Icemageddon 2013

Mark Towhey did a pretty good job here explaining emergency, declaration of, whether its merited, etc. Well-written.
Nice - Turns out Ford was right in not declaring a state of emergency

Three reasons to declare an emergency

1. If you need the public to do something quickly that they are not already doing, won’t do voluntarily or won’t do quickly enough on a volunteer basis. For example: evacuate an area, stay off the streets, remain in their homes, move their cars or close their businesses.

2. If you need to waive or change a bylaw to get something done before City Council can meet. For example: to waive normal purchasing rules so you can quickly buy emergency suppliers, eliminate a no-parking prohibition on certain streets or change the permitted use of a park, building or area.

3. If a formal declaration is required by another government in order to access additional resources.

Myth: Mayor Rob Ford refused to declare an emergency for political reasons.
Reality: I don’t know. My sources tell me senior City staff asked him on Sunday afternoon to declare an emergency because they felt it would expedite the receipt of assistance from the province. He refused, because he didn’t feel it was necessary. The Premier corroborated this when she said the province would provide any help required, with or without a declaration. She also has the power to declare an emergency and has not done so. Neither has any other affected municipality in Ontario. That said, is there politics afoot? Who knows.
....and if he did declare it he'd have been flamed for wasting resources, being an idiot who jumps to action etc etc.

Dude cant win.
....and if he did declare it he'd have been flamed for wasting resources, being an idiot who jumps to action etc etc.

Dude cant win.
Yep lol - Pretty much
You can't please everyone.
....and if he did declare it he'd have been flamed for wasting resources, being an idiot who jumps to action etc etc.

Dude cant win.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner
Whether or not to declare an emergency in this situation is no where near as troublesome as some of his previous behaviour. (consorting with gun running gang members, significant drug and alcohol issues, documented liar, etc.)
That's what he gets for being mayor or a retarded city like Toronto. Intelligence is at a all time low.

We can agree on this!

Though we're probably thinking of different groups of people. :)
some comment leading up to the usual............... consorting with gun running gang members, significant drug and alcohol issues, documented liar, etc.

Whether or not to declare an emergency in this situation is no where near as troublesome as some of his previous behaviour. (consorting with gun running gang members, significant drug and alcohol issues, documented liar, etc.)

That was already discussed in many other threads - This point was about him being "an idiot" for not calling a state of emergency

Anyways, my friend Adam (AC) just got his electricity back after 6 days and he has a new born so that is good news.

Supposed to be windy tonight, Hydro is nervous about more trees dropping with the high winds - Good luck everyone
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still out of power. Things I am blaming it on : The Mayor, Toronto Hydro, Windows 8, cyclists, lack of winter tires, mc donalds
still out of power. Things I am blaming it on : The Mayor, Toronto Hydro, Windows 8, cyclists, lack of winter tires, mc donalds

On the upside big scooters make great touring bikes.
A friend of mine lives in one of the buildings in scarborough that were affected by the outage. The building has a generator to power the elevators emergency lighting and such... the apartments were off but the hallway outlets had power.. people were running extension cords out to the hallways and running their entertainment systems and what have you and then ******* when the super killed the power to the hallway outlets. one person called the cops on the super because a couple residents have oxygen machines and needed power to charge them... shouldn't these people be using one of the warming centres because if they need enriched oxygen they probably aren't in the best of health and shouldn't be sitting in the cold for an extended period of time.
hey just looked outside looks like most of the ice is off trees and power lines.
also feels like thaw comimg on. hurray...........
something to think about .... in 2012 , the mayor and other councillors voted to cut Toronto's "hazard tree abatement" program from 1.4 million dollars by .8 million dollars to .6 million dollars..... they decided to move towards a reactive policy to hazard trees and power lines , rather than a proactive policy that may or may not have prevented a lot of the power outages caused by falling ice and tree branches in the city..... I guess that "gravy" wasn't gravy so much....... sometimes cuts have consequences, no ? "No Service Cuts , guaranteed " remember that promise ?? but hey, at least he kept your taxes low......... so all good.......

from 2012 : " hazardous trees in parks and ravines will be maintained when they pose an immediate threat..... as opposed to on a proactive basis" .......... here's your "Respect for Taxpayers"
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