I Saw You: V.2.0

Just saw a bunch of bikes at the Timmies at Dundas and Vega. F4i, Triumph, Busa, HD's and more.
I see those bikes every time I pass by there on my way home when I take dundas. Also I see the po-po in the unmarked cruiser in the chapters parking lot across the way, in the back corner on most nights, watching them. I guess they are waiting for some hooliganisim to kick off so they can nail ya'll. Or they are up set and pouting in the corner cause ya'll took their parking spot at timmies.
Thank you to the guys that gave me the heads up on River Road for the speed trap. I was gonna rip it down that straightaway too.
Bunch of guys flying through traffic on the 401 at about 200. Cringed when a car changed lanes and one guy missed it by about 2 ft.
Black and blue FZ-09 ripping by me up a hill in Paris on Friday around 2pm. Asserting dominance over my FZ-07, I guess :D
What time was this? We were about to hit that road around 5pm and OPP blocked it off.
12-1. Now im curious as to why they blocked it off.

EDIT: According to their twitter there was an accident.:

UPDATE:COLLISION: River Rd CLOSED between Prince of Wales Rd and 2nd Line #TerraNova#OPP investigating a serious collision. ^ag

COLLISION: River Rd and Centre Rd #Shelburne Single vehicle. #OPP on scene. ^ag

I missed it all by a couple hours, even the fire on Hockley as I was there today too. Apparently there was a crash at the forks today too.
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Saw a group of 15-20 riders on 15th Side Road in Campbellville around 11am on Sunday - I was going the opposite direction on my FZ8.
Rider on red cbr500r on Front near spadina this morning around 8:35. Stuck at that light for 2 cycles

Nice bike :P
Rode along side with a white Suzuki 650 on Bloor heading east, nice bike...cheers!
You on a cruiser on the side of the gardener expressway westbound east of Islington with a tow truck and a cop. Hope you didn't get nailed for 50+. I was on queen Elizabeth Blvd just leaving costco about an hour and a half ago.
:hello2: Dude wearing plaid shirt on Ninja650R westbound on 16th Ave, then exiting to go southbound on Hwy404 @ 8:20AM.
Your lane-filtering to get yourself to the front of the line of stopped vehicles awaiting the traffic lights to change @ Woodbine Ave. Meh, typical.
This morning around 9:30 rode with you along Danforth/Bloor until I turned south on Church. We were in some boring heavy traffic. You are a chick on an SV650 with a Yoshi stuffed animal on the passenger seat. Wish we could have gotten out of second gear! Lol

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To the guy on the red bike & all black leathers @ 1:30 last night. Howdy?? You waved, I beeped. Hope you hear me over my exhaust.

Nice seeing a bike so late out
Obviously newer female rider, (not proper gear, and very cautious on turns etc), riding northbound on Regional road 57 the left onto King St Bowmanville into the Loblaw plaza, yesterday on a black Vstar cruiser, Black and purple helmet silver braid. I was on the White Roadstar.
I was hoping you would come say hello
This morning around 9:30 rode with you along Danforth/Bloor until I turned south on Church. We were in some boring heavy traffic. You are a chick on an SV650 with a Yoshi stuffed animal on the passenger seat. Wish we could have gotten out of second gear! Lol

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Hey! Yup.... That was me ^.^ sorry if I startled you with my horn on Danforth... Who the EFF starts a conversion in the middle of the street on a green.... And blocks all the traffic!!! stupid filming there doing needs to hurry up and be done!
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