It can far more easily go the other way. There’s endless shitcoins out there right now.
I got sucked into Chia a few years ago. The premises were solid, the team experienced and professional. It looked good. I spent about $1k on hard drives and some basic hardware which still put me in the small-fry category so far as farming went, but it was fun if nothing else, and who knows, right? Foot in the door early, all that.
I have about 10-15 coins now that I farmed, but they sit at about $25USD each, not the tens or hundreds of thousands many hoped.
Most people stopped farming it as the energy costs of running the farm no longer even reached break even once the whales got onboard.
And for every Chia where it’s still actually worth something, there’s hundreds of others that are worth pennies, or fractions of pennies. Rugpulls, collapses, just lousy premises that fell apart, bad heads, etc. Anyone can start a shitcoin nowadays.
Who knew a bitcoin was the one that was going to blow up. It could just as easily failed and been worth basically nothing like so many others and some other random shitcoin could be worth what BTC is now.
And personally I think BTC is going to epically collapse some day. The only thing inflating it now is that it’s used for so much illegal and shady stuff honestly. If that ever ends, its value will plummet.