How to keep young people from turning to ISIS?

Dont worry guys, things will only get better moving forward


Gotta love the combination breaking news and article headline...
Nothing to see there... That will not be a Muslim problem. .. It will be a world problem...
White people problems?

No... It seems to be a Sunni problem. I have been trying to better educate myself about this and from what I am learning the Shia Muslims are quite peaceful and tolerant. It is the Sunni Muslims who are being the vast majority of Extremist and terrorist activities.

Quite the laundry list of atrocities caused by these Sunni terrorist groups:
Al-Qaeda, Taliban, FSA, Al-Nusra


Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan
Sipah-e-Sahaba Al-Alami (covers the whole world in killing Shias)
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Pakistan
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al Alami (covers whole world in killing Shias)
JundUllah - was erected on Paki-Iran Baluch border to kill Iranian Shias.
Ansar Al Dine - Mali
Islamic State of Iraq - Takfiri butchers of Iraqi Shia

If you really want to learn about the issue I suggest you study history. Muslims have been invading and conquering for hundreds of years.

No... It seems to be a Sunni problem. I have been trying to better educate myself about this and from what I am learning the Shia Muslims are quite peaceful and tolerant. It is the Sunni Muslims who are being the vast majority of Extremist and terrorist activities.

Quite the laundry list of atrocities caused by these Sunni terrorist groups:
Al-Qaeda, Taliban, FSA, Al-Nusra


Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan
Sipah-e-Sahaba Al-Alami (covers the whole world in killing Shias)
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Pakistan
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al Alami (covers whole world in killing Shias)
JundUllah - was erected on Paki-Iran Baluch border to kill Iranian Shias.
Ansar Al Dine - Mali
Islamic State of Iraq - Takfiri butchers of Iraqi Shia

If you really want to learn about the issue I suggest you study history. Muslims have been invading and conquering for hundreds of years.

That will be my next phase of research. Currently though it is Sunni Muslims which are the problem. Hopefully CSIS is keeping tabs on Canadian Sunni Muslims and their militant mosques.

He presented a 36-page report entitled ""Building Resilience Against Terrorism," led off by pinpointing Islamist extremism in general and "'homegrown' Sunni Islamist extremists" in particular as having "identified Canada as a legitimate target or [having] directly threatened our interests."
He said that "recurring instances of violence linked to Sunni Islamist extremism have punctuated the development of the terrorist threat since at least the 1970s….Despite having been under intense pressure for the past decade, foreign-based Sunni Islam…extremist groups have explicitly identified Canada as a legitimate target for attacks or have taken actions that threaten Canada's international interests."
I thought there was only "One Islam" but that does not seem entirely accurate.
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Wow... I had no idea the real entertainment was this part of the discussion board, specifically this guys crack me up with your spirited back-and-forth, thoroughly amusing. Oh and BTW, I am a Sunni Muslim and a Wahabi no know, the hard core whack jobs!

So please keep it coming....:happy1:

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"To the untrained observer, some of the Islamists appear like well-adapted “Westerners,” butunderneath the surface, they are loyal to the revolutionary doctrines of politicized Islam. A thirdgroup, composed of charities and shell companies, is set up to manage the movement’s financesand raise money to support its extremist agenda overseas."

"As mentioned earlier, the Wahhabis reject the traditional schools of Islamicjurisprudence. Consequently, they often denounce other Muslims for following the fourtraditional schools of Islamic law: the Hanafi, the Maliki, the Shafi’i and the Hanbali. Instead,they will argue, Muslims should follow a strict literalist interpretation of the Qur’an andHadith."

"Of course, holding these beliefs do not make one aterrorist, but it does suggest that one has been influenced by the terrorists’ ideology."
"Of course, holding these beliefs do not make one aterrorist, but it does suggest that one has been influenced by the terrorists’ ideology."
Fundamentalists are whackos.

We have some right in the G.T.A.

I hope CSIS is keeping an eye on this guy and his mosque:

Here the whackjob says that Muslims did not do the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Guy is pretty out there.

“I don't believe a bit that Muslims have anything to do with that, because, Glory be to Allah (سبحان الله‎), September 11 [2001], the building melted, but they found a Saudi passport, Allah willed it (ما شاء الله). What a miracle!

“You know here [in the case of Charlie Hebdo attack] they kill, you know, people, but miraculously the guys are so intelligent to assassinate 12 people, but he was so dumb to leave his document in the car? Allah willed it (ما شاء الله), May Allah bless you (تبارك الله).
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what the hell is the difference between the two?? Is it like a catholic vs protestant thing? Mofos be telling me I look like one when I got my full beard going but the only thing I be terrorizing are the streets on my little *** 250...
what the hell is the difference between the two?? Is it like a catholic vs protestant thing? Mofos be telling me I look like one when I got my full beard going but the only thing I be terrorizing are the streets on my little *** 250...

Sadly the chasm is old and the battles have been raging a long time. The Sunnis have been massacring the Shia for a long time. :(

The war in Syria began much earlier than is generally recognised. The conflict actually began in the year 632 with the death of the Prophet Mohamed. The same is true of the violence, tension or oppression currently gripping the Muslim world from Iraq and Iran, though Egypt, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia to Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

To do a quick summation... When Mohammed died there was an issue of succession. He had no son so what to do?

The majority of his followers thought his closest associate, Abu Bakr, should take over. They became the Sunnis. But a minority thought the Prophet's closest relative, his son-in-law and nephew Ali, should succeed.Shia is an abbreviation of Shiat Ali "the party of Ali". Intrigues and violence followed, with Mohamed's widow Aisha (who was also the daughter of Abu Bakr) leading troops against Ali. "

"The two sides agreed on the Quran but had different views on hadith, the traditions recorded by Mohamed's followers about what he had said and done in his life. Diverging traditions of ritual, law and practice soon emerged. A clerical hierarchy, topped by imams and ayatollahs, became crucial in Shi'ism. By contrast, Sunni Muslims felt no need of intermediaries in their relationship with God - an approach which has abetted the rise of extremist zealots like al-Qa'ida."

A Christian might see the lack of intermediaries as akin to differentiating between Catholics with their saints etc and a Protestant who could pray directly to God (think of Lutherism and how that dramatically impacted Christianity). The Shia seem to be more open to interpreting the Hadiths which might allow for a more "Liberal" view of the Qu'ran etc. The Sunnis are much more "strict" in their interpretation of the Qu'ran. They also adhor any use of saints or shrine whereas the Shia are a little more chill about that. This is part of the reason that Sunni are always viciously slaughtering the poor Shia:

"hardline Sunnis regard the Shia practice of venerating saints and visiting shrines as heretical - which is why Sunni extremists bomb Shias on pilgrimage in places like Karbala in Iraq today."

I had thought that this was a relatively recent concept but the Sunni have been attacking and slaughtering the Shia for hundreds of years:

"In 1514 an Ottoman sultan ordered the massacre of 40,000 Shia. Mughal emperors in India between the 15th and 19th centuries routinely executed Shia scholars, burned their libraries and desecrated their sacred sites. Inter-communal violence has recurred in Pakistan."

The worst are the Sunni of the Wahhabi tradition:

"The fanatics of al-Qa'ida have been nurtured in this Wahhabi ideology. Some of them consider the Shia to be not merely heretics but apostates - and the punishment for apostasy, they say, is death."

So... These nutbars treat the Shia as bad as they would treat me; an Athiest. If you are ever caught by Sunni Muslims converting to Islam is not going to save you. Even "fellow Muslims" are slain for apostasy. Why are the Sunni so vicious and angry?
Do you have a job/life/wife etc?... I mean such a long posts (certainly not the first) must've taken quite some time.
Do you have a job/life/wife etc?... I mean such a long posts (certainly not the first) must've taken quite some time.

Wtf does a job or wife have to do with anything? Is copy/paste a foreign concept to you?? Especially when he put the link right at the top...

There's no denying these ****tards can't think straight and they're all about wanting to impose their religious beliefs onto others. Not only are they killing others by the masses but fellow muslims as well and they've been consistently doing it since their inception.
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In order to copypaste you have to looking for stuff to copy paste... judging by the extent of the material and the diversity of sources.. it didnt happen in 2 minutes... anyways... just wondering how much time does this guy spend insearch of this kinda ****
There's no denying these ****tards can't think straight and they're all about wanting to impose their religious beliefs onto others. Not only are they killing others by the masses but fellow muslims as well and they've been consistently doing it since their inception.

Yes you are absolutely right... I try to avoid discussing past actions since we can do very little about it.... present however... you cannot deny that some of these fucks are our(west) closests allies and are doing ALOT of the killing either for us or thanks to us (saudi/jordan/uae/egypt/pakistan).

I truely wish this wasnt true but as you said these fucks dont discriminate regardless of who orders the killings (foriegn/domestic source).
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