How many crashes before Sunday evening?

I did not want historic plates on the mini. Way too many restrictions on where and when you can drive. I assume bikes are similar. Hagerty insurance (and I suspect others) offer affordable policies with reasonable restrictions. Stock vehicles are pretty cheap (<<$1000 for agreed value policy). Modified vehicles are easy to insure for double the premium of stock.

"Flexible usage means Hagerty encourages owners to enjoy their vehicles with leisurely weekend drives, trips to the movies, attending car events and cruises. Leisure use does not mean use for daily driving to and from work or school, routine shopping, etc."
I'm going to check Haggerty for my Spitfire (before I drop in an LS).
The policy states "5000 km. per year". The 4 bikes are 96, 90, 85 and 56 years old and are equipped with standard motorcycle plates and the necessary lights, horn, silencer, etc. for road use. One bike has an age-related sidecar. I have a modern SUV with a different insurer for "daily driving", so the motorcycles are used chiefly for CVMG (Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group) events.
I used to keep a newer motorcycle - usually an Airhead BMW - for so-called "daily rider" use, but I found that while the BMWs were excellent motorcycles with disc brakes & electric start, I was riding them less and less each year in general local riding because of increase in local traffic density. I guess I am getting old.
That's seem like good pricing. Who feels that insurance? I have a bunch from 69 to 81 thaqt idlike to ride more.

5000km would be plenty.
Unfortunately Hagerty's won't cover motorcycles in Canada (don't know why), only automobiles and other 'collector' vehicles.
lack of common sense and civility, plus lots entitlement...
While I don't disagree with your reply, the portion above makes almost any level of police enforcement and driver training almost useless, we'd see the same amount of infractions/accidents but more court time, costs and more 1-800-copper's...
I had a neighbour with a Spitfire... with a DONE 400 small block. It had a blower for a while, ended up with 2x 4500 Holley's.
Drive it to the track, do 9.5 second quarters, drive home AND it got gas mileage.
He moved. last I heard he still had it. He offered it to me for less than what the motor was worth.
I'm going to check Haggerty for my Spitfire (before I drop in an LS).

I don't know about Haggarty, but I needed an appraisal to insure my Golf with Avia. I'd assume it's the same. Everything was documented, and just like regular insurance, an unmentioned/undocumented motor swap will void the policy. It's written right in the stipulations in not-so-small print.
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I had a neighbour with a Spitfire... with a DONE 400 small block. It had a blower for a while, ended up with 2x 4500 Holley's.
Drive it to the track, do 9.5 second quarters, drive home AND it got gas mileage.
He moved. last I heard he still had it. He offered it to me for less than what the motor was worth.
I remember that car! Side pipes I believe; I would see him trailer his slicks in to Cayuga. Killer passes then haul the trailer home. True hot rodder
So, how many were there?
So, how many were there?

Hard to say exactly. There's news coverage of at least 3 but I know for a fact there was quite a few that didn't make the news because I saw at least 2 on friends FB feeds with photos or notes about wrecks that never made the news.
Which adds an interesting many crashes are happening where the rider is well enough to just get back on and limp home. Look at the Hooligan "ride of the six" nonsense from a few years ago, there was video of several riders crashing and either getting back on, or bailing...and in at least one of those cases, someone else hopping on their bike and riding off on it, presumably to keep it out of impound and helping keep the rider from getting charged.

The simple stats we can all find aren't telling the whole story.
Mid 90s 600 ninja, its been from vancouver island to capebreton, and everywhere in between. Had to replace most parts over the years, but the engine interals are original. It needs a rebuild, as the pistons slap around in there now.
Thanks for sharing. That's amazing
This stat needs context. The reason most accidents happen close to home is because those are the roads you drove most often.
Unfortunately "context" is used too often to downplay things that might make us uncomfortable or are perceived as everyday hazards and not our fault/concern. Context isn't going to comfort anyone if you are involved in a crash.
You/we need to be 100% aware/engaged whether we're 100 metres or 100 km. from our driveway. Keep your head up and into your trip from the moment you start until you shut it down in the driveway.
I had a neighbour with a Spitfire... with a DONE 400 small block. It had a blower for a while, ended up with 2x 4500 Holley's.
Drive it to the track, do 9.5 second quarters, drive home AND it got gas mileage.
He moved. last I heard he still had it. He offered it to me for less than what the motor was worth.
I have thought of building a car for a while. The Spit is for my wife, so a small block isn't in the plan. If she enjoys the car, I'd seriously look at doing a swap to a late model GM 1.4t for simple late model dependability.
I have thought of building a car for a while. The Spit is for my wife, so a small block isn't in the plan. If she enjoys the car, I'd seriously look at doing a swap to a late model GM 1.4t for simple late model dependability.
And fewer oil spots in the driveway.
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