Insurance Rate Increase?! How much did yours go up?

$1900-2000 is a fair rate for TD insuring 600SS for your age. You are right, little do they know 650F is just like SV650, they should be charging the sport touring rate, which is 900-1200 fully comp. Try different insurer and let us know :)

At least one of the underwriters isn't classifying it as sport, so there is hope. But ~1400 for full coverage is the best I've found so far. Another 2 years and I'll have had my M for 5 years, over 30 (shudder), and I should have more options open to me.
went from $1100 to $800 per year, I picked up a ticket too. 25, ninja 500
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Just got my renewal from TD Nothing changed since last year... going up but not too concerned as it is only increasing by under $5 per month and they paid out over $9,000 for a not at fault plus so far about $3,000 in medical. We are fighting for more medical, no where near fixed...
Got an online quote from TD yesterday. Basically the same as my SF with all my discounts. Gonna try some others and see.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 Windows Phone using Tapatalk
I'm with TD - it went up $36 this year. Nothing changed . clean record... Not to bad I guess..
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