How to keep young people from turning to ISIS?

In order to copypaste you have to looking for stuff to copy paste... judging by the extent of the material and the diversity of sources.. it didnt happen in 2 minutes... anyways... just wondering how much time does this guy spend insearch of this kinda ****

Some like to suggest that the Sunni terrorist attacks against Shia are a recent phenomenon and are related to Western interference.

These animals all have one thing in common:
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan
Sipah-e-Sahaba Al-Alami
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Pakistan
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al Alami
JundUllah -
Ansar Al Dine

They are all Sunni. They also typically target Shia much more often and with more ferocity than they attacks Christians or other groups. This is just the latest chapter in a long history of genocidal behavior against the largely peaceful Shia.

"The world’s longest running feud is not over Kashmir or Palestine or Chechnya, nor is it the Catholic-Protestant schism. It is the Shia-Sunni conflict. Measured in terms of historical longevity, it beats the Catholic-Protestant schism by a factor of three and the Palestinian conflict by a factor of more than twenty."

However, warfare continued with the Great Moguls of India over control of Afghanistan (1605-1655) and the Ottoman Turks over control of Azerbaijan (1595-1639). The Safavid-Mogul rivalry, which was an echo of the Shia-Sunni rivalry, extended even to the Sultanates of the Deccan and was a primary reason for the advance of Mogul armies into southern India under Shah Jehan and Aurangzeb (1640-1707). "

So... Forget that nonsense that this is all recent and it is because of Western interference, influence, or involvement. This is an ancient conflict and the ongoing genocide against the Shia is ingrained and will not stop until the last Shia draws his last breath.,8599,1924116,00.html

But in Iraq — throughout the Middle East, in fact — what happened centuries ago is as alive and fresh as though it had happened just yesterday. The story of Hussein has been transformed into Shi'ite liberation theology. What was a story of tragic loss and dispossession is now one of liberation from oppression.

The whacked out Sunni tradition of Wahhabism has led to countless slaughtered Shia at the hands of Sunni:
"Wahhabism has, since its beginnings in Saudi Arabia, been particularly hostile to Shiism. In the early 19th century, Wahhabi raiders sacked Shia shrines in Mecca, Medina and Karbala, accusing their keepers of worshipping idols."

You feel at risk or scared by Sunni Muslims? Think of how the poor Shia must feel:

The Shias, he says, are a more pernicious enemy than the Americans, and the best strategy for the poor, weak and sleepy Sunnis is to “strike their religious, military and other cadres”

"On the opposite spectrum you have the Sunni’s that see the words of Koran as absolute and Koranic laws “Sharia Law” without modification and alterations as the only law permissible (fundamentalists). This is why the Sunis see Shias as heretics and not because of what Shias call their religious leaders."
" ...growing sense of unease in the global Shia community because of attacks on them by Sunni extremists. They cited the attacks on Ashura and later in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bahrain."

Even the Sunni website takes a potshot at Shia:

The purpose of this section about Shiism:

(a) To enlighten Sunni Muslims about the evil and blasphemous beliefs in Shiism.

(b) To invite the Shia to revert to pure Islam. People have the right to choose the religion they want to follow. If you were born to a Shia family, you don't have to spend your life as a ******. We know that many of the Shia beliefs we uncover in this section will shock you. You may indeed say that these doctrines are not part of Shiism. The sad fact is that these beliefs are truly part of Shiism. When we present a Shia belief or doctrine, we mention the Shia reference book and page on which this belief is stated, so just read these books.

(c) To warn people interested in reverting to Islam that Shiism represents a deviation from pure Islam and the doctrines of Shiism have no basis in the Quran or Hadith.

The relationship of Shiism to Islam is very similar to the relationship of Christianity to Jesus' true message. Like Christianity, Shiism lures and deceives its followers by operating under the name of Islam and incorporating some Islamic doctrines while adding new doctrines that have no basis & contradict with Islam as taught by the Quran and preached by Prophet Mohammad.

We have to be more cautious regarding classifying or labelling individual Shiites. Because Shiism encourages Taqiya (concealing and lying about one's true beliefs), it is hard to know what a specific ****** individual truly believes in. We will leave it to Allah to judge the true beliefs of individual Shiites. The more a ****** individual follows Shiism, the more likely he/she will be straying away from Islam.

"There is no Shia plot against the Sunni Arab world, just old history that won’t go away."

The last quotation sums it up. The year 632 was a LONG time ago. When will this end?

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Do you have a job/life/wife etc?... I mean such a long posts (certainly not the first) must've taken quite some time.

I have a job, wife, and a life. Just looked up this stuff because you told us to do our homework. Cursory research was not accepted by you so I went further. Now that I have actually uncovered stuff you do not want out there you choose to attack the poster instead of the post.

At least I do not waste my time trying to memorize the Quran:

"I am by no means a hafiz, but I have been memorizing under a hafiz for the past year. For memorizing there are three parts. The new lesson, the lesson for about the past ten days, and the old lesson. The new lesson and the semi-old lesson need to be said everyday. The old lesson also needs to be said everyday, but you don't necessairly need to recite everything you have memorized. For instance, someone who memorized less than 5 paras (juz) only needs to recite 1/2 para of the old lesson. Some with more than 5 paras needs to recite at least a para. My teacher told me that eventually most of the time will be spent reviewing old lessons and only about an hour will be spent on the new lesson. This is because it will become easier to memorize after doing a few paras. I am 24 right now, and inshallah I have the intention to become a hafiz even if it takes 10 or 20 years. When memorizing new material, it just takes a long time. Sometimes I will devote a half hour to learn one line. Young people can do it much faster, but even by doing 3 or 4 lines a day a person can make significant progress especially if someone is consitent with doing it everyday.

This is the method we used as well.
Also try to memorize new lessons before you go to sleep or early after fajr.
These were the two best times for most to memorize. My favorite was before sleeping cause when you'd wake up, it'd still be fresh in your mind.

We also used to have tests on everything whenever we completed a juz.

Wsalaam wr wb"

"1. Highest ranks of Jannah for the Memoriser of the Qur'an:

Ibn 'Amr reported that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said:

"It will be said to the companion of the Qur'aan after he has entered Paradise, 'Recite, and rise!' For every verse he recites he will rise one level (in Paradise), until he recites the last verse with him (i.e., in his memory)." (Aboo Dawood)

This Hadith mentions the merit of those who memorize part or all of the Qur’an. Some scholars, in explaining this Hadith, have mentioned that the number of ranks (levels) in Paradise is equal to the number of ayahs (verses) in the Qur’an, and that a believer will rise one rank for each ayah (verse) that he or she memorizes. Obviously, the one who memorised the whole Qur'an will stop at the last verse of the Quran meaning they will be of those among the highest ranks of paradise.

Whoever memorizes Quraan and acts upon it, Allaah will reward him and honour him greatly for that, so that he will rise in status in Paradise to a level commensurate with what he memorized of the Book of Allaah.

Subhanallah! We should all memorise as much of the Qur'an as we can until our last breath for every ayah we memorise will result in higher ranks in Jannah! "

Now that is a waste of time!

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I don't know about you but the 60s were pretty darn calm between the sia and sunni... untill a particular nation was hijacked... I am not denying the past ... but past isnt arming alqaeda RIGHT NOW

The fact that you are willing to go so far back in time to deny western interventionism is in a proving my point... what role did the shia sunni rift play in the creation of the. Taliban/alqaeda/ISIS? Pretty much none... who fubded/trained/fed/armed almost all of the groups you've named?
If you are so willingly blind to the facts of TODAY.. then their is no way to make you see the light.. more like you have seen the truth already but accepting it does not serve your bias.

Best of luck to you.

No 75000 dead syrians with out western terror groups...

FACT: majority of the so called syrian rebels arent even syrian... guess the flags on the shoulders of those ADVISING them. Its not iranian nor is it pakistani/malaysian/Indonesian (majority sunni concentration)

Pretty darn sure it was Not a sunni nation (s) that provided intel to convince saddam he had to attack iran it was daddy bush and donal rumsfeld . Also it was not sunnis who provided chemical weapons manufacturing equipment to saddam those suppliers were distinctively Caucasian.
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I don't know about you but the 60s were pretty darn calm between the sia and sunni... untill a particular nation was hijacked... I am not denying the past ... but past isnt arming alqaeda RIGHT NOW

The fact that you are willing to go so far back in time to deny western interventionism is in a proving my point... what role did the shia sunni rift play in the creation of the. Taliban/alqaeda/ISIS? Pretty much none... who fubded/trained/fed/armed almost all of the groups you've named?
If you are so willingly blind to the facts of TODAY.. then their is no way to make you see the light.. more like you have seen the truth already but accepting it does not serve your bias.

Best of luck to you.

No 75000 dead syrians with out western terror groups...

FACT: majority of the so called syrian rebels arent even syrian... guess the flags on the shoulders of those ADVISING them. Its not iranian nor is it pakistani/malaysian/Indonesian (majority sunni concentration)

Pretty darn sure it was Not a sunni nation (s) that provided intel to convince saddam he had to attack iran it was daddy bush and donal rumsfeld . Also it was not sunnis who provided chemical weapons manufacturing equipment to saddam those suppliers were distinctively Caucasian.

DAMN those americans ...Shahfaisal you still battling on the front lines eh! :lmao: Give up already you have nothing to gain or lose considering you lost any credibility you had long long ago. ZOODLES has kicked you in your noodle many times.

BTW HAPPY EASTER View attachment 36644
Yup... History shows that the Sunni have been trying to eradicate the Shia since 632. Way before North America was even discovered! If the U.S. and the West were not over there they would be using Chinese weapons to try to eradicate the poor Shia. This is an ancient problem and it is silly to blame this on the West. Take responsibility for the Sunni genocide against the Shia.

Security experts expect more Sunni proxi wars and an escalation of Sunni versus Shia violence in the wake of the Iran arms deal.

"A nuclear deal with Iran may spur proxy wars in the Middle East as Sunni Muslims try to counter an increasingly wealthy and powerful Shi'ite Iran"

"It is a sophisticated country, with a vision, more and more powerful in the Middle East, and therefore on the Sunni side there might be a temptation for some to support extremist groups to fight against Iran by proxy," he said."

Look for more Sunni fashion in a Middle Eastern state (hopefully not) near you:
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This is indeed nothing new... John Quincy Adams and Winston Churchill wrote about how barbaric these guys were/are:

"The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men."

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step..."

a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar [i.e., Muhammad]...he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. THE ESSENCE OF HIS DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST."
This is indeed nothing new... John Quincy Adams and Winston Churchill wrote about how barbaric these guys were/are:

Which guys was that?

You have an obsessive fixation on the boogeyman being a Muslim. I have to wonder from what sectarian belief system this comes from.

You should try googling up Christian terrorism and see what comes up.

"“There are still nine Christians here. We will capture them. We will kill them. When we finish here, we will go to the next village and kill the Christians there, too.”If an ISIS leader made a statement like this publicly, Fox News would probably cut into their programming bring you a special report about the Muslims’ “religious war” against Christians. Mainstream media outlets would most likely cover it as well.
But that statement was indeed uttered in 2014. Except there was one simple word difference: “Christian” was replaced with “Muslim.” That is exactly what a Christian terrorist said about his militia’s plan to exterminate the remaining nine Muslims in a village in Central Africa Republic (CAR). But, of course, stuff like that doesn’t really make news here in our country."

"Yesterday, a man in an SUV who'd been making online and in-person threats against the Muslim community ran down and killed a 15-year-old boy getting into the family car outside a mosque in Kansas City, Mo. At the end of last month a man with ties to extremist Christian groups and opposed to immigration fired more than 100 rounds at various targets in Austin, Texas, including the police headquarters, the federal courthouse, and the Mexican consulate, before he was killed.

In neither case has the word "terrorism" featured prominently in the coverage of the attack. And, if the US press and politicians stay true to what's become the accepted framing for homegrown "terrorism," it's unlikely to appear much going forward.
The adoption of slogans like the "war on terrorism" since Al Qaeda's attacks on New York and Washington in 2001 was supposed to be about the tactic, not about the underlying beliefs of the attacker. But in practice, terrorism carried out by Muslims is portrayed as far scarier, a far greater danger, than similar violent acts carried out by adherents of other faiths. "
The government is in the process of taking away our rights , freedom and establishing a police state..

All as a result of of creating one terror threat after another and presenting themselves as your saviour..

Islam is the new communism.. The latest threat to destroy the world unless our great government saves us. And we must do and obey,,,

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Which guys was that?

You have an obsessive fixation on the boogeyman being a Muslim. I have to wonder from what sectarian belief system this comes from.

“Islam’s borders are bloody,” wrote the late political scientist Samuel Huntington in 1996, “and so are its innards.” Nearly 20 years later, Huntington looks more right than ever before. According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, at least 70% of all the fatalities in armed conflicts around the world last year were in wars involving Muslims. In 2013, there were nearly 12,000 terrorist attacks world-wide. The lion’s share were in Muslim-majority countries, and many of the others were carried out by Muslims.

Reality... Reality...

Sadly it is primarily Muslims killing Muslims.

"By far the most numerous victims of Muslim violence—including executions and lynchings not captured in these statistics—are Muslims themselves."

It is Sunni attempting Genocide against the Shia. This has been going on for over 1400 years.

Those that choose a more moderate path seem to disengage from the Western/modern countries they live in:

"Trapped between two worlds of belief and experience, these Muslims are engaged in a daily struggle to adhere to Islam in the context of a society that challenges their values and beliefs at every turn. Many are able to resolve this tension only by withdrawing into self-enclosed (and increasingly self-governing) enclaves. This is called cocooning, a practice whereby Muslim immigrants attempt to wall off outside influences, permitting only an Islamic education for their children and disengaging from the wider non-Muslim community."
The sad thing is that the militant Sunni overseas are committing genocide against the peaceful Shia and the "moderates" who do come to Canada and elsewhere disengage and self-segregate. Both situations are sad.
Atleast we learned one undeniable fact... zoodles spends god knows how many hours to seek out stuff to demonize muslims...SPECIFICALLY... when islam is evil argument didnt stick.. now sunnis are evil argument has started.. this should be entertaining
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