How To Scare a Cop

Americans are taking this concept to the highest degree and protecting themselves from their country being turned into Nazi Germany with checkpoints:

Immigration checkpoints in the US:

Anyone interested in the politics and seriousness of it all and why Americans are fighting back so hard, watch this movie by author Naomi Wolf. She is not a radical author, she writes about every day things:

The End of America:
Put bike in gear, then move. Watch the movie, then reply. She's not a radicalist.

You acting like i'm not familiar with[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] Miss Wolf. Not true. as a feminist I'm familiar with her work. I agree I would not call her a Radicalist but her book end of America (the movie is based on the book) is does not a great case for america becoming fascist and makes some pretty radical claims that are not backed up by good evidence. Here 10 precursors a fascist states are kinda of arbitrary and i would argue that at least 2 are necessary for state security and exist in all states and most don't happen on a regular basis and aren't state sponsored.

That being said I cant say there aren't problems in the American Political and justice systems she's makes lots of valid criticisms. But i will go back to the point I made several times do not get legal advice and advice of dealing with police from 911 truthers, Gun Nuts and Freemen consult legal experts such as the CCLA. If you try to not answer questions at a DUI check point in Canada as many people in these thread have said you will end up taking a Road side breath test and if you refuse that charged with refusal.

Its important to actually know your rights before you yell "I KNOW MY RIGHTS"

As you pointed out, they can ask you anything they want, you don't have to answer one single question. You are obligated only to identify yourself ONLY IF YOU ARE SUSPECTED OF A CRIME!

Again this info you have provided is inaccurate. You are NOT obligated to identify yourself, ONLY if you are "suspected of a crime". If you are on private property and the owner wishes you to leave their premises and asks the police to issue with a trespass notice, you MUST identify yourself for the purposes of issuing such a notice, also if you are operating a vehicle on a roadway, you ARE OBLIGATED to identify yourself.

Try as Two50Noob has suggested actually learning what your responsibilities and rights and obligations are as a citizen OF CANADA from CANADIAN specialists not from some website such as Youtube. I guess if I posted a video today explaining that YOU MUST ALWAYS identify yourself and answer ANY and ALL questions from a police officer then you would post a link to that video saying look at this and how policing has changed.

I am now on my way out to buy shares in Alcan as you are surely going to be using a LOT of aluminum foil to make all your Now I posted that ridiculous statement just to make a point that when you make OUTRAGEOUS unsubstantiated claims using misleading self serving sources you only make your arguments seem silly and unreliable. Get some sources that show REAL credible info from CREDIBLE sources like the CCLA. Not off Youtube from sources in OTHER countries and expect those same policies and rules apply to CANADA use CANADIAN sources.
As you pointed out, they can ask you anything they want, you don't have to answer one single question. You are obligated only to identify yourself ONLY IF YOU ARE SUSPECTED OF A CRIME!

Again this info you have provided is inaccurate. You are NOT obligated to identify yourself, ONLY if you are "suspected of a crime". If you are on private property and the owner wishes you to leave their premises and asks the police to issue with a trespass notice, you MUST identify yourself for the purposes of issuing such a notice, also if you are operating a vehicle on a roadway, you ARE OBLIGATED to identify yourself.

Try as Two50Noob has suggested actually learning what your responsibilities and rights and obligations are as a citizen OF CANADA from CANADIAN specialists not from some website such as Youtube. I guess if I posted a video today explaining that YOU MUST ALWAYS identify yourself and answer ANY and ALL questions from a police officer then you would post a link to that video saying look at this and how policing has changed.

I am now on my way out to buy shares in Alcan as you are surely going to be using a LOT of aluminum foil to make all your Now I posted that ridiculous statement just to make a point that when you make OUTRAGEOUS unsubstantiated claims using misleading self serving sources you only make your arguments seem silly and unreliable. Get some sources that show REAL credible info from CREDIBLE sources like the CCLA. Not off Youtube from sources in OTHER countries and expect those same policies and rules apply to CANADA use CANADIAN sources.

This post is retarded. We are talking about the police walking up to you on the street and questioning you. They can't. End of topic. Move on.

Try watching some of the videos provided before writing paragraphs of drivel. One is from a lawyer. The advice may change from state to state but the concept is blanket "shut-up." These people aren't actors, and it's not a studio, these are real-life encounters in the US. A lot of what is going on in America, ends up here, the only question is "when." It's already happening in Britain.
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This post is retarded. We are talking about the police walking up to you on the street and questioning you. They can't. End of topic. Move on.

Yes they can . You are not obligated to speak with them however or even identify your self unless you are driving or suspected of a crime. As for saying we are talking about the police on the street thats a bit of the old goal post moving considering this started with a DUI check point.

Also whats happening in Britain?
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This post is retarded. We are talking about the police walking up to you on the street and questioning you. They can't. End of topic. Move on.

Try watching some of the videos provided before writing paragraphs of drivel. One is from a lawyer. The advice may change from state to state but the concept is blanket "shut-up." These people aren't actors, and it's not a studio, these are real-life encounters in the US. A lot of what is going on in America, ends up here, the only question is "when."

Well lets review shall we...

First you stated the guy in the video, (At a DUI stop), knew his rights and your advice was not to answer ANY questions.
Then YOU tried to say that it wasn't even a DUI stop but a Immigration checkpoint, (which I HIGHLY doubt we have in CANADA).
Then YOU tried to extrapolate that to mean that NO one is EVER required to answer ANY question nor identify themselves to the POLICE, "unless your suspected of a crime"

You are relying upon videos and legal advice, (as you state from a lawyer), who is IN THE US she is NOT in CANADA nor has she likely been admitted to the bar in CANADA. Her views and advice are NOT RELEVANT to CANADA nor CANADIAN laws and that my friend is where YOUR argument falls apart and loses all credibility. Nor are any of the videos you are using to TRY to support your argument from CANADA. The Canadian constitution applies to CANADA the US constitution and it's various enshrined rights are NOT APPLICABLE to CANADA.

So as I said in my last post GO get a practicing CANADIAN lawyer telling anyone not to answer ANY questions at a ride spot check, (including if you have had anything to drink), in CANADA then and only then will your argument hold water.

Class dismissed.
Let me tell you about something that happened to me last winter involving a police officer. True story.

Sometimes I prefer to wait till I get home to use the washroom. This particular evening coming home from work I really needed to go badly and once I got home I parked in the driveway and darted into the backyard and peed because there was absolutely no more time left to fumble with keys and then run upstairs. When lo and behold, but what do I hear once done but a voice calling at me. I come out and it is a uniformed police officer standing on my driveway on the private portion and his patrol car with searchlight who has essentially possibly caught me in the act of peeing in my own backyard.

He says why he is there, something about looking for criminals in the area. Asks me questions like do I know where I am? Where do I live? Etc It is mildly amusing. Good thing I didn't run out with my cock in hand then it might have been intent to injure with a deadly weapon.

Anyway, I didn't feel like a whole freeman drama so I told him where I was, that I live right here and showed him my drivers license to prove it when I was asked if I had any ID.

He was mildly surprised that I really wasn't a perp, gave back the ID and went on his way fighting crime.

The point of this story is that he was careful with his questions. Private property or no, if I had not said I lived there and proved it, there would have been possible grounds for detainment as stated they were searching for criminals and refusal to answer anything on my part would have been construed as the type of behaviour a criminal would do.

So I guess the secondary point of this story is, yes know your rights, but also exercise your judgement. Sometimes it really isn't worth the hassle of being reasonably detained from your own lane because you refused to answer some key questions all on a point of pride.
Let me tell you about something that happened to me last winter involving a police officer...

I think your story gets the the heart of the issue.

Know your rights and what they are for. The idea with not answering police questions is not to incriminate your self. It most cases speaking and being polite is going to get you out of the police interaction quicker. Its only if you need to protect yourself from a legal point of view is were the right not to answer questions comes from. You need to make the choice of when to exercise that right.
So I guess the secondary point of this story is, yes know your rights, but also exercise your judgement. Sometimes it really isn't worth the hassle of being reasonably detained from your own lane because you refused to answer some key questions all on a point of pride.

I have an unwritten agreement with the police. If they don't act like jerks over petty details I don't act like a jerk when asked a simple question. Works for me.
Well lets review shall we...

First you stated the guy in the video, (At a DUI stop), knew his rights and your advice was not to answer ANY questions.
Then YOU tried to say that it wasn't even a DUI stop but a Immigration checkpoint, (which I HIGHLY doubt we have in CANADA).
Then YOU tried to extrapolate that to mean that NO one is EVER required to answer ANY question nor identify themselves to the POLICE, "unless your suspected of a crime"

You are relying upon videos and legal advice, (as you state from a lawyer), who is IN THE US she is NOT in CANADA nor has she likely been admitted to the bar in CANADA. Her views and advice are NOT RELEVANT to CANADA nor CANADIAN laws and that my friend is where YOUR argument falls apart and loses all credibility. Nor are any of the videos you are using to TRY to support your argument from CANADA. The Canadian constitution applies to CANADA the US constitution and it's various enshrined rights are NOT APPLICABLE to CANADA.

So as I said in my last post GO get a practicing CANADIAN lawyer telling anyone not to answer ANY questions at a ride spot check, (including if you have had anything to drink), in CANADA then and only then will your argument hold water.

Class dismissed.

If exercising your rights to not answer cops (strangers) unless you are in a vehicle or a suspected of a crime doesn't apply in Canada, then how come it does?

I got banned for this thread, so I'll leave this link, and bow out. The purpose of this thread is that policing is changing drastically. With citizens now knowing their rights, not fearing police, and just about everyone in the world having a camera filming them, and posting to YouTube, they now are being held accountable to the law, not their own version of the law.

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