Well-known member
not one red cent, to anyone
I am with you, Cash is king.
not one red cent, to anyone
travel a bit guys, not vacations, but for work
see how the rest of the world lives
you'll appreciate your country more
and not ***** about taxes that build and maintain our communities
FI don't know how they get drugs
For those bitching about paying taxes that go to welfare recipients on drugs, places where drug tests were administered for welfare ended up costing more than what was saved denying people welfare. And that's just for the drug tests, it's not counting the social costs, but you're not paying for someones drugs right? Wrong. The drug tests showed a tiny minority were using drugs and you just cut the recipient off and now they don't have rent/food money (looking at the little amount they do get I don't know how they get drugs) so they're going to go get a job right? Because they have lots of skills that will get them a job right off the bat and they're attractive to employers... or are they going to do something that might get them some quick cash, like break into your car/house and if caught end up costing us the tax payer four to five times what the person would make at a minimum wage job? But they gotta be punished for being poor/unskilled/unlucky and possibly lazy or stupid.
Ontario isn't the only jurisdiction that has roads built.when did you last see a Province of Ontario construction crew, they have been farmed out on contract my entire lifetime, and I'm old.
Wish those on welfare had to pass a drug test to get my money. Now we even pay for them to get high, plus their transportation from home to clinic and back again. WTF???
Almost a year later and it's still great to be self-employed.It's great being self-employed.
I don't believe anything from the Fraser Institute. They are a ultra-conservative think tank who's business it is to generate this kind of data.
"It has been criticized in the past for counting in business taxes. For instance, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives released a report in 2010 arguing the Fraser Institute used "fuzzy math."
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternativesis an avowedly left-leaning think-tank that first won charitable status in 1987, and has become a fixture on the federal scene, known in particular for its so-called Alternative Federal Budget each year.
-- McLean's Magazine
Studdies have shown the roads cost less and last longer in the long run when the government builds them rather than farming them out to the lowest bidder.
Know your politics. Fraser institute is recognized worldwide as Canada`s top think tank, and respected as one of world`s top 20. It is libertarian, not ultra-conservative and published papers based on liberal economics.I don't believe anything from the Fraser Institute. They are a ultra-conservative think tank who's business it is to generate this kind of data.
"It has been criticized in the past for counting in business taxes. For instance, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives released a report in 2010 arguing the Fraser Institute used "fuzzy math."
Anything right of Toronto Star is Ultra Right!Know your politics. Fraser institute is recognized worldwide as Canada`s top think tank, and respected as one of world`s top 20. It is libertarian, not ultra-conservative and published papers based on liberal economics.
And there is more than basic income, property and sales taxes:I make a decent buck. They take very close to half my wages for income tax immediately. Anything I buy is another 13%. Add property tax and other costs like water bills (gone up 500% in 15 years) and now our new OPP tax... I only keep about 36 cents out of every dollar I earnLets not forget insurance extortion, compounded interest rates and extra fees that our taxation aught to cover in the first place. Oh did I mention that we get hosed for most of the products we buy? Why does a typical Toyota cost $10,000 less in the US than in CA? I'll get off my soap box now.
Better do some more studdieing - gov`t do not build roads, they spec and contract them. Always have.Studdies have shown the roads cost less and last longer in the long run when the government builds them rather than farming them out to the lowest bidder.