I never said I would draft any law, OpenGambit, this is a fantasy you've conjured up for yourself. Repeatedly bringing it back to try and affect me is a childish attempt at taunting me to satiate your ego. I haven't responded to such things because it's a waste of my time, as I suspect even this response to you will be.
And since you need everything laid out in front of you like a child, I'll hold your hand once more and guide you through the process of affecting change. Part of doing so and solving a problem involves pointing it out to those less aptly able to identify their origins, and by sharing opinions, one can understand that s/he is not alone in one's discontent for things as they are.
If you happen to like things as they are, good for you. Some of us have higher aspirations and can see follies of status quo people like yourself. Good day to you.