Importing a Motor Vehicle To Canada (the be all end all)

So If I buy purchase a brand new bike from a dealer in Michigan or OHIO, I will have to pay the state tax but not the duty!

Is that correct?

The dealer I spoke with in Michigan told me they would have to charge me state tax which is non-refundable. The dealer where I actually purchased my bike in NY said I just have to provide him with an out of state address to get around paying the state tax. Not sure if this would work in Michigan though......

Can someone who has successfully faxed their info to Lewiston Bridge vehicle export please give me their Fax number?

Very much appreciated and thanks in advance.
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i am importing a 04 wrx, and since feb 29th, they have been telling me thy still are not getting it, i sent it again for the 3rd time today

and they didn't change their number, i verified that today too
After I finally get my bike imported, I am going fax them a picture of my ***(another word for donkey) and call them to see if they got it.

i am importing a 04 wrx, and since feb 29th, they have been telling me thy still are not getting it, i sent it again for the 3rd time today

and they didn't change their number, i verified that today too
hahah :D

you could have put in at a local impound for about $10 a day, i had to do that once
"716 285 3565" Yeah, that's the number that I sent it to, but they said they never got it. =( I should have called to follow up... lesson learned the hard way.

By the way, that's a pretty good guide.

When I called Port Huron (Sarnia) export to confirm that they had my fax they very politely said that they were too busy to check and all I needed was to have a copy of the fax transmittal slip when I showed up.

Also, I overheard a Canadian Border Service Inspector tell someone that they didn't enforce American laws so you could have just breezed through. You would have a problem if you tried to take the bike back to the USA at some later time.
Also, I overheard a Canadian Border Service Inspector tell someone that they didn't enforce American laws so you could have just breezed through. You would have a problem if you tried to take the bike back to the USA at some later time.

lol! The Canadian Customs guy told me that too! After I gave him my rant and he inquired how much money I wasted renting the U-haul trailer, and we laughed about how rude the American customs are... he said he would have let me bring the bike into Canada without a problem. Just that I might have a problem if I ever drive it in the States. I wasn't sure if he was serious, but I guess he was.
lol! The Canadian Customs guy told me that too! After I gave him my rant and he inquired how much money I wasted renting the U-haul trailer, and we laughed about how rude the American customs are... he said he would have let me bring the bike into Canada without a problem. Just that I might have a problem if I ever drive it in the States. I wasn't sure if he was serious, but I guess he was.

I'm not sure what is meant by taking it back to the States. I can see a big problem if anyone from the USA bought it and tried to re-register it as American beause the VIN number would show up as a duplicate. I don't know how the VIN number would show up if you were to drive it over on a trip.

As far as the US customs go they are Doctor Jeckle and Mr. Hyde bunch. One guy asked where we were going and then told us about a bunch of nice scenery and places. The next time we got the third degree.
Have you ever considered the consequences of buying your bike and gear stateside?

Ever notice that McBride Cycle is gone? Cycle World is gone? Brampton Cycle is gone? Wonder why?

Keep buying stateside and you will have no bike shops in the GTA. You are spending all of your time figuring out how to save a few hundred but obviously not thinking about the local economy.

Ever wonder why most bike shops are tucked in the back of a car dealership?

Why not just move to the US and really boost their economy?

THINK ABOUT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for once.
Have you ever considered the consequences of buying your bike and gear stateside?

Ever notice that McBride Cycle is gone? Cycle World is gone? Brampton Cycle is gone? Wonder why?

Keep buying stateside and you will have no bike shops in the GTA. You are spending all of your time figuring out how to save a few hundred but obviously not thinking about the local economy.

Ever wonder why most bike shops are tucked in the back of a car dealership?

Why not just move to the US and really boost their economy?

THINK ABOUT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for once.

Aww man, now I feel bad about saving two thousand dollars on my bike.

Wait, no I don't. :D
Have you ever considered the consequences of buying your bike and gear stateside?

Ever notice that McBride Cycle is gone? Cycle World is gone? Brampton Cycle is gone? Wonder why?

Keep buying stateside and you will have no bike shops in the GTA. You are spending all of your time figuring out how to save a few hundred but obviously not thinking about the local economy.

Ever wonder why most bike shops are tucked in the back of a car dealership?

Why not just move to the US and really boost their economy?

THINK ABOUT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for once.

If I recall McBride was not the most popular place in town nor was Brampton Cycle. I have more bad memories than good from both.

If my understanding is correct the Cycle World building is owned by the Cycle World owner and is worth a fortune as real estate. Cycle World employees got stiffed in the shutdown as did parts suppliers.

Are you suggesting that I support the motorcycle mafia?

The manufacturers set the prices based on what they feel the sheep will pay and the dealers are the monkeys in the middle. While I feel sorry for the dealers the sheep are on their own.

The manufacturers are like drug addicts. The more you fed them the more they want. Their only concern is the profit to the shareholders.

I bought a bike on the open market and did the transaction in compliance with all laws. What's the problem?

The manufacturers wanted free trade to enable them to move product around more profitably. When I do you make it sound like a sin.

The vehicle dealers have cut Canadian prices because buyers were going to the USA and you make it sound like a bad thing.

Before you go to bed tonight write a cheque to your insurance company for an extra few hundred dollars. You wouldn't want them to shut down.
Have you ever considered the consequences of buying your bike and gear stateside?

Ever notice that McBride Cycle is gone? Cycle World is gone? Brampton Cycle is gone? Wonder why?

Keep buying stateside and you will have no bike shops in the GTA. You are spending all of your time figuring out how to save a few hundred but obviously not thinking about the local economy.

Ever wonder why most bike shops are tucked in the back of a car dealership?

Why not just move to the US and really boost their economy?

THINK ABOUT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for once.

This is called "competition" in the language of capitalism. Maybe there's an argument to buy Ontario wine rather than California or French wine, but when the same bike is made from the same factory and the price is artificially inflated because that's the "Canada" price vs. the "USA" price I have no sympathy for the manufacturers. I'm sorry that it hurts the Canadian dealers, but those are the risks of going into business. If you want income safety get a government job and put your savings in GICs.

Oh, and last I checked, there was a lot more money to be made on parts and service than the thin margins dealers can make on new bikes. So maybe you should be harassing all the guys that do their own work on their bikes.
I like how the dealers are crying the blues about cross border shopping now. They sure didn't seem to mind selling all their bikes and sleds to the Americans when the dollar situation was much different for all those years. How do you think the US dealers felt then? What goes around, comes around.
I like how the dealers are crying the blues about cross border shopping now. They sure didn't seem to mind selling all their bikes and sleds to the Americans when the dollar situation was much different for all those years. How do you think the US dealers felt then? What goes around, comes around.

The US dealers are a little annoyed as well. When the deals were the other way the manufacturers didn't make any effort to stop US buyers crossing the border to shop here. Now with a recession looming the US dealers are being told they can't sell to a Canadian.

Wasn't it supposed to be free trade?
Have you ever considered the consequences of buying your bike and gear stateside?

Ever notice that McBride Cycle is gone? Cycle World is gone? Brampton Cycle is gone? Wonder why?

Keep buying stateside and you will have no bike shops in the GTA. You are spending all of your time figuring out how to save a few hundred but obviously not thinking about the local economy.

Ever wonder why most bike shops are tucked in the back of a car dealership?

Why not just move to the US and really boost their economy?

THINK ABOUT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for once.

Yeah, motorcycle and car dealers in Ontario are really suffering from those of ud who refuse to be ripped off by mfrs. Not that I blame the dealers, but my local, small town Nissan dealer is putting up a new 3 million dollar building (and we are on the verge of a recession? I think not) so I feel really guilty about buying a 2007 Nissan in the US in 2007 and pocketing the 13k I saved...
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