I Saw You: V.2.0

Damn so glad I took her out of hibernation. What a great day to ride saw a lot of bikers taking advantage of the weather.
saw a ton of bikes. got nabbed just around the corner from Hockley road.
40 over in a "community safety zone"....$570 ticket lmao

at least you didn't run like the group in Smithville
Saw lots of bikes, lots of smiling riders and lots of waving. Glad everyone enjoyed the weather today, hopefully there will be one or two nice days like this left in the year.
not gonna lie i probably could have. but didnt want to risk running in an unfamiliar area for 1. and im not stupid for 2(maybe those should be reversed)

I don't fully trust his method of tagging me. we were travelling in opposite directions and apparently the OPP cruisers have a radar on the front dash which is used to determine vehicle speeds while the cruiser is moving?
will be visiting pointts tomorrow to see what would be best.
saw a ton of bikes. got nabbed just around the corner from Hockley road.
40 over in a "community safety zone"....$570 ticket lmao

Which end? Past the general store, or close to Highway 10?
not gonna lie i probably could have. but didnt want to risk running in an unfamiliar area for 1. and im not stupid for 2(maybe those should be reversed)

I don't fully trust his method of tagging me. we were travelling in opposite directions and apparently the OPP cruisers have a radar on the front dash which is used to determine vehicle speeds while the cruiser is moving?
will be visiting pointts tomorrow to see what would be best.

Always-on dash mounted radar has been around for a hair over two decades. They're the whole reason radar detectors worked so well in the past.
ya just past the general store.

Whew, good thing my buddy and I turned around and headed back toward hwy 10 for another run. Saw one car pulled over near hockley and an accident further south on 10 closer to the forks. Expected to see a bike in the mess but that wasn't the case.
Guy on a yellow and blue (?) sportbike with left mounted license plate and integrated rear signals @ 5:45am today, on the 401 eastbound near the airport. Running in the dark with your high beam on had exactly the opposite effect you were likely hoping for. You were blinding me as you came up behind me, so I flipped my mirror to dim the reflected light. That meant that you were barely visible when you went to pass me on the right and if I hadn't been a rider myself, I'd have likely missed you and changed lanes into you.

Turn the bloody things down.
Yep, that was me. Sherry wanted to ride my viffer, so off to the parking lot we went. She did fine and here's proof:

Right on. Looks like she had a good time too. Grats!
I was out Sunday afternoon. Saw only a few sport bikes. However, so many group of cruisers I lost count of ‘em all.

I was wanting to ride around Rice Lake but got away far too late and had to turn around and head back less than 1/2 distance. I did manage to get as far as county road 9 south of Gores Landing.

Here’s my “spotted you”. Just before Gores Landing I’m heading west a Kawi 600, (I think) passed going east. After I turned around the same guy passes me at GoresLanding, This time I’m heading east and he’s coming west. I chuckle to myselfthinking he just realized he didn’t have enough time to get to where he wantedto go like me. I get caught behind some old fart crawling at 40 kph. Next thing I know I see this guy in my right mirror. Mmmm, maybe he want s to stop and talk. So at the first sign of a large paved area I put my signal on and pull over. Instead of following me he continues along behind the old fart. I waited awhile to let them get ahead so I could enjoy the road a bit. Guess who I see as
I’m coming into Harwood? Yep, he’s heading back west again. Maybe he just likes that section of road. Maybe he thought I’d play “come chase me”. But with all the popo out I didn’t want to get caught up with some young gun out to put an MV notch on his belt. I prefer no witnesses when I, um... exercise my ride.
Group of about 5-6 sportbikes running from the cops in smithsville. Lead bike had a passenger.. You were flying! The cops stopped me and my buddy shortly after that and said that they had all of their plates on video....
Bunch of cool people there.....not.... That's the kind of rider that gives us sportbike riders a bad name to the public!

LoL. Why would the cop tell you he has their plates on video? Makes no difference in the world. No chance of conviction.
LoL. Why would the cop tell you he has their plates on video? Makes no difference in the world. No chance of conviction.

I wouldn't put money on that unless they hire a good lawyer, in which case the lawyer fees will serve as adequate punishment anyway.
I wouldn't put money on that unless they hire a good lawyer, in which case the lawyer fees will serve as adequate punishment anyway.

In all likelness, no police officer go to someone's home and charge one without sufficient evidence. However, even in the unlikely case that that would occur, a very basic understanding of the law would be enough to win at trial, and that's only if the crown prosecutor was willing to go to trial without evidence which seems unlikely. Remember, the crown would have to prove who was riding the bike and that onus is too high with only the circumstantial evidence of a bike with your license plate on video. The defendant does not have to testify.
In all likelness, no police officer go to someone's home and charge one without sufficient evidence. However, even in the unlikely case that that would occur, a very basic understanding of the law would be enough to win at trial, and that's only if the crown prosecutor was willing to go to trial without evidence which seems unlikely. Remember, the crown would have to prove who was riding the bike and that onus is too high with only the circumstantial evidence of a bike with your license plate on video. The defendant does not have to testify.

Feel free to risk it without a lawyer. As it could be a Criminal Code charge, I wouldn't.
In all likelness, no police officer go to someone's home and charge one without sufficient evidence.....

Actually they can and will...I have family that are police officers and they have done so before. If they have a plate # they can go to your house and seize the bike for min 7days and you get charged with failing to stop for a police officer and what ever other charge they were going to give you if you did stop...

And the reason she told me was because of my family on the force.

saw a ton of bikes. got nabbed just around the corner from Hockley road.
40 over in a "community safety zone"....$570 ticket lmao

Oh you didn't... *facepalm* You still working where you were last year? I'll need a day or two to decide whether I come in to point and snicker, spank you or hug you - 'cause your wallet needs it :lmao:
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