Are they offering a euthanasia shot instead?

No doctor has the right to comment on when a person has had enough from life's buffet.
Went down that road last year with my fil. He was 95, had a massive stroke and brain damage. He could have survived an undetermined time. His dnr came into play, but i still had to give them the ok to go ahead with it because my wife was in the hospital. Tough decision.
I haven't met her, but most multi-nationals are fronted by a tiger. It looks nice and you think you have a chance and then blam, it's all over and you've lost.
Nailed it lol.
Went down that road last year with my fil. He was 95, had a massive stroke and brain damage. He could have survived an undetermined time. His dnr came into play, but i still had to give them the ok to go ahead with it because my wife was in the hospital. Tough decision.

I played that out with my FIL many times , long before he was on life support.

so while walking the dog wearing my tin foil lined hard hat, it occurred to me , if a cat always lands on its feet. And a slice of buttered bread will always land butter side down, if I duct tape a slice of buttered bread onto the cat and start it spinning will I have created perpetual motion?

And how do I connect the cat to a generator? where is that tech genius Trials when i finally need him?
Current Canadian life expectancy is 82.66. Person in question is 86.
No one was trying to take them away from the buffet.
After a certain age, invasive procedures may be more likely to kill you than not having them, or make the rest of your time not as fulfilling.

My mother remarried later in life and I met my step father to be when he was in his mid 50s. All he wanted to talk about was "When you get to be my age..." When I was 64 I stopped at a Home Depot in Vicksburg Mississippi on my Goldwing to buy some batteries. The 18-20 year old chick cashier noticed the helmet slung over my elbow and said, "Aren't you a little old for that".

I shrugged it off but should have asked her what she would be doing when she was 64. Sitting in an easy chair watching Oprah?

A psychology professor I met was 70+. Her husband who was a bit older had recently been admitted to hospital and she was giving his info to admissions. When she gave his birth date the receptionist typed in "Retired" for occupation. The prof corrected her, he was dean of economics at a university.

I don't think anyone has the right to insinuate another person's potential isn't worthwhile. At the same time it would be negligent to not advise an at-risk person of the odds of a venture. And yes, patching one problem by creating another can be counterproductive.
Just got my shot as well - Pfizer. Very smooth, well organized - in and out in a 1/2 hour at most (in Pickering at least).

Forgot to add, once you waited the 15 minutes, you then exited and booked your next appointment. My wife and I are already scheduled for shot #2.
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Someone I know got the AZ shot at 11:30 Sunday and then woke up Monday morning feeling like a total bag of crap (sore all over). Took her a day to get over it but aok now. She had similar symptoms to the flu shot years ago.

I got a text yesterday from Shoppers (AZ shot) saying I could book for this Friday but I think I'll wait until the Ontario booking for high risk postal codes comes my way (I registered a few days after registering for the Shoppers one when the former became available).

If the Ontario/Peel shot booking doesn't come my way before #2 text from Shoppers does, I'll likely just take the Shoppers shot.
AZ did that to me too. My wife felt nothing after AZ jab.
its a bit of a psychological thing, but I'm feeling pretty good about getting the shot, 80% safe is just fine

And basically 100% against serious illness that would require hospitalization at that point. I agree, I felt the same way....but it doesn't hit that for 14 days don't forget. I'm currently at 9. Not that I'm counting or anything.
Sitting doing the 15 minute thing before checkout. Hair on my arm is standing on end. Must be trying to get a 5G signal to register my DNA in Redmond
@mimico , she's trying to get out of doing the dishes . She can't roll out perogies with a sore arm. Ice it down and text me when she feels better. Better enough to make perogies, not just feels better.
On April 8th Durham Region extended the criteria adding people 50+ living in 'hot spots'. I have been trying to book since April 8th and this is the only message I am seeing on the booking page. I decided to call in and got the same answer, albeit rather politely too. Not sure what the point is. If they are trying to drive traffic to the webpage they did that for sure. I don't think you get paid for clicks though. Why offer something you don't have?

If you will be turning 55 (or more!) at some point this year, you can get AstraZeneca through Shoppers Drug Mart or Rexall. If you live in a hot-spot, the risk of waiting for something else more than a day or two is greater than the blood-clotting risk.

Can you book through https://www.ontario.ca/page/government-ontario ?
Will be moving to NS in June so checked if I can get just the second shot there based on the 4 month wait after I get first shot here. No process is in place for people to book just the second shot. Checked Ontario and it is exactly the same. So I will end up with just one or maybe three :)
Special Ed teachers in Ottawa are now on the list:
"Special education workers

A list of special education workers has been compiled with the assistance of all school boards in Ottawa. Special Education workers will be contacted directly for vaccinations. The date, time and location of the appointment will be provided by email."
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