I Saw You: V.2.0

Re: New rider + shorts + 250 + sneakers + rain = wtf is on your mind!

So shouldn't this thread be in the multimedia section?

And please 'entertain' us on how you made the assumption that she is a new rider.

here on GTAM people think a 250cc bike is for noobs...
Re: New rider + shorts + 250 + sneakers + rain = wtf is on your mind!

here on GTAM people think a 250cc bike is for noobs...

That's because most have never heard of anyone experienced buying a 250 street bike and 99% of those riders get something bigger within 2 seasons. So the reason most people think this is because it is proven to be true.
Re: New rider + shorts + 250 + sneakers + rain = wtf is on your mind!

YUP, who really cares, Ujelly unfortunately there will be a whack of these threads this summer that and chicken strips....lol who cares:)

Who cares what other riders wear -_-"

Their responsible for themselves so please stop making these threads...once weather gets a lot hotter I'll assume there will be more threads about squids more often.


were you on the 2009 GSXR Blue/White?
Did you follow me to spadina and front?
If so, then that was me.

Yup, that was me. Stay safe out there bud. Don't forget red means "stop" and green means "go" :D. BTW beautiful bike. I'm sure I'll bump in to you again sometime this season.
Re: New rider + shorts + 250 + sneakers + rain = wtf is on your mind!

Holy cow Batman! Wow this went on the biggest tangent ever.

some comments in there were entertaining at least :p.

Anyway, I made the new rider assumption from the 250. If the person has been riding for 10 years then cool.

As for interesting feedback, I was hoping for things like: "I ride squid as fast as I can but I make sure I'm atgatt when I'm standing still". Catch my drift?

I guess the title of the thread was missing an lol, but come on! No need to for the attacking comments.

I've seen enough chicken strips threads too but it's always fun to see the "I have a big chicken strip in the center of tire" comment.

As for me being in a car, I was but I was in the passenger seat. I ride too guys and I'm equally annoyed when I see drivers texting on thier cell. As far as I'm concerned, being in a moving vehicle and looking down for extended periods of time is more dangerous than riding naked.

Keep it positive guys, please.
Re: New rider + shorts + 250 + sneakers + rain = wtf is on your mind!

keep what positive? the irony...
Re: New rider + shorts + 250 + sneakers + rain = wtf is on your mind!

Its not the matter of how you look/dress. The question im asking is if you are okay if someone jerkoff with too much time on their hands decides to take a picture of you or your love ones, with an agenda or malicious intent (either of which is not in your favor) to post on the forum he frequents whether /b/ or GTAM.

Facebook has features and preventative measures that ensures only the people you select can view your profile/pics. Its not the same as having your picture taken and put up on the internet without your knowledge.
Well, I wont be worried about the pics, I would however be worried about the malicious intents. Opinions are like ********, everyone has one. maybe this is something you care about, i don't particularly, you are not going to convince me otherwise and I am not going to convince you, so let's just drop this as another useless internet conversation

I am in montreal and I am going for some Montreal Sangria downtown... so let you guys enjoy your argument, peace!
Re: New rider + shorts + 250 + sneakers + rain = wtf is on your mind!

brampton chick...
I'm gonna start the "I saw you v.3.0"
Because this thread just took a turn for the worse. Sometimes opinions are best kept to yourself.
I'm gonna start the "I saw you v.3.0"
Because this thread just took a turn for the worse. Sometimes opinions are best kept to yourself.

Please do...think there should be a different Version each new riding season...

Mind = Blown. Didn't know the Who was riding in rain got merged to this thread lolz.
Going south on don mills think it was a r6...

I was going North and I was on that dere 125.
this morning, lakeshore going east. you, older on a beater bike, flat mat black, rain gear and side bags. me, blue beater, rain gear, side bags, younger.
glad to see someone else commuting and not hiding from a little rain!
this morning, lakeshore going east. you, older on a beater bike, flat mat black, rain gear and side bags. me, blue beater, rain gear, side bags, younger.
glad to see someone else commuting and not hiding from a little rain!
I saw lake shore and thought it was me... then I red the black part. Don't worry, you weren't the only one in the rain
Black GS500E riding ahead of/in the next lane from me on Eglinton - nice bike, I like your taste. ;)
You: Ducati 1198...*drool* Lakeshore and Bathurst in the courtyard of the condo...
Me: parking my bike in the courtyard, Black and Red Ninja 650R

Dude, you were circling for a while...?? waiting for the R1 rider?
Oh and to the Boys off King Street in the Pizza Pizza parking lot...I could BARELY hear what you were hollerin'...had my earphones in...i promise next time I'll drop by...don't wanna mess up your game with the chickies though LOL
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