iPad 3 just released | GTAMotorcycle.com

iPad 3 just released


Well-known member
I read about the improvements and it doesn't really sound like it was worth all the anticipation and hype. Any thoughts.
Twice the screen resolution and processing/graphics power for the same price sounds good to me.

And now the ipad2 is $100 cheaper to boot. Another win for Apple.
Another win for Apple.

Yup. Another win. Their speciality seems to be making their own kit obselete and selling the next version to the same mugs who bought the previous version the week before. Your average Apple customer is a mug.

NEW technology!??!!?


I still use a VCR.
iPad2 - Upgrade from iPad
iPad3 - Sucker will buy anything with Apple on it
All tech companies should just shut down. We dont need any more products.
The screen is what everyone is hyped over. Can't wait to get one in my hands and see the difference. If it's anything like the improvement from the iphone 3gs screen to iphone 4, I'm in. From the comparison pics shown already, looks pretty good
Its the best screen in the industry hands down. 2048x1536? And this guy thinks the upgrade isnt "worthy"?

:lol: haters
Its the best screen in the industry hands down. 2048x1536? And this guy thinks the upgrade isnt "worthy"?

:lol: haters

it isn't.

I'm comparing the 2 and 3 on my desk right now and through my cataracts, it's not that much of a difference!
Tech companies that don't make their own products obsolete, become obsolete themselves - see Kodak.
Its the best screen in the industry hands down. 2048x1536? And this guy thinks the upgrade isnt "worthy"?

:lol: haters

Was the old screen unviewable? Seriously, you just don't get it. Technology upgrades for upgrades sake just to fleece mug punters rather like your self.

I know all about churning, there's no question about that.

From what little I saw of someones ipad 2 the screen was magnificent. I'll happily admit that. Now it's even more magnificenterrer. How good does it need to be? Suckers.
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So I take it youre still watching a standard definition CRT?
So I take it youre still watching a standard definition CRT?

No. But I don't upgrade every time some corporate johnny in California tells me to.

Look, we obviously have very different opinions on Apple products and technology in general. Mine is my opinion, yours is yours. we could go around in circles all day but I guess you've got to run off to join a queue with the rest of the gullible fools outside an Apple store somewhere. So I'll let you go.
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Was the old screen unviewable? Seriously, you just don't get it. Technology upgrades for upgrades sake just to fleece mug punters rather like your self.

I know all about churning, there's no question about that.

From what little I saw of someones ipad 2 the screen was magnificent. I'll happily admit that. Now it's even more magnificenterrer. How good does it need to be? Suckers.

I was never 100% happy with the iPad 2 screen, when reading downloaded magazines, have to zoom in for small text otherwise it's too blurry. Wish I could find the link where they zoomed in comparing the ipad 2 to the new ipad, looks really impressive.

Reminds me of when I picked up a 3gs after having my iphone 4 for a few months. The screen looked so blurry it seemed like there was something wrong with the phone. Hopefully this is going to be a similar difference. We're not exactly talking about the difference between 720p and 1080p here
No. But I don't upgrade every time some corporate johnny in California tells me to.

Look, we obviously have very different opinions on Apple products and technology in general. Mine is my opinion, yours is yours. we could go around in circles all day but I guess you've got to run off to join a queue with the rest of the gullible fools outside an Apple store somewhere. So I'll let you go.

Not only are you being offered BETTER technology for the same price, they've also slashed $100 off the PREVIOUS version of the product.

Only a blind Apple hater would scoff at that.

Now go back to enjoying your 800x600 CRT.
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Its staggering that some people still don't realize how the system works.

Whatever is currently the high-end technology is always "the best" and we don't know any better until better comes along. When DVDs came out it was all the rage... now you puke when you compare a DVD to a 1080p Blu-Ray. Idiots back then were scoffing at having to buy "new stuff". Same story for TVs and monitors... big CRTs with SVGA were all the rage, now that resolution doesn't even cut it for a PHONE screen let alone a computer monitor. But back then we couldn't imagine better.

If we'd have it their way, we'd still be in the stone ages. :rolleyes:
Not only are you being offered BETTER technology for the same price, they've also slashed $100 off the PREVIOUS version of the product.

Only a blind Apple hater would scoff at that.

Now go back to enjoying your 800x600 CRT.

Look there are some people whose world doesn't necessarily have to revolve around having the best, shiniest new gadget. Yours does, fine. Mine doesn't. That doesn't make me dumb. It makes me a different consumer.

However Apple and the lemmings who follow them are a real stand alone example of technology gone mad.

But, like I said earlier, this is just my opinion. If you think it's dumb then that just shows you what a narrowminded, myopic twit you are. No wonder you need a better screen to read with.
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