Im sure we can agree that different breeds have different characteristics......my Cane Corso and Bull Terrier are very different. Some breeds dont tolerate intruders......like a large racoon.

If your dogs are smart.....what is that guys Husky?

Cane corso is a good example. No logic just red mist to strange things. My friends corso would go apeshit on old ladies in the park with a walker or cane...my bullmastiffs would eye them and be aware and Curious but wouldn't bark and lunge like an idiot ...bullys were designed to be quiet until needed,to not show aggression until necessary. That's one of the reasons I love the breed. It's like if someone crosses your lawn,do you walk outside with a machete screaming like a maniac and hack them to death or do you watch them to see what they are doing before deciding how to act. That's what a bullmastiff does, figures it out then acts accordingly, just doesn't go off the deep end because a squirrel walks by.Thats smarter, more logical and more evolved. And frankly less stress owning a big dog...3 big dogs. Having said all that I never trust any dog enough to not pay attention to what they are doing when people are around.
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Someone say coons ?
This is my pet
Lives in the wild comes at night to get food

I always wanted a pet raccoon, they're one of my favourite animals as they're so cute and smart. I feel like my 3 cats wouldn't like them so much though, but as most others have stated, I to prefer animals to humans.

Good job at least trying to get someone to look after it. I feel like the SPCA isn't really good fro anything.

Another +1 for animals over humans. Except for sex. Can't wrap my head around screwing the pooch. Of course, at work, it's a regular puppy mill but not literally.
The street I live on has a problem with racoons and with stupid people. people complain that the racoon get into their garbage, so why do they continually put it out 20 hours before the truck even shows up. I see, put it out in the hot sun the day before garbage day, let it get all good and stanky then blame the animal for taking advantage of easy food.... The only reason any city has a problem with animals is due to one factor...people...
The street I live on has a problem with racoons and with stupid people. people complain that the racoon get into their garbage, so why do they continually put it out 20 hours before the truck even shows up. I see, put it out in the hot sun the day before garbage day, let it get all good and stanky then blame the animal for taking advantage of easy food.... The only reason any city has a problem with animals is due to one factor...people...

Uhmmm yeah they should just take time off work to take out the green bin 5min before the garbage truck rolls by :rolleyes:

You could say the same of mice and rats, but nobody gets in trouble for exterminating them. What makes raccoons any different other than being "cute"?
Cane corso is a good example. No logic just red mist to strange things. My friends corso would go apeshit on old ladies in the park with a walker or cane...my bullmastiffs would eye them and be aware and Curious but wouldn't bark and lunge like an idiot ...bullys were designed to be quiet until needed,to not show aggression until necessary. That's one of the reasons I love the breed. It's like if someone crosses your lawn,do you walk outside with a machete screaming like a maniac and hack them to death or do you watch them to see what they are doing before deciding how to act. That's what a bullmastiff does, figures it out then acts accordingly, just doesn't go off the deep end because a squirrel walks by.Thats smarter, more logical and more evolved. And frankly less stress owning a big dog...3 big dogs. Having said all that I never trust any dog enough to not pay attention to what they are doing when people are around.

I know multiple cane corsos that are well behaved dogs. I've never seen one that acts like you describe in this post.... I'd guess that behaviour has more to do with your friend than the breed...
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Uhmmm yeah they should just take time off work to take out the green bin 5min before the garbage truck rolls by :rolleyes:

You could say the same of mice and rats, but nobody gets in trouble for exterminating them. What makes raccoons any different other than being "cute"?

Um yea, how about the morning that the truck comes by as they leave for work, being that racoons are nocturnal.. Seems to have worked for me without a issue. But then again some people create a issue just to complain about it...

Also, never said anything about extermination, feel free to kill what ever you want..
Um yea, how about the morning that the truck comes by as they leave for work, being that racoons are nocturnal.. Seems to have worked for me without a issue. But then again some people create a issue just to complain about it...

Also, never said anything about extermination, feel free to kill what ever you want..

I've had raccoons bust into the shed and tear into the garbage way before the days of green bins. Green bin day is only 1 meal in a week. Those critters are smart and no matter how much you try to limit their access, they always find a way so you can't blame the entire raccoon issue on one day's meal.
Cane corso is a good example. No logic just red mist to strange things. My friends corso would go apeshit on old ladies in the park with a walker or cane...my bullmastiffs would eye them and be aware and Curious but wouldn't bark and lunge like an idiot ...bullys were designed to be quiet until needed,to not show aggression until necessary. That's one of the reasons I love the breed. It's like if someone crosses your lawn,do you walk outside with a machete screaming like a maniac and hack them to death or do you watch them to see what they are doing before deciding how to act. That's what a bullmastiff does, figures it out then acts accordingly, just doesn't go off the deep end because a squirrel walks by.Thats smarter, more logical and more evolved. And frankly less stress owning a big dog...3 big dogs. Having said all that I never trust any dog enough to not pay attention to what they are doing when people are around.

There is something wrong with your friends cane corso, or your friend then.

They are not aggresive unless needed, and probably if a racoon comes on its Territory.

"Due to their protective instincts, the Cane Corso has a very discerning nature that can lend them to be wary of strangers but they should never be aggressive. Wary is defined as - marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchful prudence especially in detecting and escaping danger. Wariness does not include any form of aggression. An aggressive, unfriendly, unapproachable Corso is incorrect according to the breed standarde "
I've had raccoons bust into the shed and tear into the garbage way before the days of green bins. Green bin day is only 1 meal in a week. Those critters are smart and no matter how much you try to limit their access, they always find a way so you can't blame the entire raccoon issue on one day's meal.

Oh you must have that special breed of racoons, the one's smart enough to pick a lock or un latch a door catch. I heard they commited an armed robbery in the GTA the other day, and ran from the cops.

Price of a latch from your local dollar store is probably cheaper than one of your bullets.
I've had raccoons bust into the shed and tear into the garbage way before the days of green bins. Green bin day is only 1 meal in a week. Those critters are smart and no matter how much you try to limit their access, they always find a way so you can't blame the entire raccoon issue on one day's meal.

I'm not, people make far to much waste, it has actually been stated that Canadians are some of the heaviest garbage producers in the world. That is what causes the problem, loss of habitat + a overwhelming food source + lack of predators due to loss of habitat = animal issues.

Same would happen if you cram tons of people together into a city and strip away any chance of survival outside of that area...oh wait we do..
If the SPCA does take wild animals, they have to euthanize them. I ran into this a couple summers ago when I was stuck with a baby possum that survived when it's mom was hit by a car and killed. Poor little thing was clinging to his mom's dead body. :(

In the future, call: http://www.torontowildlifecentre.com/

I ended up taking the baby possum there. The Toronto Wildlife Centre is actually the only one of its kind in all of Ontario. There are no other shelters that are allowed to take wild animals, rehabilitate and release. They have to kill them.
I'm not, people make far to much waste, it has actually been stated that Canadians are some of the heaviest garbage producers in the world. That is what causes the problem, loss of habitat + a overwhelming food source + lack of predators due to loss of habitat = animal issues.

Same would happen if you cram tons of people together into a city and strip away any chance of survival outside of that area...oh wait we do..

So what do you suggest? Just suck it up and leave our health and property at risk just because we live in a city?
So what do you suggest? Just suck it up and leave our health and property at risk just because we live in a city?

I'm not suggesting anything, when did I get elected for such a task?

I only stated facts, kinda like food for thought for those that think. I maintain my property and take responsibility for the waste my household creates. Therefore I have had no animals issues in a area that is currently faced with them, funny how that works eh?

People are lazy, they sit and wait for someone else to solve what ever problem they have that day, I on the other hand take action and respect myself enough to ensure a little forethought when it comes to my actions.

I choose not to hurt animals, wild or otherwise therefore I ensure that I do not atract them though my actions.

It's actually pretty simple..sadly so are most people..

I'm going to guess that you may feel my comments are directed at you as a individual, they are not. They are my opinions on the topic being discussed.
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