Importing a Motor Vehicle To Canada (the be all end all)

If a company like TFX or another broke is bringing it up for you, how does the RIV paperwork go? I know if you bring it over yourself, you can pay for your RIV right there and it gets stamped. So if a broker brings it across, does the paper still get stamped, and then you just send it or bring it to RIV and pay once the bike is over?
I'm not fully convinced that this process is 100% unquestionably legal - I have a funny feeling that the state's temporary license plate is only good within that state, but I could be wrong. I have another funny feeling that the state's temporary plate is really only meant to be issued to that state's own residents. But it worked ... the bike has an Ontario plate on it now.

Someone else PM'ed me what is apparently the solution to this - for some reason, they couldn't post in this thread themselves (so the other purpose of this post is to find out if there's anything wrong with the thread ...)

"Here's a link explaining that you can pre-purchase a Special Permit (similar to a Temporary Vehicle Registration...both $15, but Special Permit is required for Out-Of-Province vehicle purchases)

It allows you to be able to drive your vehicle to licencing offices and mechanics to get the certification done (without having to tow your vehicle everywhere)."

So there ya go ...
Someone else PM'ed me what is apparently the solution to this - for some reason, they couldn't post in this thread themselves (so the other purpose of this post is to find out if there's anything wrong with the thread ...)

"Here's a link explaining that you can pre-purchase a Special Permit (similar to a Temporary Vehicle Registration...both $15, but Special Permit is required for Out-Of-Province vehicle purchases)

It allows you to be able to drive your vehicle to licencing offices and mechanics to get the certification done (without having to tow your vehicle everywhere)."

So there ya go ...

Thats a solution i would have loved before having my trailer. Question is, what are the insurance requirements. My policy with TDMM allows me 14 days with the purchase of a new vehicle. Dont think it includes motos, but i only inquired about cars i could be wrong.

If that special permit was free of an insurance requirement you could greyhound to whatever location and ride back... SWEET. Would be way cheaper than towing a trailer down and back....that is until i get my super 50mpg economical bike hauler on the road.
Some insurance companies will insure the bike for you for transport (in their best interest to do so since facilitating the purchase will lead to a new policy on their books). It's more likely that they will provide you this insurance if you already own insurance products with them, even more so if you have a motorcycle insured with them.

Good luck with that.

Each Broker/Agent/Underwriter seems to have a different answer when making inquiries.

Thats a solution i would have loved before having my trailer. Question is, what are the insurance requirements. My policy with TDMM allows me 14 days with the purchase of a new vehicle. Dont think it includes motos, but i only inquired about cars i could be wrong.

If that special permit was free of an insurance requirement you could greyhound to whatever location and ride back... SWEET. Would be way cheaper than towing a trailer down and back....that is until i get my super 50mpg economical bike hauler on the road.
when I did in 09, you had to fax, no other way. 72 hours was a must, so were the hours of operation at the border. Fax transmission confirmation was a must (stupid, I know), bill of sale and proving no leins was a must. RIV clearance was only required prior to registration, so it could have been done after, but you better be sure you can import the vehicle if you want to license it. Not saying you can't do it different, this was my first time experience, thats all.

I read your story and although very detailed it seems like that border requires more info , plus seems like you did some steps that werent neccesarily.
As far as I know you dont have to fax the title over ahead of time to the border... You just email them with the Vin and description and then they let you know when you can import, then its a 72 hour wait after that email response.
When you cross all you need to show is the signed title( also showing no liens), the bill of sale and pretty much thats it. You pay your RIV fee there, that gets sent to RIV and then after you cross you can send them the recall letter.
Pretty much thats is from what I understood. Maybe cuz you did it in 2010 and things have changed.
No longer need to fax anymore, an email is sufficient, and a proof copy of the email they send back to you to show at the border.
No longer need to fax anymore, an email is sufficient, and a proof copy of the email they send back to you to show at the border.

PEOPLE KEEP POSTING THIS AGAIN AND AGAIN! NO, THIS IS NOT TRUE. Every border crossing has different requirements. Queenston-Lewiston only wants e-mails, other ones still want fax. Call or e-mail your border crossing to confirm prior to importing.
PEOPLE KEEP POSTING THIS AGAIN AND AGAIN! NO, THIS IS NOT TRUE. Every border crossing has different requirements. Queenston-Lewiston only wants e-mails, other ones still want fax. Call or e-mail your border crossing to confirm prior to importing.

If I've learned anything when dealing with both US and Canada Border Services, find out for yourself and confirm everything before proceeding.

Not all offices are equipped the same. Never assume things are the same at all border crossings. I blame many of my grey hairs on the legwork I had to do to help my dad import a vintage Vespa from Italy in '04.
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Have you ever considered the consequences of buying your bike and gear stateside?

Ever notice that McBride Cycle is gone? Cycle World is gone? Brampton Cycle is gone? Wonder why?

Keep buying stateside and you will have no bike shops in the GTA. You are spending all of your time figuring out how to save a few hundred but obviously not thinking about the local economy.

Ever wonder why most bike shops are tucked in the back of a car dealership?

Why not just move to the US and really boost their economy?

THINK ABOUT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for once.

He He....Must have worked for mcbride or cycle world.
He He....Must have worked for mcbride or cycle world.

I actually thought really really hard before buying my bike States-side. Saving $2k on a $6k bike with dollar being 1:1. Well, the decision was easy! If "local economy" wants to compete with US market, then they better adjust their profit margins and prices accordingly. Btw, we DO have great local companies like Velocity for gear, but there are very few of those.
I actually thought really really hard before buying my bike States-side. Saving $2k on a $6k bike with dollar being 1:1. Well, the decision was easy! If "local economy" wants to compete with US market, then they better adjust their profit margins and prices accordingly. Btw, we DO have great local companies like Velocity for gear, but there are very few of those.

Completely agree!

Local shops need to either compete price wise, or they won't stay in business. I didn't make the rules, they are what they are.

Yes, it's disappointing they're gone. But, you have to adapt to the world. They didn't If prices were even close, most of us wouldn't make the trip to the US. If it were only a few hundred, it's not worth the hassle. But, for thousands, it's a no brainer. This goes for almost any product, not just motorcycles.

Be honest, who here hasn't gone cross border shopping whether it's for clothes or electronics? Even gasoline. Or how about alcohol or cigarettes. Or...
Im thinking about picking up 2 bikes from the states one for me and the other a gift for my brother, I asked the dealership and they said he has to be there in person when doing the paper work, but its a surprise for his birthday so can i put it in my name bring it home and transfer the ownership over to him after??? Is this going to work or is it to much trouble??

Im thinking about picking up 2 bikes from the states one for me and the other a gift for my brother, I asked the dealership and they said he has to be there in person when doing the paper work, but its a surprise for his birthday so can i put it in my name bring it home and transfer the ownership over to him after??? Is this going to work or is it to much trouble??


I think the only trouble may be figuring out how much you two will have to pay in taxes when you'll be transferring a vehicle from one family member to another.
I think the only trouble may be figuring out how much you two will have to pay in taxes when you'll be transferring a vehicle from one family member to another.

Transferring ownership is tax free within family member but can only be done once a year, I know the process is simple when u have ur green ownership papers im just worried if its the same when buying a bike from the states. My concern is that ill have to register the bike first under my name in order to get the ownership but that involves me showing proof of insurance
Transferring ownership is tax free within family member but can only be done once a year, I know the process is simple when u have ur green ownership papers im just worried if its the same when buying a bike from the states. My concern is that ill have to register the bike first under my name in order to get the ownership but that involves me showing proof of insurance

You can always get insurance for the bike, then cancel it since the bike will be sold (?).
Off the trending topic a bit, but for lewiston border, if I import on Monday will they be open? I know the buffalovinny said they were closed on the 28th so is that the only date I have to worry about? On Monday( our holiday) I will be fine right?
Alright, I've skimmed this thread best I could but it's huge and it spans nearly seven years. I mainly have three questions, and would really appreciate any answers I can get.

1. Currently when importing at the Lewiston border crossing, the CBP or whatever office only requests the email beforehand, and does not require the title or bill of sale until you actually present the vehicle?

2. This is the big one for me - it's cool if I get a NJ plate to ride the bike to the border, and subsequently home to Toronto? Does this plate stay valid and legal up until the bike is registered with an Ontario plate? (assuming my insurance is otherwise in order)

3. Minor question - does anyone have any specific recommendations about what are good and bad times to show up to the Lewiston border crossing for the purpose of importing a vehicle?
Thats a solution i would have loved before having my trailer. Question is, what are the insurance requirements. My policy with TDMM allows me 14 days with the purchase of a new vehicle. Dont think it includes motos, but i only inquired about cars i could be wrong.

If that special permit was free of an insurance requirement you could greyhound to whatever location and ride back... SWEET. Would be way cheaper than towing a trailer down and back....that is until i get my super 50mpg economical bike hauler on the road.

I still dont understand that though... the link says you need the ownership first. What if you dont have it untill you buy it but still want that permit?
I still dont understand that though... the link says you need the ownership first. What if you dont have it untill you buy it but still want that permit?

The way I read it, the special permit is just about useless - it's 90% of importing it. The only purpose it serves is similar to the trip permit, except since the vehicle is not registered in Ontario, it's not possible for it to have a 'fit' status.
The way I read it, the special permit is just about useless - it's 90% of importing it. The only purpose it serves is similar to the trip permit, except since the vehicle is not registered in Ontario, it's not possible for it to have a 'fit' status.

that sucks
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