How much do you pay in Taxes?

And there is more than basic income, property and sales taxes:

Insurance tax (OHIP tax collected by ins companies).
Fuel Tax (gas, diesel)
Gasoline Tax. (gas)
Gross Revenue Tax (hydro generation)
Beer and Wine Tax
Spirits Tax.
Tobacco Tax.
Carbon tax.

Tax on Tax - the above taxes retaxed (tax-on-the-tax) with GST and HST.

Capital Gains Tax.
Land Transfer Tax.
OHIP Health Premium Surtax.
Income Surtax 1
Income Surtax 2
Licence tax.
Licence plate tax.
Estate administration tax.

Employer Health Tax.
WSIB tax.
Miner`s Tax

Thos are the ones that are top of mind, I`m sure there are more.
How about buying a used vehicle & paying a tax on it? Isn't it already paid for by the first purchaser?
How about buying a used vehicle & paying a tax on it? Isn't it already paid for by the first purchaser?
Good catch - add the UVIP tax, and the sales retax on resales.
Better do some more studdieing - gov`t do not build roads, they spec and contract them. Always have.

True. But I would still rather have the resulting roads remain in public hands than being sold to "private" concerns (like the 407 was) that are then given the power to toll the **** out of users in perpetuity.

If the 407 and Hydro debacle in Ontario has shown us anything it's that "private" is not always better and not always cheaper.
True. But I would still rather have the resulting roads remain in public hands than being sold to "private" concerns (like the 407 was) that are then given the power to toll the **** out of users in perpetuity.

If the 407 and Hydro debacle in Ontario has shown us anything it's that "private" is not always better and not always cheaper.
I agree, there are businesses the government ought to operate because the private alternative doesn't serve the public interest.

I also don't fault governments when they fail on things that are well planned yet untested. For instance, the initial deal on the 407 took the cost of maintaining the road off the public purse. The idea being a private operator could run the highway at an overall cost that was less than the government doing so. That was good, and the first 407 deal (PC deal) was fair to taxpayers, drivers and the highway operator. It was user paid, had no government burden, and was operating at a cost less than if run by the province -- everyone won.

Enter McGinty. He removes price controls as a means to increase provincial revenues and the cost of using the highway triples. Enter Wynne who keeps the East extension and 412 with outrageous tolls -- just another tax gouge.
No, what I'm saying is that you don't get to pick and choose. I disagree with some things my taxes are spent on...also since kids are an optional "extra" why not make parents pay for everything? However....we live in a democracy and taxes are divided among many different areas.

By the way...want to know what the biggest actual drain on your taxes is? I'll give you a clue, it's not benefit cheats, dead-beats or immigrants on welfare, that's small fry. It's quasi-legal tax loopholes that allow the richest to avoid paying so you and I have to pay more.

And here I thought it was those MP pensions.
For those bitching about paying taxes that go to welfare recipients on drugs, places where drug tests were administered for welfare ended up costing more than what was saved denying people welfare. And that's just for the drug tests, it's not counting the social costs, but you're not paying for someones drugs right? Wrong. The drug tests showed a tiny minority were using drugs and you just cut the recipient off and now they don't have rent/food money (looking at the little amount they do get I don't know how they get drugs) so they're going to go get a job right? Because they have lots of skills that will get them a job right off the bat and they're attractive to employers... or are they going to do something that might get them some quick cash, like break into your car/house and if caught end up costing us the tax payer four to five times what the person would make at a minimum wage job? But they gotta be punished for being poor/unskilled/unlucky and possibly lazy or stupid.

Hopping on the retro thread train, the last bit is a constant peeve with me. Lazy is OK if done intelligently. A lot of inventions were created by lazy people that were motivated to do something with their lives. "I'm too lazy to pound my clothes on a rock in a stream to get them clean so I'll invent a washing machine." is a good thing.

The poor, unskilled, unlucky and stupid go hand in hand. How do you fix stupid? Fixing that takes care of unskilled, unlucky and poor.

First, what is the basis of stupidity? We are all different heights, weights and body builds so why do we think everyone has the same brain capacity?

How much stupidity is in reality brain washing? Ya gotta have a $200 dollar plain white tee shirt by Kanye West if you want to be cool.

Wild animals are not stupid because they die if they don't learn. Basically they're Republicans, adapt or die and the NRA will even help you die. Other than stooping to that level how do we get people to start thinking rationally?

Think of a person you know and consider stupid but not mentally deficient and suggest a cure.
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Is it stupid or just people are f-ing lazy and don't want to work for things the rest of us have worked for. I believe some of these people are smart enough to be lazy and work the system to benefit off it. They can't do that if they are stupid. It's such a grey area.

A doctor friend of mine mentioned how low income housing is a real problem, and if people have a fixed address would help solve a bunch of issues. Being able to apply for health cards, finding work, banking etc. gave me something to think about.

Oh and being self employed is great for taxes =)
We pay enough, and taxes on taxes is ridiculous.
True. But I would still rather have the resulting roads remain in public hands than being sold to "private" concerns (like the 407 was) that are then given the power to toll the **** out of users in perpetuity.

If the 407 and Hydro debacle in Ontario has shown us anything it's that "private" is not always better and not always cheaper.
The issue with 407 and Hydro is more about how poorly the gov't manages its assets and regulates monopolies. It's not the fact that the assets are manages outside gov't.

In the original deal, the 407 pricing was capped. Greedy liberals let loose the price controls in order to increase the provincial take in taxes and other revenues. Had they managed the asset better, the cost of travel would be as reasonable as it was for the first 15 years.
Hopping on the retro thread train, the last bit is a constant peeve with me. Lazy is OK if done intelligently. A lot of inventions were created by lazy people that were motivated to do something with their lives. "I'm too lazy to pound my clothes on a rock in a stream to get them clean so I'll invent a washing machine." is a good thing.

The poor, unskilled, unlucky and stupid go hand in hand. How do you fix stupid? Fixing that takes care of unskilled, unlucky and poor.

First, what is the basis of stupidity? We are all different heights, weights and body builds so why do we think everyone has the same brain capacity?

How much stupidity is in reality brain washing? Ya gotta have a $200 dollar plain white tee shirt by Kanye West if you want to be cool.

Wild animals are not stupid because they die if they don't learn. Basically they're Republicans, adapt or die and the NRA will even help you die. Other than stooping to that level how do we get people to start thinking rationally?

Think of a person you know and consider stupid but not mentally deficient and suggest a cure.
I don't think the issue is fixing stupid.

I'm all for caring for those unable to care for themselves. I have no such soft spot for those who could, but refuse to take responsibility for their own care and well being.
I don't think the issue is fixing stupid.

I'm all for caring for those unable to care for themselves. I have no such soft spot for those who could, but refuse to take responsibility for their own care and well being.

Wynne's popularity took a boost when she announced new giveaways. Wynne wasn't giving anything of hers away, she was giving people's tax dollars away. How do we fix that when most people have the intelligence of cows.
Wynne's popularity took a boost when she announced new giveaways. Wynne wasn't giving anything of hers away, she was giving people's tax dollars away. How do we fix that when most people have the intelligence of cows.
She's bribing people with their own money! I don't know if to laugh or cry!
She and Mcguinty already spent all of our money. She is now spending our kids money.

Similar to reverse mortgaging the province. If the kids want the family home they will have to buy it from the creditors.

They should teach about Ponzi schemes (The next guy will make you rich) in math class. Do they teach math anymore?

On a national level, the Right Wing Trump/USA deficit is $2100 USD per capita (2017 numbers), the 2018 number will be much higher with the tax cuts. BTW health care is a larger budget item than their military, and you still have to pay out of pocket for healthcare! Total expenditures is around $13,000 USD per capita.

The Trudeau/Canada deficit is $840 CDN (2017) or around $650 USD per capita (~1/3). Total expenditures are around $10,000 CDN per capita ($7600 USD). Damn those crazy lefties with their uncontrolled spending...

Lots of ways to spin the data, but low taxes in the US are funded with massive debt and deficits. The above numbers are per capita, they get real ugly when you make them per taxpayer above the poverty line! It is important to have context when comparing to the US.

And yes we know Ontario is a dumpster fire.... talking federal here. Still if you combine Ontario and Federal and break it down per capita (just Ontario) it is still much less than the US just federal.
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On a national level, the Right Wing Trump/USA deficit is $2100 USD per capita (2017 numbers), the 2018 number will be much higher with the tax cuts. BTW health care is a larger budget item than their military, and you still have to pay out of pocket for healthcare! Total expenditures is around $13,000 USD per capita.

The Trudeau/Canada deficit is $840 CDN (2017) or around $650 USD per capita (~1/3). Total expenditures are around $10,000 CDN per capita ($7600 USD). Damn those crazy lefties with their uncontrolled spending...

Lots of ways to spin the data, but low taxes in the US are funded with massive debt and deficits. The above numbers are per capita, they get real ugly when you make them per taxpayer above the poverty line! It is important to have context when comparing to the US.

And yes we know Ontario is a dumpster fire.... talking federal here. Still if you combine Ontario and Federal and break it down per capita (just Ontario) it is still much less than the US just federal.

Interesting numbers. Too bad people don't understand math. I was questioning them but had debt in mind not deficits. Deficits are not to be ignored. Every type of credit line has a limit and as you approach it the carrying costs rise. What are interest rates in Venezuela?

On a national level, the Right Wing Trump/USA deficit is $2100 USD per capita (2017 numbers), the 2018 number will be much higher with the tax cuts. BTW health care is a larger budget item than their military, and you still have to pay out of pocket for healthcare! Total expenditures is around $13,000 USD per capita.

The Trudeau/Canada deficit is $840 CDN (2017) or around $650 USD per capita (~1/3). Total expenditures are around $10,000 CDN per capita ($7600 USD). Damn those crazy lefties with their uncontrolled spending...

Lots of ways to spin the data, but low taxes in the US are funded with massive debt and deficits. The above numbers are per capita, they get real ugly when you make them per taxpayer above the poverty line! It is important to have context when comparing to the US.

And yes we know Ontario is a dumpster fire.... talking federal here. Still if you combine Ontario and Federal and break it down per capita (just Ontario) it is still much less than the US just federal.

good comparison

one of the differences between the 2 countries
is that Canadians expect the government to pay for a lot of things

Americans are willing to pay for stuff with donations
be it charitable, corporate donations and the like

as they are taxed at a lower rate they have more discretionary income for this
ask a Canadian for a donation, and he thinks he's already paid for it in taxes

different ways of getting to the same thing
Interesting numbers. Too bad people don't understand math. I was questioning them but had debt in mind not deficits. Deficits are not to be ignored. Every type of credit line has a limit and as you approach it the carrying costs rise. What are interest rates in Venezuela?

US federal debt situation is way worse than Canada but a ruling party can always say that was the last government's fault... Deficit is on the current one, within some reason.

As an example, Harper in 10 years increased Canada's debt as much as the previous 50 years of Liberal governments combined (remember the Liberals had many years of balance and Mulroney was not a Liberal--his deficits are excluded from the calculation)... Admittedly not adjusted for inflation, but still really bad for one PM... So it would be easy for Trudeau to say the debt is all Harper's fault, but Trudeau's deficits are more or less all his. I am sure he will take a run at the title...
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