It was just an observation that 700 hours is a large chunck of time given a 2000 hour work year thats all.
Thanks to unions those benefits get to us as well
Thanks to unions those benefits get to us as well

Goodbye camaro production for GM oshawa, going to michigan, coincidents with michigan right to work legislation, NOT!
That gun was loaded, ready to fire and aimed, finger on the trigger. All they were waiting for was the "Fire" command.
Fire pun unintentional
A lot easier to blame it on the evil unions![]()
The US has been busy over the last five years using printed money to build infrastructure. They are going to print 65 billion a month until their unemployment is down to 6 %. Go to the US and you will see the vastness of their highways and bridges, among other things. They also have amended their laws to get the US growing with right to work. Canada doesn't understand economics and will continue it's clueless way and sell off its resources for printed US money and deprive Canada it's required infrastructure to grow like a first world Country. It's unfortunate that Canada has been steered to economic ruin by the conservatives and Liberals and their solution is to jack up CPP premiums and cripple canadians with taxes so they have no spending money. Canada is a joke on the world stage.
Any chance you actually understand why Mark Carney was hired as the new head of the Bank of England?
Don't let the door hit his *** on the way out.
So that's a no then?