I Saw You: V.2.0

Re: to the hot chick on the little green ninja

Her day will come. She will become one again with the earth/pavement/my car.
Re: to the hot chick on the little green ninja

Oh no! better call the lane change police! Get your nephew a psp/iphone to play with hahahaha
Re: to the hot chick on the little green ninja

Don't say hot until you see her face... could change your opinion.

hahaha I'll say it too, most chicks that ride or at least the ones I've seen are scary....and I'm not easily intimidated
Re: to the hot chick on the little green ninja

with the tight black tank and the cutest ***/ back tattoos.
as you headed off the eastbound express to collector transfers at kennedy, crossed all 5 lanes of traffic with no signals, swooped in front of me and then passed the car ahead, on the shoulder, only to zip across the now four lanes to catch up to your two boyfriends, and then have all three of you cross three lanes to get off at brimley/progress exit,mind you the guys who wore armour did signal as well, my 7 year old nephew asked, do you drive like that uncle?
no i replied, i grew up a while ago.

hope you read this
hope you get ****** at me
hope you look in the mirror tonite and say why
and hope i dont have to say gws or rip in a post on these boards for you

Do we really need every incident like this to be pointed out? I know that all of the gtam members are perfect riders, who signal every move, ride the speed limit all the time, never change more than one lane at a time and wear every piece of protective equipment known to man etc....but stop with the preaching for the love of god...
Re: to the hot chick on the little green ninja

Do we really need every incident like this to be pointed out? I know that all of the gtam members are perfect riders, who signal every move, ride the speed limit all the time, never change more than one lane at a time and wear every piece of protective equipment known to man etc....but stop with the preaching for the love of god...

I don't know what you read, but I know I didn't see one comment in the OP's post that said the girl should be wearing full gear, signaling every lane change and should be sticking to the speed limit. He was simply pointing out the complete stupidity that this chick displayed when riding on a major highway; a humility that I feel is deserved by such a person. There was no preaching, just a simple message to be headed by the rider and those who may do this on their own time to be more careful and to use their damn heads!

With regards to the nephew watching, that's another, all too often forgotten reason to not ride like an idiot -- Kids aren't stupid; they're watching and learning!
Re: to the hot chick on the little green ninja

I don't know what you read, but I know I didn't see one comment in the OP's post that said the girl should be wearing full gear, signaling every lane change and should be sticking to the speed limit. He was simply pointing out the complete stupidity that this chick displayed when riding on a major highway; a humility that I feel is deserved by such a person. There was no preaching, just a simple message to be headed by the rider and those who may do this on their own time to be more careful and to use their damn heads!

With regards to the nephew watching, that's another, all too often forgotten reason to not ride like an idiot -- Kids aren't stupid; they're watching and learning!

Yeah! Think of the children!!
Re: to the hot chick on the little green ninja

Do we really need every incident like this to be pointed out? I know that all of the gtam members are perfect riders, who signal every move, ride the speed limit all the time, never change more than one lane at a time and wear every piece of protective equipment known to man etc....but stop with the preaching for the love of god...

What's the matter? Peer pressure getting to you?
Re: to the hot chick on the little green ninja

with the tight black tank and the cutest ***/ back tattoos.
as you headed off the eastbound express to collector transfers at kennedy, crossed all 5 lanes of traffic with no signals, swooped in front of me and then passed the car ahead, on the shoulder, only to zip across the now four lanes to catch up to your two boyfriends, and then have all three of you cross three lanes to get off at brimley/progress exit,mind you the guys who wore armour did signal as well, my 7 year old nephew asked, do you drive like that uncle?
no i replied, i grew up a while ago.

hope you read this
hope you get ****** at me
hope you look in the mirror tonite and say why
and hope i dont have to say gws or rip in a post on these boards for you

It must be Sunday, all the "holier than thou" preachers are out! :rolleyes: Save it for all the sheeple in your church.
so its cool to run reds in the rain now?

Just drove into work to check in on some things, and as I got to the light at woodbridge + islington, to make a left turn onto islington, the light was green.
Then I noticed something, a guy on what looked to be some form of gixxer, with a chick on the back, both in t shirts and shorts, just rolling through his red light on islington.

Traffic was already stopped on islington when I made the intersection, and to me it looked like he simply filtered through the traffic and rode on through the light. He didnt tear through it, it looked like he cautiously did it, but come on, really bud? I thought maybe he was hard on the brakes and maybe slid a little and just ended up going through by accident, but like I said, there was a fair amount of cars stopped at the light and he seemed to just ride on through like one of those e bikes or bicyclists people complain about far too often on here.

its a single left turn lane, onto a two lane road, and he stayed in the far lane, but cars all too often will tear around the guy in front of them and turn left into the far most right lane passing them during the turn.. could have been really bad for the biker.

I honked and gave a whatsup wave, though I dont think he saw me, and then he proceeded to do about 80 in a 50 in the rain, shorts and a t shirt, with a girl on the back.

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