Is Tuition Really THAT Unreasonable in Ontario?

If you happen to like things as they are, good for you. Some of us have higher aspirations and can see follies of status quo people like yourself. Good day to you.

I happen to like things the way they are. I don't think we have met so I am not sure how you could see the follies of people like me, but I digress. One question that you could answer is what exactly are your higher asperations?
I don't think his experience is necessarily an outlier. The people I mentioned aren't carrying huge amounts of debt beyond their mortgage which they can easily pay. Also, a friend of mine recently lost his job in IT (which is a dying industry IMO, in that everyone and their 12 yr old and their cousins in India can do it now so it's next to impossible to get a decent job in it) and he found a new job within 2 weeks which pays higher for less work than the last one.
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That it must be nice to be able to whine about what will be the lowest tuition in the country, even after it has been raised, on the backs of Ontario tax payers.

I'm truly surprised... that's very out of character for Quebecers....................................................................................

I'm truly surprised... that's very out of character for Quebecers....................................................................................


I was looking at the average undergraduate tuition rates, for various specialties, across the country. The one that immediately jumped out at me was dentistry:

Canadian Average: $16,024
Ontario: $26,406
Quebec: $3,175

Medicine looks much the same:

Canadian Average: $11,345
Ontario: $19,462
Quebec: $2,711
Quebecers do pay a lot more taxes as well though. I understand there are less of them contributing than Ontario, but my colleagues from Quebec at work even though we are basically on the same pay grade, my take home is in the neighbourhood of 10% more.
Quebecers do pay a lot more taxes as well though. I understand there are less of them contributing than Ontario, but my colleagues from Quebec at work even though we are basically on the same pay grade, my take home is in the neighbourhood of 10% more.

They get more for it too. Now look at Federal transfer payments.
I never said I would draft any law, OpenGambit, this is a fantasy you've conjured up for yourself. Repeatedly bringing it back to try and affect me is a childish attempt at taunting me to satiate your ego. I haven't responded to such things because it's a waste of my time, as I suspect even this response to you will be.

And since you need everything laid out in front of you like a child, I'll hold your hand once more and guide you through the process of affecting change. Part of doing so and solving a problem involves pointing it out to those less aptly able to identify their origins, and by sharing opinions, one can understand that s/he is not alone in one's discontent for things as they are.

If you happen to like things as they are, good for you. Some of us have higher aspirations and can see follies of status quo people like yourself. Good day to you.

I bring it up because it shows a simple thing. You complain a lot and when you get called out on a point that is downright stupid. You run, then keep crying financial crisis on every other thread. (this is a thread about tuition before you hijacked it to say the same thing over and over again). You affect change? what have you done towards that lately, you complain about a law but you cant' even come up with a better one. How are you going to affect anything if you can't even see how things should be on something so simple.

I didn't say I like it the way things are. I am just showing you that your asinine comment about people that are 45 had it easy is complete garbage. People succeed now as they have always done.

and among my peer group, my experience isn't an outlier. Because I don't hang out with scrubs irl.
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That it must be nice to be able to whine about what will be the lowest tuition in the country, even after it has been raised, on the backs of Ontario tax payers.

Not so sure about whether its still on the backs of Ontario taxpayers.
I bring it up because it shows a simple thing. You complain a lot and when you get called out on a point that is downright stupid. You run, then keep crying financial crisis on every other thread. (this is a thread about tuition before you hijacked it to say the same thing over and over again)

I didn't say I like it the way things are. I am just showing you, and everyone else, that your asinine comment about people that are 45 had it easy is complete garbage. People succeed as they have always done.

and among my peer group, my experience isn't an outlier. Because I don't hang out with scrubs irl.

I'm glad you see things that aren't your perspective as stupid, that's a great way to enact positive change. Keep it up. Some day it, and your propensity to twist what people say into your magical alternate reality, just might make up for your need to belittle others for your own lack of understanding.
I'm glad you see things that aren't your perspective as stupid, that's a great way to enact positive change. Keep it up. Some day it, and your propensity to twist what people say into your magical alternate reality, just might make up for your need to belittle others for your own lack of understanding.

Wake me up when you manage to stop complaining long enough to actually change anything.
Quebecers do pay a lot more taxes as well though. I understand there are less of them contributing than Ontario, but my colleagues from Quebec at work even though we are basically on the same pay grade, my take home is in the neighbourhood of 10% more.

The Federal income tax rate is the same at 22% max, but the Quebec provincial income tax rate max is 23% vs 11% in Ontario
Wake me up when you manage to stop complaining long enough to actually change anything.

Wake me up when you learn to have an adult conversation with someone.
Not so sure about whether its still on the backs of Ontario taxpayers.

We still pay out significantly more than we get back. Quebec still gets significantly more than it pays out, despite having somewhat higher rates of Provincial taxation.
We still pay out significantly more than we get back. Quebec still gets significantly more than it pays out, despite having somewhat higher rates of Provincial taxation.

I thought ON received transfer payments at some point within the last few years.
I thought ON received transfer payments at some point within the last few years.

We've received transfer payments since the process began. It's how Federal money is allotted. That doesn't mean that we get back all that goes out, in Federal taxation.
hmm no i mean that Ontario was a net recipient, not a contributor, either 09 or 10.
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