I'm sick in my heart

That makes no sense at all.

Animals fight each other not because they are afraid of getting diseases. They fight for territory, resources and mates.

Tribalism occurs because a group of animals is stronger than an individual. Packs of wolves will defend their territory and resources from other packs invading their space. Same goes for plenty of species, be they animal, insect, whatever.

They don't fight each other because they fear getting diseases. That's just non-sense.

...why the **** would you fight something that would give you a disease man lol

You run. When you cannot run, you fight. Racism can then be explained by people who feel disgust but cannot run. Aka: white people here seeing non-whites, Japanese ppl in Japan seeing non Japanese, Nazis and Jews, Chinese and Muslims.

Many other examples.
...why the **** would you fight something that would give you a disease man lol

Dunno. You tell me. You're the one who wrote this:

It's the result of our biological evolution as well. I watched a podcast where Bret Weinstein and Jordan Peterson (along with a clueless Joe Rogan that was in over his head) explained it very well.

Animals (including us), in general, avoid anything that is drastically different from them due to diseases. We're evolutionarily wired to feel disgust at those who are different. Prior to globalization, which happened in the last hundred+ years, and we should remember evolution has had a far longer time to develop (billions of years), animals were naturally segregated. This also meant viral parasites and bacteria were separated. COVID, for example, is a virus that wouldn't have left China if we were a primitive species. There are apparently (I can't cite any) historical references to early North American settlers shaking hands with Tribe XYZ and proceed to accidently wipe out Tribe XYZ or the inverse happening.

Also, fun fact, disgust is the root cause to "cleaning." How many world leaders have wanted to "clean" a race out before? Not surprising individuals would feel the same way.

Long story short: we're all biologically wired to be racist as **** for our own safety.
Dunno. You tell me. You're the one who wrote this:

I worded it poorly. Explained it better above. Think this is a human only thing lol.

As for citations: can't as it isn't my specialization. Im just regurgitating what I've read/seen by highly qualified scientists (again Jordan Peterson and Bert Weinstein.) Podcast was 2 hours long.

Edit: More clarification: I don't see genocide attempts as a fight. It's a one-sided slaughter like taking a flamethrower on an ant colony. The side doing the extermination is often in a position of absolute power.

That also explains the confusion in what I wrote and how most would intererept it.
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Going after individual hateful people does not allow for press conferences to announce you are going after "them", then funding to go after "them", then a press conference declaring victory over "them".


Never miss an opportunity to exploit a tragedy.
Scientific evidence from where? Do you have children?

I do, three adults now. Not one of them "hates" based on race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. We taught our kids to believe that, for the most part, people are generally pretty good. We also taught them how to think objectively and critically and listen to their instincts because there are people that are not so good. Identifying the difference takes some time to master.

Children are absolutely taught to hate.

Read 12 Rules for Life. Then reference check the long chapter about how children are default ********.

Sounds like you're a good parent btw :)
You're confusing root cause with justification.

Arab vs Jew was about territory. Japan invading China and other countries was about conquest and expanding the Japanese empire.

Calling Jews "filthy" and Chinese "dirty" was justifying their acts of barbarism. To dehumanize the enemy and to make it easier for their soldiers to carry out extermination orders.

The underlying root cause for any kind of tribal conflict always boils down to territory and resources. What we choose to hide it behind, be it a flag, a book, or whatever symbol rallies the tribe is just moral justification for heinous acts.
The assumption here though is that we are creatures of logic. I'd argue we aren't. The emotion of disgust came first and logic is used to justify the action.
Read 12 Rules for Life. Then reference check the long chapter about how children are default ********.

Sounds like you're a good parent btw :)

Thank you for the compliment. My wife deserves most of the credit because I am a bonafide *******. I wasn't always an ******* and I certainly wasn't taught to be. It's a necessary evolution as a result of having 3 daughters and always being in full protect mode.
Police said that he had no prior contact with London police. He had contact with other police forces in the past (didn't say where, when or why). No criminal convictions. No comment on involvement with hate groups. No comment on what was found at his arrest (other than wearing a garment that appeared to be body armour). No comment on evidence. No comment on why they believe it was pre-meditated. As Brian P says, that comes out at trial.

I'm one of those who believes in freedom of information for greater good. In Canada it doesn't always come out at the trial, in fact in the name of preserving a fair trial a lot of them have a gag order. That may bode well for the accused, but it doesn't help us to have an insight into what turned this kid into a killer. What I want to know is was he a killer in waiting all along? If he didn't kill Muslims, would he have found someone else to attack? It's the easy road to just say "well he's just a damn racist" and let it end there. But we just had a guy get in a police car last year and murder 12 people. Alarm bells were going off all over the place, even the RCMP knew about him, but...nothing.

What are we overlooking in all of these cases?
But we just had a guy get in a police car last year and murder 12 people. Alarm bells were going off all over the place, even the RCMP knew about him, but...nothing.
There's a whole lot more to that story. If the truth be told, he was most likely an RCMP 'turned' informant - a loose cannon who got off his leash. Now the cops are very busily trying to cover up that they blew it. Does crazy trump racist ? I don't know...
One NS premier left the watch in the middle of a pandemic and this investigation. Don't want the crap landing on him
Thank you for the compliment. My wife deserves most of the credit because I am a bonafide *******. I wasn't always an ******* and I certainly wasn't taught to be. It's a necessary evolution as a result of having 3 daughters and always being in full protect mode.
Yeah i know exactly what you are saying, 3 daughters and a son. I have never let the tail wag the dog in my house. When i spoke they had to be listening. With that many kids i didn't have time to be speaking 2 or 3 times about the same things
This comes from the whole "my child is special and would never do that" attitude, which Jordan Peterson repeatedly attacks in his podcasts.

My bad, hate is the wrong adjective for racism...more like disgust (a physiological feeling) when seeing a person with differences (whether phenotypical via external features, or an abstraction like 'religion.') If the default behavior is to react to our natural feeling of disgust (aka. every Asian person knows last generation Asians are racist af lol) and society/parental influences do not teach a child to not give in...I don't think I need to elaborate this part =(
Wow wow wow there buddy. I don't think you have read the new meaning of the word racist... only white people can be racists now.
There's a whole lot more to that story. If the truth be told, he was most likely an RCMP 'turned' informant - a loose cannon who got off his leash. Now the cops are very busily trying to cover up that they blew it. Does crazy trump racist ? I don't know...

There's always more to the story. Do we trust that this guy who murdered a family didn't have a history himself? Did somebody blow it again? Every time this happens it seems somebody knew something but nobody did anything.
Every time this happens it seems somebody knew something but nobody did anything.
There's at least two parts to that.

1) assuming that LE/legal system did screw up, they will do everything in their power to keep that in the dark (see resistance to external help at the time and review later of NS). This is assisted by the politicians that want no incompetence to come to light on their watch.

2) for better or worse it is very hard to confine someone for something they might do. Hell, we let the overwhelming majority back into society after they have proven the motivation/intent/ability to commit atrocities. I dont know what the process would look like for "I think roadghost will commit a hate crime and therefore he should have perpetual incarceration to prevent the theoretical but possible attack".
If you're different, you're more likely to be seen as being wrong.

"I'm not getting what I expect out of life and it's someone else's fault. That person is different. It must be him."

I don't know the perpetrator and that will come out in the trial a couple of years down the road. The media may publish bits of info gleaned from the attacker's neighbours and associates.

There is so much going on in the world now with conflicts, military intrusions, politics, polarization, job security, coronavirus etc it isn't hard for an individual to strikeout in anger at any target he sees as a threat. I fear we'll see more.

Condolences to the extended family and surviving son.
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