Instead of knee-jerk blaming the current administration, a better question to ask is, "Is rampant inflation a global trend?" The answer is yes, BTW.
Global inflationary pressures ease slightly in Q3 2022 after…
And if it is, how are we doing in comparison to other countries. The answer is, "Just as bad as other G7 countries, and not as bad as the US and the UK":
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Also, what are the root causes behind inflation and is it in control of politicians? It's easy to second-guess the political response to the pandemic, should there have a full lockdown? How do you balance public safety vs GDP in the face of so many unknown variables at the start of COVID? But the current *global* supply-chain disruption... is that the fault of politicians as well?
There are well-known and well-defined cycles of boom and bust. There will always be recessionary periods There will always be people who will want to blame *someone* for what is well-accepted as the cyclical nature of the economy. There will always be people with a political agenda seeking regime change to capitalize on local unrest and dissatisfaction without bothering to put it into context.