How would you quit your job? |

How would you quit your job?


Well-known member
Let's say you don't need your job anymore and want to quit. You won't ever need your current job ever or need a reference or have any contact with the job. How would you go about doing it?

I would show up hammered and let the alcohol do the work.
My job involves very high end cars... So I'd probably take an aston martin dbs for the weekend and show up monday to see what happens lol.
You won't ever need your current job ever or need a reference or have any contact with the job.

Never say never. It can come back and hunt you. How hard it is to type up a Letter of Resignation and hand it over? Not as cool as telling off the boss, however way more practical.
Never say never. It can come back and hunt you. How hard it is to type up a Letter of Resignation and hand it over? Not as cool as telling off the boss, however way more practical.

More practical, more responsible, and more telling of your personal character too.
I'd give them two weeks notice and help them transition as much as possible within that time. What's the need for all the drama?
Realistically I would quit professionally. Otherwise I would just show up and do absolutely nothing and continue to get paid until I got fired. Which could take a long long time since there's one guy that's been doing that for about 20 years now...
Never say never. It can come back and hunt you. How hard it is to type up a Letter of Resignation and hand it over? Not as cool as telling off the boss, however way more practical.


I always leave on a good note and try not to leave any negative vibes behind.
You never know...
Realistically I would quit professionally. Otherwise I would just show up and do absolutely nothing and continue to get paid until I got fired. Which could take a long long time since there's one guy that's been doing that for about 20 years now...

Government job!!!
Be professional about it.. 2 weeks notice, even offer an additional week if they need extra help with training the n00b. I've only quit one job on short notice, but it was more than they expected or deserved.. Revolving door company.
I'm with the crowd. If the job's treated me well, then I help them transition. If they haven't, then I just leave on a good note. My employers opinions of me are the only opinions of anyone that I actually care about. Even if they haven't treated me well, then they did pay me well (which is all I'm really there for. The good environment's just a bonus.)

The thing I don't get about showing up wrecked to work is that it probably isn't as fun as getting wrecked one last time with your co-workers in a better setting.

lol, I even gave 2 weeks notice when I left McDonalds.

But in your hypothetical scenario, I'd go all out with pranks. Put boobie traps everywhere and just watch chaos ensue.
Never ever ever ever burn bridges!!!! EVER! It will come back to haunt you.

Ask for a written reference, take that piece of paper and file it, and never deal with them again but never leave on a bad note.

But in fantasy land....seduce the hottest female there, and take her on company furniture and get canned George Costanza style saying "was that wrong?"
i walked out on a job at walmart 14 years ago and told the superviser to go fcuk himself on my way out the door and wouldn't you know the same guy got hired to be a superviser at my current work 12 years after that. Yes he remembered me, yes he told all my other bosses what I did and tried to get revenge after all these years. Good thing my decent boss realized he was an idoit and fired him after a few months. Its a small world and people talk.
i walked out on a job at walmart 14 years ago and told the superviser to go fcuk himself on my way out the door and wouldn't you know the same guy got hired to be a superviser at my current work 12 years after that. Yes he remembered me, yes he told all my other bosses what I did and tried to get revenge after all these years. Good thing my decent boss realized he was an idoit and fired him after a few months. Its a small world and people talk.

Wow, you must've gone WTF when you saw him LOL!! Talk about a coincidence.... or was it? He probably stalked your ***, found out where you worked and tried to sabotage you.
I quit one job and played a bunch of harmless pranks, rubber spiders etc and everone had a laugh.

I knew one big guy who thought it was funny to turn the bosses desk upside down before he left. It got around the trade that he was a moron.

It works both ways. I know an electrical contractor that gave one of his men special training and then he decided to be a prima donna. It got ugly and they let him go.

A couple years later they got a job and guess who the chief electrician was?
Yup and he was still a prima donna jerk. He made my life hell because I was doing sub work for the contractor and I wouldn't help crap on them. He bytched if screw heads didn't line up.

I left my last job because I didn't like the direction the company was heading and we parted amicably. Two years later they wanted me back but instead I got them to use me as a subcontractor and give me referals. I'm happy with the result.

Bottom line, go out with class.
I wouldnt quit, I'd go on part-time hours or something, but like that saying goes, find a job you love and you'll never have to work an hour in your life.
Let's say you don't need your job anymore and want to quit. You won't ever need your current job ever or need a reference or have any contact with the job. How would you go about doing it?

I would show up hammered and let the alcohol do the work.

You mean like if you won the lottery? It would be epic, it would be all over the news, and then they'd make a movie about it... i'll keep it to myself for now, that way you'll be suprized. hahaha

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