Lol yup that was me and the fi =) stupid lakehsore traffic! *waves hi back*Hi to the couple that was on Lakeshore heading Eastbound. I was the cruiser with an r6 white. You were yellow CBR I think sushi and another SS I forgot.
Lol yup that was me and the fi =) stupid lakehsore traffic! *waves hi back*Hi to the couple that was on Lakeshore heading Eastbound. I was the cruiser with an r6 white. You were yellow CBR I think sushi and another SS I forgot.
Hi to the couple that was on Lakeshore heading Eastbound. I was the cruiser with an r6 white. You were yellow CBR I think sushi and another SS I forgot.
i'm still riding to and from work everyday. unless it's raining. and yeah, i haven't seen much riders out. winter is here ggrrrr.
Not quite yet. It was pretty warm today even without a sweater underneath my jacket. Tomorrow is raining but at 16 degrees... Meh.
Seems like riders put their bikes away early. Only 3 other bikes at school vs the regular 50+ bikes on a warm day.
Seneca had reading week last week, that's where the bikes are from.
+ Staff
+ YorkU students, who came to school during vacation, such as me lol
It's called reading week lol
Still, there are 15 or so bikes atm, which is unexpected considering school is out for the week.
Naw, I posted what I saw yesterday afternoon. I go to Seneca and was only there cause it WASN'T reading week this week'
+ Saw you parked beside me today xD - The last you'll see of that bike.
Congrats =)
Make sure to get a personalized plate "PLau", so I know which one is yours lol