a damn, can go there and see that just because someone else may attempt to change or diminish my intention through conjecture, they can see for themselves the original raw uncut/unedited version. In my mind, my OP and intention has credibility. For anyone who might possibly still be unclear on it, I have since elaborated quite sufficiently in this thread.
No one can make a person read it though.
OpenGambit if you do spend the time on an analysis of R. v. Bunda, I would certainly sticky it in the Law & HTA forum. It would be nice to debunk the constant claims, by some, that splitting and filtering are legal. I wish it was. I'd do it, after a couple of years for drivers to get used to it. It isn't.

Yeah I think I will, my only concern is that someone new would read one of these threads, or just the HTA, and conclude that its legal.
I remember I had to do a not-insignificant amount of digging to find an answer when I first got my bike.
"So spare me your insults"

Spare you my insults? Considering they consisted of merely this:
"After reading quite a few of your posts, I've decided that I think you are a prosecutor. If you are a defense attorney, I wouldn't have you in my court. You exhibit shades of black and white and those resultant grey areas spend quite a bit of time not in the rider's court."

and this:

"Sound's dismissive.. if you're not interested, why torture yourself?"

IMO, you should probably be a bit thicker skinned, considering your profession.

I think you missed a part where I actually defended you a little. That was my attempt to be fair-minded, especially if I have said something that, no doubt you later confirmed...hurt your feelings a bit.

I said it sounded dismissive, because in no way am I a mind-reader...certainly not well enough to presume you were talking to new ears to the thread. Since that is the case, why weren't you more helpful then to their potential interpretations by also stating that the OP's reason for the thread was in an effort to use terminology that at least helps our case, not hender it, when we are trying to make a change that would benefit not just us as riders, but all road users since this has been proven (and is even admitted to in this or the other thread) that filtering (properly) does help alleviate some congestion?

Perhaps in my OP I should have said from the beginning in big bold letters..
"I acknowledge that filtering and lane spitting is presently illegal. My purpose in posting is an attempt to show to others who would vote to have that law relaxed, that there are good ways and poor ways of achieving that uphill battle."

But, and you know this, no matter how many i's dotted and t's crossed on this forum, there will be comments whose poster hopes to shut you down, yet, fail to realize that, instead, mostly what they prove is that they didn't read and properly interpret the thread from the beginning.

You said there are numerous other similar threads where this topic has been beaten to death. I'd like to be pointed to them. I doubt there is a single one that elaborated enough to include the caveats (and the type of caveats are key here...extremely slow speed differentials, etc etc) necessary to make them anything more than troll-bait and wasted bandwidth. At least in this thread, there are those who are potentially onboard with the idea if executed correctly. The battle is made much bigger by negativity, but this is internet...what else is new?

Finally, I could edit my first post to try to cover even more bases so a greater number of readers might better comprehend what my message has been, but I want it to look original so that anyone who gives a damn, can go there and see that just because someone else may attempt to change or diminish my intention through conjecture, they can see for themselves the original raw uncut/unedited version. In my mind, my OP and intention has credibility. For anyone who might possibly still be unclear on it, I have since elaborated quite sufficiently in this thread.
No one can make a person read it though.

Do whatever you like. I only bothered to say anything when the standard "filtering is legal" comments came in because I try to correct misinformation. Typing walls of text at me isn't going to change that one bit.
I think we need to do some sort of lobbying, and get the attention of the Minister of Transportation as well as the Premier, by getting them some brand new bikes of their choice; so they themselves could have a go at filtering in controlled situations

we need to have studies done in this province about filtering and the potential to ease traffic congestion (pros) vs. fatal accidents (cons)

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