Is there going to be a snail mail strike?

So your employers shortcomings are covered up by you pulling in extra hours for free? Thats no way to teach anyone anything...

You know that saying give them an inch and they'll take a mile?

Our boss tried that...he kept giving us tighter and tighter deadlines on workorders knowing that we would try our damnest to finish them on where he expected a job to be done in 4 days beginning of year he now wanted 3 days cuz of a rush job....well that 3 days became the norm and a 2 day job became the "rush"...ya screw that noise.

you know what hes thinking in his head? "this shmuck will work extra hours and i dont have to pay him? Swweeeeeet!!"

another example: My girlfriend works for corporate office of a large but will remain unnamed food store chain.

She started working there over 3 years ago and has always put in 45 to 50 hours a week...Being salary her pay always stayed the same and she "assumed" it was a 40 hour work week. So after me asking her for years to confirm what shes actually making and her hours she inquired and was astonished to find out that she technically only had a 35 hr work week. You think her manager said a word to her? You think her manager came up to her and said "Hey, u know u dont have to leave at 5, u can leave at 4?" Nope! and now that she stood up for herself and shes doing 40 hours (Not even 35, still putting in extra) her boss is being a total **** saying my g/f is and i quote "not a team player", "giving me attitude". The cherry on the cake? G/f wants to keep taking half hour lunches and leave at 3:30. Response: "NO! you spend a lot of time on the phone which all adds up to you having an hour lunch"

If that was me id have snapped and said something along the lines of "Well, i think i time banked enought THOUSANDS of hours that i can open my own damn telemarketing business and not come close to spending that much time on the phone!"

I think i proved my point.

I dont work for free....My time is valuable and due to someone elses shortfalls, mismanagement or too short of time tables i dont get to bend over backwards.

sure if the boss appreciated it and showed it in different ways, absolutely....but for middle management who only wanna see results so they can turn around and get patted on the back for your hard work, u gonna pay!

"oh you told the client this machine will be ready by end of the day? Even though we told you we have serious issues that will take 2 days to sort? Oh u really need the machine today? Okay we'll stay but u're paying!!"
So next time he'll listen, and he wont try to BS the client and try to make himself look better

IMO It is very short sighted to cheat workers on hours. It fails to give the CFO the true costs of running the business. If a union was to take a run at the place the CFO might factor in the wage increase but fail to factor in the additional 25% of hours needed. They could be priced out of their market not unlike the drop out who thinks the minimum wage is OK because mom and dad give him free room and board.

I'm guilty of the above as I run my own business and do all sorts of extras on my own time. Things I would never expect an employee to do as a part of their job.
From Toronto Star

"Winnipeg was chosen for the first walkout because Canada Post has built a new facility there, using new technology that the union has complained about health and safety problems due to new work methods and equipment."

Health and safety problem??? Or is the problem just that they are too stupid to learn how to use new equipment.
Im really ****** off at the fact they are walking out right when HST checks were supposed to come. I really need that money. Thanks canada post, you ****wads.
Im really ****** off at the fact they are walking out right when HST checks were supposed to come. I really need that money. Thanks canada post, you ****wads.

I believe i read somewhere that government cheques (EI, welfare, whatever) would still be delivered.
They're doing rotating 24 hour walk-outs. Impact on such things will be minimal. Impact on LIFE will be minimal. At worst, people might have to save up junk mail, for an extra day, for bird cage liner duty.
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