I fly from Toronto to Vancouver often... Usually on WestJet, but on occasion and as a last resort, Air Canada
Both carriers don't charge veterans, or serving CAF members for checked bags, so me no even pay for that.
As far as carry on goes...
99% of the time these flights are full and because too many people want to "carry on" their bag, bin space is at a premium.
'Last half dozen trips they were begging people to check their carry on... For free.
There have been times I just didn't feel like fighting for bin space so I went up to the boarding and volunteered to check my carry on.
They're more than happy to do it. No charge.
If anyone here is a veteran or serving CAF... All you need is your VSC or your mil. ID.
You will have to check in at the airport, but... No fees for your bags. Dig around the Carriers website, policy is there.