Thanks guys i've been working on my figure.
hahaha...i hear boners going limp in the distance :laughing8:
Thanks guys i've been working on my figure.
Thursday August 12, 2010.
Leslie and Lakeshore, evening like 10pm+ you were on Lakeshore left turning on to Leslie St waiting for that left turn signal to turn green.
I was in my cage returning home from work. I saw you, heaven sent I tellz ya! Oh how I wish to go riding but work is raping my free time.
Black ZZR 250 Ninja Muzzy Exhaust, white jacket with matching white helmet with female graphics. possibly butterflies.
Definitely female. Judging by the slimness of the bod, possibly a chick of asian descent.
snapped a pic:
Anybody from here?
Hey was that you? I saw guy on a bike when I was pulled over? I didn't lose my bike, lol just a paper check. PM me
You on a strip pole^oooohhhh FIGHT!!...Cat Fight!!! Come on Wobbly...swing around the pole =)
^ See CG...She's got footage on her phone =) PS. I can't open blocks.