How about that

I'm a math guy, and these numbers are so clear that you can't have fun with stats.

For 2021, the vaxed vs un-vaxed numbers are quite telling, and meaningful. For the last calendar year, 90% of Ontario COVID related ICUs and morgues admissions were unvaccinated. About 82% of Canadians are vaccinated, another 6% too young to be vaccinated. That leaves about 12% of eligible persons unvaccinated.

In a nutshell, 12% of the population is responsible for 90% of the hospital Covid related chaos.

Lmao, nah , your not a math guy.
...a bunch of stupid questions.
I agree the vaccines are the right course if action, however... It cannot be denied that the cohersion that has been under taken in order to force, not encourage or promote getting "the jab" is unprecedented and disturbing.
It's a little unsettling when your employment of over 30 years is threatened by dismissal for not being vaccinated. Especially when it's not every employee or the people we work are allowed to not be... it makes no sense.
One of my brothers is military, does a fantastic job, loving it. It's now a desk job but he still has to meet the physical exam or he goes to pasture.

Do the other 30 year employees get special compensation if they get sick and suffer long hauler after effects?

If Omicron interbred with Delta and wiped out the company who would win?

40+ years ago you could drive an 18 wheeler with a chauffeur's license obtained with a Rambler station wagon. That was me. I ran deliveries with a 10 ton diesel but had to upgrade when Ontario moved into the 20th century with A, D, etc licenses.

Rules and conditions change. Today, I would be up a creek without a paddle if I had to go looking for a job that requires the computer skills of a 12 year old. Is it my employer's fault that I didn't upgrade my skills?

I don't believe in gun-to-the-head vaccination demands but people have to accept the consequences of saying "No".

The employer also has to accept some consequences, the loss of 30 years experience.

Is "Failure to adapt" grounds for dismissal? If not who pays the severance?
Friends daughter is newish nurse , worked picu , paediatric intensive care, split between sick kids Toronto and sick kids Hamilton, neither could give full time job
Vancouver offers full time in one hospital, pays to relocate her and a 10k signing bonus . Gone west .
His other daughter just took travel nurse job doing Canadian reservations, FIFO , no nights , 1 month in/ 1 month out . Very good money . And it’s federal , gold plated pension compared to Ontario HOOP for nurses

Sent from my iPhone using
Sick Kids is the #1 ranked Children's hospital worldwide., they only bring on a few new nurses per floor each year -- permanent spots are rare as hen's teeth.

That far north thing is what my daughter is planning as a side hustle ( FIFO on days 1 and 14 - after that, it's pickup trucks, bush planes, Skidoos, and dog sleds). Staffers make $45-55/hr + benefits, pension, and normal hours. Contract nurses $85/hr no benefits, no pention, and stupid hours.
apparently Credit Valley is not union either , still a few around. Nurses make about $5 an hour more than Oakville or Burlington at credit valley as a thank you for not introducing the BS of a union.
44 people Covid related in Oakville Hospital this am. All walks of life and all levels of fitness and age groups. Its a pretty non discriminate plague right now.
Wear your masks and stay the heck away from other folks for the next few critical weeks folks
44 people Covid related in Oakville Hospital this am. All walks of life and all levels of fitness and age groups. Its a pretty non discriminate plague right now.
Wear your masks and stay the heck away from other folks for the next few critical weeks folks

…the whole school thing is confusing me right now. We have numbers going nuts all over the shop and kids are going back to school, not fully vaxxed, no more contact tracing, no more proper number reporting. This really looks like one step forward two giant steps back right now. Two weeks after the kids start back I guarantee numbers will get way worse. It happened in the UK, many families were dealing with infections.

I get parents don’t want them at home but I also don't get why people don’t see this is a bad idea.
…the whole school thing is confusing me right now. We have numbers going nuts all over the shop and kids are going back to school, not fully vaxxed, no more contact tracing, no more proper number reporting. This really looks like one step forward two giant steps back right now. Two weeks after the kids start back I guarantee numbers will get way worse. It happened in the UK, many families were dealing with infections.

I get parents don’t want them at home but I also don't get why people don’t see this is a bad idea.
Two weeks ago a friend's grandson got exposed at school and it took a couple of days for a politically correct message to be sent out. Due to a blended family and granny babysitting the spread went from the GTA to Muskoka. The kid's mom lost taste and smell, kid was positive but bouncing around like a kangaroo. Test kits and testing is sporadic. Reporting looked like numbers from Wheel of Fortune.

Are you suggesting the powers that be could make it worse?
I'm sure its a really bad idea, however on one hand you have moms protesting at malls that kids need to be in class , on the other you have parents that do not have a "stay home" job and are drowning in this . I dont know what the right answer is.

I did love the mom being interviewed right after learn at home started again. " Its soooo hard, we had a laptop go down because I forgot to charge it" followed with " we are also dealing with angry teacher syndrome as the kids didn't get holiday break homework done " " Its Christmas break, like, you know"
putting her on camera was awesome , and it explains why many parents should not have a hand in kids education,
Two weeks ago a friend's grandson got exposed at school and it took a couple of days for a politically correct message to be sent out. Due to a blended family and granny babysitting the spread went from the GTA to Muskoka. The kid's mom lost taste and smell, kid was positive but bouncing around like a kangaroo. Test kits and testing is sporadic. Reporting looked like numbers from Wheel of Fortune.

Are you suggesting the powers that be could make it worse?

I’m suggesting that going back to school in person for the kids isn’t a good idea right now. Say that out loud and parents spit at you while simultaneously worrying about rising case numbers and not connecting the two. There’s this whole “ah but their mental health” argument but I don’t see how this supersedes the health of society as a whole.
…the whole school thing is confusing me right now.

I get parents don’t want them at home but I also don't get why people don’t see this is a bad idea.
Sorry, I missed this part.

Basically we have become reliant on socialism to take care of our kids. The income / opportunities lost taking care of them could mean losing control of our $ million plus house to foreign investors.

Downsizing living quarters today is like cutting one's arm off.
I'm sure its a really bad idea, however on one hand you have moms protesting at malls that kids need to be in class , on the other you have parents that do not have a "stay home" job and are drowning in this . I dont know what the right answer is.

I did love the mom being interviewed right after learn at home started again. " Its soooo hard, we had a laptop go down because I forgot to charge it" followed with " we are also dealing with angry teacher syndrome as the kids didn't get holiday break homework done " " Its Christmas break, like, you know"
putting her on camera was awesome , and it explains why many parents should not have a hand in kids education,

Yep. I totally understand the whole “can’t work from home” argument and there’s obviously support that’s missing there but again, the alternative is chucking all of the progress we have made in the garbage and just hiding this massive elephant in the room. Kids go to school, kids catch COVID, kids bring it home, it spreads everywhere more than before. The kids will be fine (in most cases) it’s everyone else that will be taking time off work etc.

Edit: since I’ve probably ****** off a few parents already I might as well go full retard (film quote, back off PC police) .…if covid 19 is the bubonic plague, kids are the rats, they are everywhere, everyone is linked to them somehow.
…the whole school thing is confusing me right now. We have numbers going nuts all over the shop and kids are going back to school, not fully vaxxed, no more contact tracing, no more proper number reporting. This really looks like one step forward two giant steps back right now. Two weeks after the kids start back I guarantee numbers will get way worse. It happened in the UK, many families were dealing with infections.

I get parents don’t want them at home but I also don't get why people don’t see this is a bad idea.
You're not allowed question or use logic on this matter! you must be an anti vaxxer. just kidding. dumb.jpg
I'm sure its a really bad idea, however on one hand you have moms protesting at malls that kids need to be in class , on the other you have parents that do not have a "stay home" job and are drowning in this . I dont know what the right answer is.

I did love the mom being interviewed right after learn at home started again. " Its soooo hard, we had a laptop go down because I forgot to charge it" followed with " we are also dealing with angry teacher syndrome as the kids didn't get holiday break homework done " " Its Christmas break, like, you know"
putting her on camera was awesome , and it explains why many parents should not have a hand in kids education,
It sounds like the superbug process. People stop taking their prescriptions when they start feeling better instead of finishing the dosage, but the bug isn't dead. The wounded bugs learn to handle the Rx, making it ineffective for the next victim. We didn't hammer the crap out of covid the first time around, or second, or third, or fourth or.......
…the whole school thing is confusing me right now. We have numbers going nuts all over the shop and kids are going back to school, not fully vaxxed, no more contact tracing, no more proper number reporting. This really looks like one step forward two giant steps back right now. Two weeks after the kids start back I guarantee numbers will get way worse. It happened in the UK, many families were dealing with infections.

I get parents don’t want them at home but I also don't get why people don’t see this is a bad idea.

I think cabinet is at odds with the health officials. Likely Ford and co. wants to let it rip and open up, health officials do not. That's why we get this constant back and forth.

I have my doubts that kids will be in school by Monday. At our current ICU growth rate we'll be over 500 by then.
apparently Credit Valley is not union either , still a few around. Nurses make about $5 an hour more than Oakville or Burlington at credit valley as a thank you for not introducing the BS of a union.
When my daughter was doing her rotation as a student, she worked in union and non-union hospitals. She claimed there wasn't much difference, but did feel the non-union hospitals had happier staff and they never carried slackers.
It sounds like the superbug process. People stop taking their prescriptions when they start feeling better instead of finishing the dosage, but the bug isn't dead. The wounded bugs learn to handle the Rx, making it ineffective for the next victim. We didn't hammer the crap out of covid the first time around, or second, or third, or fourth or.......

I tell you what this reminds me of….bad political lobbyists. A large group with a lot of power says “listen, don’t touch this subject ok, even if it makes no sense”.
…the whole school thing is confusing me right now. We have numbers going nuts all over the shop and kids are going back to school, not fully vaxxed, no more contact tracing, no more proper number reporting. This really looks like one step forward two giant steps back right now. Two weeks after the kids start back I guarantee numbers will get way worse. It happened in the UK, many families were dealing with infections.

I get parents don’t want them at home but I also don't get why people don’t see this is a bad idea.
I think they are starting to understand the downside of keeping kids at home. Not only is it hard on families, but kids are also suffering badly in both academic and social development.

I guess you have to put things on the scale and weigh the ugliness of each option.
It's a tough call for sure.

Our kids are still too young to be vaccinated. Elder can in February...but they changed the rules that he needs to wait until after his actual birthday.

We're very fortunate that the MIL lives with us and is able to take care of them. I know plenty of parents that don't have this option, and they're really struggling in b/w work, and doing the home schooling. Screaming kids while in meetings, even with mute, make for unproductive workers.

Very tough call for Ford for sure.

Vaccinate the teachers, vaccinate as many kids as possible, and unfortunately the little ones unable to get vaccinated will be exposed and spread COVID to the families. Hopefully they don't get sick seriously, and hopefully the parents are vaccinated.
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