How much do you pay in Taxes?

I make a decent buck. They take very close to half my wages for income tax immediately. Anything I buy is another 13%. Add property tax and other costs like water bills (gone up 500% in 15 years) and now our new OPP tax... I only keep about 36 cents out of every dollar I earn :( Lets not forget insurance extortion, compounded interest rates and extra fees that our taxation aught to cover in the first place. Oh did I mention that we get hosed for most of the products we buy? Why does a typical Toyota cost $10,000 less in the US than in CA? I'll get off my soap box now.
Make decent living only to lose around 46% immediately.
Nevermind my bonus that was taxed at 50% last year.
Wish those on welfare had to pass a drug test to get my money. Now we even pay for them to get high, plus their transportation from home to clinic and back again. WTF???

Wish those on welfare had to pass a drug test to get my money. Now we even pay for them to get high, plus their transportation from home to clinic and back again. WTF???


I don't have kids...should I object to paying taxes to help those who do? Do you see how this works?
I don't have kids...should I object to paying taxes to help those who do? Do you see how this works?

I have no problem with some balancing of have's to have nots (or kids/drivers/whatever else). I am not interested in paying for drugs or booze for someone that doesn't want to work. If you want to have fun, earn some money by working and spend it on fun things. Balancing should ensure people have a small safe place to live (and a 4 bedroom house in downtown toronto should never be a possibility, that's retarded TCH) and sufficient healthy food. Much beyond that and maybe a free bicycle to get around you are on your own. If you want to improve your life do it, no one is stopping you.
So your comparing kids to self hurting freeloaders that drain our system from free hand outs, extra health costs. Also I have met more then a few handfuls from the Oshawa area that drive dark so they do not show ownership of a automobile... But you should have a choice if thats how you feel. But I would never put a child on the same page as a person collecting and faking injury's and everything else. Then when someone that needs they get turned down. Have a friend that is a case worker and its really sad that legit needs are turned down but if you qualify for Methadone treatment your given so many options.
I do believe some want to get better. But that is up the them and only them to get better. Not free Gov programs with no taper of period leaving all that join it to stay on it for life...
I would think that's about right. Even a little low. I paid more than 42% to the income tax man last year
Funny after 10 years of Harper you would think it would have been so low that the Liberals would have take years to get it this high...
I have no problem with paying taxes for education, even with no kids. It's like paying it forward in reverse. People paid for my education through high school. I'll do the same.
So your comparing kids to self hurting freeloaders that drain our system from free hand outs, extra health costs. Also I have met more then a few handfuls from the Oshawa area that drive dark so they do not show ownership of a automobile... But you should have a choice if thats how you feel. But I would never put a child on the same page as a person collecting and faking injury's and everything else. Then when someone that needs they get turned down. Have a friend that is a case worker and its really sad that legit needs are turned down but if you qualify for Methadone treatment your given so many options.

No, what I'm saying is that you don't get to pick and choose. I disagree with some things my taxes are spent on...also since kids are an optional "extra" why not make parents pay for everything? However....we live in a democracy and taxes are divided among many different areas.

By the way...want to know what the biggest actual drain on your taxes is? I'll give you a clue, it's not benefit cheats, dead-beats or immigrants on welfare, that's small fry. It's quasi-legal tax loopholes that allow the richest to avoid paying so you and I have to pay more.
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