Well-known member
Thanks to the BMW K1600 and Chopper that pulled over for me around 4pm on the 427 @ Burnhamthorpe to see if I was ok, luckily it was just a flat tire.
I suppose I never saw you, but thanks to whoever saw the keys I left in the ignition and left them with security at humber north last week(or was it the week before).
I did that once. I was downtown and left the key in the ignition and lights OOOOOOOONNNNNN. 8 hours later, bike still there and bike battery stone cold dead!
Thanks to EVERYONE for not stealing my bike!
..only if I knew lol I'd at least take it for a spin to make sure the battery re-charges =)
Dixon and Airport road, yesterday about 4 pm. Red (250 I think) with the worst exhaust I've ever heard. Behind you was a yellow Mustang with Spider Man on the side of it. lol
Guys who put Yoshimuras on their 250's make me LOL. Farty lawnmowers.