How to keep young people from turning to ISIS?

Well that settles it. Some nutbar "may have been motivated by religion" therefore Islam is peaceful..........

At a certain point you should stop trying to justify Islam by deflecting onto heinous other crimes in the name of some obscure religion.

And PS, if this was done in the name of Christianity (which it wasn't, nor does the Christian Bible prescribe such actions) it is still absolutely, horribly, incredibly wrong and of course needs to and will stand to account.
I see everyone is still playing the whose deity is worse game....

Nope, not everyone.

Ironically the "deities" in question are one and the same for all three Abrahamic religions. They all worship the same God with minor differences in window dressing.

The argument is whether or not one religion is inherently more evil than another, which is ironic given that they all stem from the same basic roots and writings.

I don't think that any of the three major religions is inherently more evil or driven to violence than the others. Each has shown itself to be vulnerable to exploitation. I think each of the three religions have been exploited and distorted by extremists in the past and right up to today to justify all manner of atrocity, whether in specific drive to holy war in "defence" of one religious sect or another, or in invoking the name of God to exhort the masses.
Well that settles it. Some nutbar "may have been motivated by religion" therefore Islam is peaceful..........

At a certain point you should stop trying to justify Islam by deflecting onto heinous other crimes in the name of some obscure religion.

And PS, if this was done in the name of Christianity (which it wasn't, nor does the Christian Bible prescribe such actions) it is still absolutely, horribly, incredibly wrong and of course needs to and will stand to account.

Nope. Nutbars distort religion to justify their acts. This is true of Christian and Muslim nutbars, and Jewish ones too. Islam as a religion is as peaceful as is Judaism and Christianity, but adherents from all three faiths have shown time and time again a willingness to commit violence in the name of their respective religions, or to use their respective religions as a motivator for violence.

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Nobody really wants to accept that their own faith could possibly provide the seed for violent extremism, do they?
Nope, not everyone.

Ironically the "deities" in question are one and the same for all three Abrahamic religions. They all worship the same God with minor differences in window dressing.

The argument is whether or not one religion is inherently more evil than another, which is ironic given that they all stem from the same basic roots and writings.

I don't think that any of the three major religions is inherently more evil or driven to violence than the others. Each has shown itself to be vulnerable to exploitation. I think each of the three religions have been exploited and distorted by extremists in the past and right up to today to justify all manner of atrocity, whether in specific drive to holy war in "defence" of one religious sect or another, or in invoking the name of God to exhort the masses.

You need to educate yourself on Allah vs. Christian God. There is a good thread right here in romper room on said topic. Needless to say there is very little in the way of similarities between Allah and the Triune God (oops, I gave a bit of it away......)
Nope. Nutbars distort religion to justify their acts. This is true of Christian and Muslim nutbars, and Jewish ones too. Islam as a religion is as peaceful as is Judaism and Christianity, but adherents from all three faiths have shown time and time again a willingness to commit violence in the name of their respective religions, or to use their respective religions as a motivator for violence.

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Nobody really wants to accept that their own faith could possibly provide the seed for violent extremism, do they?

I have no problem accepting that there are nutbars in the world, religions or otherwise. Just a friendly reminder, this thread is about Islam and whether or not it's a religion of peace.
Thanks for posting that. Glad to hear the Islamic community loudly condemn these psychos like that.
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They have been doing things like that to denounce extremism all along. It just usually doesn't get headlines or attention that outrageous acts do, and the rabid islamophobes won't disseminate these kinds of headlines like they do the headlines that put Muslims in a bad light.

You sir said it right. This is the issue, people just ignore these kind of statements or media just doesn't give it enough attention. Maybe media makes more money when publishing bad news than good.
Nobody likes bad press unless you're a Hollywood wanna be or something.
m just saying in intelligence no body is who they might seem to be... that essentially is the job.
The CIA created Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda to fight a proxy war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. ISIS is really just a byproduct of Western created Islam extremism and disenchantment. We need to take responsibility for creating this problem.
The CIA created Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda to fight a proxy war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. ISIS is really just a byproduct of Western created Islam extremism and disenchantment. We need to take responsibility for creating this problem.

While i don't disagree there is much more to it than just the recent history. These global caliphates and this level of extremism stretches way back int the 12th century and not just to the crusades Islam was at one point almost completely dominated by the Mongles. There was even a valid fear they would sack mecca
I watched a couple of documentaries on Netflix last night.

They were all Frontline docs.

Frontline: Battle Zones Ukraine and Syria
Frontline: Syria's Second Front

and the one I would really like to hear feedback from some of you on was:

Frontline: Losing Iraq

The Losing Iraq doc discussed what the Iraqi Sunni population has suffered through and the U.S. decisions which ultimately led to Nouri_al-Maliki assuming power. He has made horrible decisions and choices with regards to the Sunni population and the Sunni politicians who were in the government.

So... Is ISIS just an extreme example of Sunni disenchantment or is it something else? If ISIS is largely a Sunni movement then it seems to me that there needs to be a multi-national Sunni group to help combat them. If a ****** group is who is fighting them then that would just seem to fan the flames of Sunni disenchantment is being disenfranchised more than ever.

Just wondering what those who know a heck of a lot more than I do think about this.
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