How To Scare a Cop

Do you even read what I say or are you just purposely selectively reading? I even put it in brackets because I knew you thought I'd over generalize.

The point isn't even from the original post, someone said that these are for DUIs so bow down to an authority and progress yourself through the conveyor belt of live -- and I tried to correct them by showing how they, for the most part, aren't for DUIs. Welcome to GTA motorcycle where everyone thinks they know waht they're talking about and where EVERY post digresses from the original topic at hand. Let them get back to discussing the use in the charter at stops because I'm sure some people here could learn a thing or two.

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Also, a checkpoint to a motorcyclist is MUCH different than a checkpoint to say, a Latino or black person. If you think everyone views checkpoints as a way to "serve and protect" you're wrong. So just because the title says "DUI checkpoint" doesn't mean jack. That only gives you one perspective out of the whole subject of checkpoints. Try and think from another perspective and you'll realize its not all daisies and roses.

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I cant speak to whats not presented. I have no doubt Latinos and Blacks in Nevada probably have a harder time with the cops than whites do (same in Canada). But the end of the day the question was how the refusal to co-operate at a DUI like in video would be taken in Canada. Thats been answered. You seems to be arguing against points that I have not made.
Call it what you will, if you use police resources to look for DUIs in the middle of nowhere, in the afternoon I would start a campaign to get you out of office. If you want to put out over a dozen of my officers to catch drunk drivers, you're doing it in times and areas where they are most prevalent. Not in Timbuktu at 12pm.

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d. Let them get back to discussing the use in the charter at stops because I'm sure some people here could learn a thing or two.

Thats already been answered here is the break down.

The police can ask for ID, Reg and Insurance when operating a motor vehicle you must provide this. DUI checkpoints are legal in Canada and refusing to blow can get you a refusal charge.

You could refuse to answer questions like "Where are you coming from tonight" but my guess would be that would probably lead to a roadside breath test
No ones discussed searches without a warrant at DUIs which I have seen happen. So clearly there are things missing in this. Let them discuss. You aren't the be all and end all in knowledge.

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Call it what you will, if you use police resources to look for DUIs in the middle of nowhere, in the afternoon I would start a campaign to get you out of office. If you want to put out over a dozen of my officers to catch drunk drivers, you're doing it in times and areas where they are most prevalent. Not in Timbuktu at 12pm.

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I don't think we know were the video was taken or its traffic patterns. I agree though for most effectiveness they should be placed in high volume areas. As for time in the UK they did allot during the morning 10am-12pm to catch people who had drank all night and still had it in their system. There isn't enough info in the video to make a decision on the efficacy of this checkpoint.
No ones discussed searches without a warrant at DUIs which I have seen happen. So clearly there are things missing in this. Let them discuss. You aren't the be all and end all in knowledge.

That was also addressed in my link i will highlight the relevant section. I only ever had one cop ask to search my car. It was 1:00am on a back road and there had been a spate of Arson and Vandalism in the area. I declined and they didn't give me any issues. But i'm sure there plenty of times that they abuse this power and if they do search without consent not much you can do. Complaints against the police are rarely fruitful.

I answered with "I'm sorry officer i don't consent to searches". Important to remember once you consent they can search everything and you can take it back.

Can the police search my car?
If your car has been stopped by the police to check your sobriety, the mechanical condition of the car, or your licence, registration or insurance, the police cannot search your car. They are, however, allowed to look in the windows of your car, and may use a flashlight to do this if it is nighttime.
The police are only allowed to search your car if they have reasonable and probable grounds to believe that there are illegal drugs or alcohol or evidence relating to the commission of a crime in the car. They must also believe that the evidence, drugs or alcohol would be removed or destroyed if they were to get a search warrant.

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Your point is a mess.
I have been checked at a DUI checkpoint on my bike. Bikers do drive drunk. Yes i have also been waved through at a checkpoint but they have every right to ask you if you have been drinking. The point that the checkpoints also nab people for other crimes is not a point at all. You make it seems that they try and get everyone for drug smuggling at DUI checkpoints if they are in a car.

To back up boots, I've been in a small group before (5-8 bikes) that rode into a DUI checkpoint. Officer spoke to the lead, and waved us all through.
油井緋色;2098695 said:
To back up boots, I've been in a small group before (5-8 bikes) that rode into a DUI checkpoint. Officer spoke to the lead, and waved us all through.

Okay. I also have been waved through on a bike. its the officers choice. I have also seen them wave through transport trucks.
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"have you had anything to drink today sir?"


"have a good day"

Live on ride program!
^ that

A long as you don't have booze on your breath, speach isn't sloppy, and your eyes aren't bloodshot your pretty much in the clear.

Posts on gta are giving the impression a lot of people would have no problem brake checking someone, teach a range rover a lesson, and driving under the influence.
Any lawyers on here? :-)

This argument is being made in the comments of the video. Some interesting comments!

These guys take it to the nth degree with walking around town with a loaded machine gun!

I don't think a lot of people understand what's going on here. People are changing attitudes towards the police . It's the bully / victim attitude that has created this new brand of citizen. The guy in the check point video is a pioneer in my eyes. You clearly see the cops losing their command presence. Hands going in pockets, slouched forward. Each one of those cops will leave feeling smaller for it, and will learn they have to respect the public, not bully them...which is what they are taught to do. They are civil servants. They work for you. They are no more than mailmen with a badge...paid by you. No one has any right to ask you anything -- even if you HAVE done something wrong. "You have the right to remain silent..." It would be good for Canadian's to know the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and exercise them! A good idea here would be to have a template ready in your car / bike with exactly what is legal and what is not according to the charter. IE:

According for The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, section__, subsection __ I do not have to speak to you or answer any of your questions as it is against the law and my rights as a citizen of Canada. I will however provide you with my drivers license, ownership of vehicle, and proof of insurance as required by Ontario / Canadian law. I will cooperate to the extent that the charter affords me. Should I require a lawyer or duty council to answer any questions, please provide me with either under my rights as a Canadian citizen.

This does quite a few things. Reminds the cops of what they really are (mailmen). Deflates their ego. Confuses them. Removes any inclination to bully or intimidate. Removes any cowboy attitudes. And spreads throughout departments becoming a viral attitude and thus resetting the status quo as to how the police interact with their paying public.
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Any lawyers on here? :-)

According for The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, section__, subsection __ I do not have to speak to you or answer any of your questions as it is against the law and my rights as a citizen of Canada. I will however provide you with my drivers license, ownership of vehicle, and proof of insurance as required by Ontario / Canadian law. I will cooperate to the extent that the charter affords me. Should I require a lawyer or duty council to answer any questions, please provide me with either under my rights as a Canadian citizen.

The Canadian civil liberties assoc are lawyers see the link I posted from from them on dealing with the police and your rights.

if you try and pull this spiel at a DUI check point you will just end up blowing into a tube. You have the right not to answer the question but not to refuse to the sobriety test. Well you can refuse but you will be charged with refusal.

if you want to know more about your rights when dealing with cops contact you local Canadian civil liberties assoc. I don't suggest listing to advice from the freeman on the land crowd. They are not as successfully legally as the internet would have you believe.
If you carry a rifle like that downtown they might book you for disturbing the peace, however I highly doubt they can charge you. There are other regulations for rifles also.

But why would you carry a rifle around? You're just stirring the pot.
But why would you carry a rifle around? You're just stirring the pot.

I guess to them they see it as a test of there rights. But they know this is the reaction they are going to get and are looking for it.

I think in Canada if you had the proper paper work carrying an unloaded firearm openly isn't illegal given gun laws. However like you said you would probably get disturbing the peace or some other charge possible gun confiscation and I think thats fair in Canada its so rare to see a firearm outside of shooting clubs, home collections or hunting it would be completely out of the norm. The US is a different story however they of course have gun ownership enshrined in their constitution.
W(hy)TF it has to be converted into a big issue? The cop simply asked "....if you had a drink...". Just say NO and move on. Is it so hard to be a normal human being?
Policing is changing drastically in the US. No one is tolerating these mailmen anymore:

Stupid cop:

They used to harass black America and black America fought back with violence (LA Riots). Now they're harassing white America and white America fights back with intellect.
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