How To Scare a Cop

It is bad advice to advise adopting a challenging or confrontational attitude with the police.

Be respectful. They're not going to stop you and ask your political views. In fact they would probably rather not talk to you at all.
It is bad advice to advise adopting a challenging or confrontational attitude with the police.

Be respectful. They're not going to stop you and ask your political views. In fact they would probably rather not talk to you at all.

True in the past, not so much now. High school students given a badges should not be able to carry an authoritarian gone mad attitude. Police have forgotten who / what they were supposed to be. The police can only be the police as long as the public allows them to police. That time is coming to an end.

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If you're a female, hold your license close to your breast then when he goes to grab it, hit him and claim sexual assault. #victory
True in the past, not so much now. High school students given a badges should not be able to carry an authoritarian gone mad attitude. Police have forgotten who / what they were supposed to be. The police can only be the police as long as the public allows them to police. That time is coming to an end.


Do you actually know any cops that were hired right out of high school? Can you point me in their direction? I'd really like to get in on their secret.
Do you actually know any cops that were hired right out of high school? Can you point me in their direction? I'd really like to get in on their secret.

You a cop? I used to ride with a group of cops. They would tell me all kinds of stories that made my skin crawl. They go from high school to police college to bullying the public who pay them.

Cop gets owned:
You a cop? I used to ride with a group of cops. They would tell me all kinds of stories that made my skin crawl. They go from high school to police college to bullying the public who pay them.

Cop gets owned:

I was a signature away from joining the RCMP but no I'm not. Although from the time I spent trying to get in and building a network I happen to know a LOT of cops. Not a single one has anything less than a B.A., most have a B.A.+College (not OPC) a couple have Masters as well. The prototypical high school football player thug that couldn't do anything but be a cop is long dead, at least around here. I generally keep away from the cop threads, but I will say that every single cop I know is a decent person making an honest living and the "bad apple" ratio is 95:5 at worst. If you're constantly having negative encounters with police, it might just be you (not directed at anyone in particular).

It's no secret that the further you get out of the city, the more well-mannered people are though. I would never in a million years be a Toronto cop.
I was a signature away from joining the RCMP but no I'm not. Although from the time I spent trying to get in and building a network I happen to know a LOT of cops. Not a single one has anything less than a B.A., most have a B.A.+College (not OPC) a couple have Masters as well. The prototypical high school football player thug that couldn't do anything but be a cop is long dead, at least around here. I generally keep away from the cop threads, but I will say that every single cop I know is a decent person making an honest living and the "bad apple" ratio is 95:5 at worst. If you're constantly having negative encounters with police, it might just be you (not directed at anyone in particular).

It's no secret that the further you get out of the city, the more well-mannered people are though. I would never in a million years be a Toronto cop.

Youtube "cop gets owned" Starting to wonder if they even have high school? If they had a BA, they wouldn't be interested in becoming cops. Sorry, I call BS. All the cops I know have grade 12 . Most under 20 years of age. Most are women.
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Youtube "cop gets owned" Starting to wonder if they even have high school? If they had a BA, they wouldn't be interested in becoming cops. Sorry, I call BS. All the cops I know have grade 12 . Most under 20 years of age. Most are women.

I'm not being facetious, I'd really like to know where and in what capacity they're working. I have high school, university and now I'm in college and I'm hardly alone in my qualifications.

Most were social sciences, poli sci or pre-law majors (as I was). A few had careers in other fields and switched into policing. Nobody my age is even close to being hired except for the others who went the Rcmp route since they seem to like to hire young.

I can tell you from experience, YRP, TPS and OPP seek highly qualified and diverse candidates. God help you if you're fresh out of university, or had a sub 80 average in high school. The recruiters will even tell you having high school+police foundations won't even get you a second look without tons of work+volunteer experience

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I'm not being facetious, I'd really like to know where and in what capacity they're working. I have high school, university and now I'm in college and I'm hardly alone in my qualifications.

Most were social sciences, poli sci or pre-law majors (as I was). A few had careers in other fields and switched into policing. Nobody my age is even close to being hired except for the others who went the Rcmp route since they seem to like to hire young.

I can tell you from experience, YRP, TPS and OPP seek highly qualified and diverse candidates. God help you if you're fresh out of university, or had a sub 80 average in high school. The recruiters will even tell you having high school+police foundations won't even get you a second look without tons of work+volunteer experience

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk

Forget the BA , this genius can't even do basic math, yet he's willing to ruin someone's life!
Call it what you will, if you use police resources to look for DUIs in the middle of nowhere, in the afternoon I would start a campaign to get you out of office. If you want to put out over a dozen of my officers to catch drunk drivers, you're doing it in times and areas where they are most prevalent. Not in Timbuktu at 12pm.

Sent from my HTC-X710a using Tapatalk

I've gone through an OPP RIDE program on Old Base Line road in the middle of the afternoon..1pm maybe on a weekday...

Glad I'm Canadian!!

Go get 'em!!... LOL
For MLadin

Back in the 60's and 70's you could get hired with just a high school diploma. Today you won't even get to the testing phase unless you hold a MINIMUM of a BA, (and yes I was a cop).

You can post all kinds of people being stupid while doing their job. Cops are human and as each one of us have their failings. Are there cops who overstep their authority? 100% there are is that ALL cops as you seem to want to believe, not even close.

If I wanted to waste my time I could post videos of riders doing stupid and illegal things on their bikes does that make ALL riders bad in your eyes as well?? Normally if a video appears, (the WHOLE video not just edited snippets) of an officer doing something outrageous or illegal that officer is suspended and investigated. If the investigation reveals illegal activity they are terminated.

I can tell you a story of how ONE individual can see the same cop differently doing two interactions. I once stopped a young lad for impaired, (he was way over the limit). He was arrested taken to the station for a breath test, (he failed miserably). He was loud aggressive and called me and anyone else in the area every name you can think of. About 1 year later I received a radio call to attend a residence. There was a baby, (approx 14 months old), who had stopped breathing. My partner and I performed mouth to mouth and got the baby breathing again, (after removing an obstruction). The father was SOOOO relieved couldn't stop praising and thanking us. Then after the shock of the situation wore off him he realized I was the same cop who had busted him for impaired.

He apoligized for his behaviour and said he then realized we are all pricks, which is how he felt after being convicted and having to get a ride to work everyday for six months, (suspensions were not automatic back then but set by the judge).

So are cops pricks? AT times BUT we didn't put anyone into that car and pour booze down their throats they did it and yet we were the bad guys just for doing our jobs.

I always had the attitude I treated the public as they treated me. If they were courteous and polite they got that back from me. If they were a ranting idiot, or disrespectful they got that back from me. If they were aggressive, then..... I was paid to do a job NOT to take crap or be abused at work.

As for the "freeman of the land" movement some fool tried to pull this recently in NS, He moved into a home renting it, then stopped paying rent and told the owner it was now HIS house as he was a freeman. He is now sitting in jail in NS awaiting bail hearing on that as well as several other charges.

The SCC, (Supreme Court of Canada) has ruled Ride and other impaired style enforcements stops are constitutional for " the protection of society as a whole" SO my advice pull up open your window/ lift your visor. Then follow steps below

"Evening officer"
"Good evening have you had anything to drink this morning/afternoon/evening/tonight?"
"Nothing at all"
"Have a great evening rive safely"
"Thank you officer"

and be on your way. All this will take perhaps 15 seconds BUT it could be you or your family whose life is saved.

As Macs so eloquently put it earlier if a person ALWAYS has a negative interaction with police and this happens several times a year then perhaps it is isn't the police but time to get a REALLY good mirror and look to it for the problem...
How to hold up traffic and waste people's time

Can someone please fix the title in the original post.

Forget the BA , this genius can't even do basic math, yet he's willing to ruin someone's life!

Either the guy in the video is drunk as a skunk or it was badly hacked in editing.

First he's arguing about .018 then it cuts to double to .08 and arguing about double.

What does double have to do with anything?

Do breathalysers now come requiring you to double the numbers shown?
Re: How to hold up traffic and waste people's time

Can someone please fix the title in the original post.

Either the guy in the video is drunk as a skunk or it was badly hacked in editing.

First he's arguing about .018 then it cuts to double to .08 and arguing about double.

What does double have to do with anything?

Do breathalysers now come requiring you to double the numbers shown?

He's telling the kid that he's twice the legal limit.
For MLadin

Back in the 60's and 70's you could get hired with just a high school diploma. Today you won't even get to the testing phase unless you hold a MINIMUM of a BA, (and yes I was a cop).

You can post all kinds of people being stupid while doing their job. Cops are human and as each one of us have their failings. Are there cops who overstep their authority? 100% there are is that ALL cops as you seem to want to believe, not even close.

If I wanted to waste my time I could post videos of riders doing stupid and illegal things on their bikes does that make ALL riders bad in your eyes as well?? Normally if a video appears, (the WHOLE video not just edited snippets) of an officer doing something outrageous or illegal that officer is suspended and investigated. If the investigation reveals illegal activity they are terminated.

I can tell you a story of how ONE individual can see the same cop differently doing two interactions. I once stopped a young lad for impaired, (he was way over the limit). He was arrested taken to the station for a breath test, (he failed miserably). He was loud aggressive and called me and anyone else in the area every name you can think of. About 1 year later I received a radio call to attend a residence. There was a baby, (approx 14 months old), who had stopped breathing. My partner and I performed mouth to mouth and got the baby breathing again, (after removing an obstruction). The father was SOOOO relieved couldn't stop praising and thanking us. Then after the shock of the situation wore off him he realized I was the same cop who had busted him for impaired.

He apoligized for his behaviour and said he then realized we are all pricks, which is how he felt after being convicted and having to get a ride to work everyday for six months, (suspensions were not automatic back then but set by the judge).

So are cops pricks? AT times BUT we didn't put anyone into that car and pour booze down their throats they did it and yet we were the bad guys just for doing our jobs.

I always had the attitude I treated the public as they treated me. If they were courteous and polite they got that back from me. If they were a ranting idiot, or disrespectful they got that back from me. If they were aggressive, then..... I was paid to do a job NOT to take crap or be abused at work.

As for the "freeman of the land" movement some fool tried to pull this recently in NS, He moved into a home renting it, then stopped paying rent and told the owner it was now HIS house as he was a freeman. He is now sitting in jail in NS awaiting bail hearing on that as well as several other charges.

The SCC, (Supreme Court of Canada) has ruled Ride and other impaired style enforcements stops are constitutional for " the protection of society as a whole" SO my advice pull up open your window/ lift your visor. Then follow steps below

"Evening officer"
"Good evening have you had anything to drink this morning/afternoon/evening/tonight?"
"Nothing at all"
"Have a great evening rive safely"
"Thank you officer"

and be on your way. All this will take perhaps 15 seconds BUT it could be you or your family whose life is saved.

As Macs so eloquently put it earlier if a person ALWAYS has a negative interaction with police and this happens several times a year then perhaps it is isn't the police but time to get a REALLY good mirror and look to it for the problem...

Point of this tread is NO ONE has the right to ask you ANYTHING at ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! If a stranger came up to you and asked you "what's your name?", "where are you going?.", "where have you been?"'d tell him/her to F off. Why can a cops ask this? They're strangers! Most people can't wrap their brain around this!

Know your rights and use them or lose them!

This guy is hilarious, but effective. "I don't answer any questions." (The whole point of this thread):

I don't have bad interactions with cops. I don't have any interactions with cops except friends who I tongue-in-cheek mess around with. This thread is merely a debate to show how attitudes towards police are changing as cops are being held accountable in this new world where everyone has a camera and has the right to film these public servants. It must suck to be a cop these days, especially in the US. Mess up and you're sued.
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Point of this tread is NO ONE has the right to ask you ANYTHING at ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! If a stranger came up to you and asked you "what's your name?", "where are you going?.", "where have you been?"'d tell him/her to F off. Why can a cops ask this? They're strangers! Most people can't wrap their brain around this!

Know your rights and use them or lose them!

This guy is hilarious, but effective. "I don't answer any questions." (The whole point of this thread):

Bolded sentence doesnt make you sound too bright.
Point of this tread is NO ONE has the right to ask you ANYTHING at ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! If a stranger came up to you and asked you "what's your name?", "where are you going?.", "where have you been?"'d tell him/her to F off. Why can a cops ask this? They're strangers! Most people can't wrap their brain around this!

Know your rights and use them or lose them!

This guy is hilarious, but effective. "I don't answer any questions." (The whole point of this thread):

Actually it was about DUI traffic stops, and your 100% WRONG in your assertion that no one has the right to ask you anything anytime. The SCC has ruled an officer has the LEGAL authority to stop you, and ASK if you have consumed an intoxicating substance, (I use that phrase as it also now extends to intoxicating drugs, prescription or illegal).

If it is determined you have consumed such a substance then the officer may ask you to identify yourself, (which you are legally required to then produce ID, and he may also ask you other questions related to how much you have consumed and where, (I do state he may ask you, and you are not obligated to answer those questions without seeking legal advise), But as for the assertion that no one can stop you and ask you ANYTHING is incorrect. Now weather you choose to answer those questions is your decision but refusing to answer if you have been drinking WILL likely lead to you being asked to submit to either a roadside testing device or a breath test. BUT it is your right to refuse to answer and it is also your right to refuse the demand to submit for testing BUT that will also result in a criminal charge, (which you can spend thousands if not 10's of thousands defending yourself against)..

BUT at least you exercised YOUR rights rather than simply answer the question and drive off 15 seconds later.. Personally I will gladly answer the officer questions and fore go the drama to make a point.
The man can actually have his **** taken away because he filmed an officer (technically multiple) without their consent.
Point of this tread is NO ONE has the right to ask you ANYTHING at ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! If a stranger came up to you and asked you "what's your name?", "where are you going?.", "where have you been?"'d tell him/her to F off. Why can a cops ask this? They're strangers! Most people can't wrap their brain around this!

Know your rights and use them or lose them!
But you don’t know your rights... because your statements that i bolded isnt true. In fact the opposite is true. Anyone has the right to ask you these questions anytime anyplace. Including police. The point you should be making is that you are not always obligated to answer these questions except in some specific circumstances.

These circumstances are detailed here

Getting advice of dealing with police from videos on the internet (especially when from a different country all together) is silly.

Consult people who actually know Canadian law such as the CCLA who provided the info I posted in my link
Actually it was about DUI traffic stops, and your 100% WRONG in your assertion that no one has the right to ask you anything anytime. The SCC has ruled an officer has the LEGAL authority to stop you, and ASK if you have consumed an intoxicating substance, (I use that phrase as it also now extends to intoxicating drugs, prescription or illegal).

If it is determined you have consumed such a substance then the officer may ask you to identify yourself, (which you are legally required to then produce ID, and he may also ask you other questions related to how much you have consumed and where, (I do state he may ask you, and you are not obligated to answer those questions without seeking legal advise), But as for the assertion that no one can stop you and ask you ANYTHING is incorrect. Now weather you choose to answer those questions is your decision but refusing to answer if you have been drinking WILL likely lead to you being asked to submit to either a roadside testing device or a breath test. BUT it is your right to refuse to answer and it is also your right to refuse the demand to submit for testing BUT that will also result in a criminal charge, (which you can spend thousands if not 10's of thousands defending yourself against)..

BUT at least you exercised YOUR rights rather than simply answer the question and drive off 15 seconds later.. Personally I will gladly answer the officer questions and fore go the drama to make a point.

As you pointed out, they can ask you anything they want, you don't have to answer one single question. You are obligated only to identify yourself ONLY IF YOU ARE SUSPECTED OF A CRIME!

Listen to a cop and you'll get sucked in by a cop. Listen to lawyer and take her advice to "shut-up." I don't drink, but if I did, I'd exercise my rights just as this man did. The world is changing. Policing is drastically changing!

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