I had an acquaintance that made his first million at 25 with a conceptual idea to separate glass fiber from resin . DuPont bought the idea , it was never implemented or even proven , it just went away .
There is some idea now about grinding the fiber and using it as a filler material or bog in some installations, but so far it’s cheaper to use other stuff so…..
My brother was involved with a company that developed a tire recycling system that he claimed really worked.
The problem is that there are so many lead to gold and trash to energy scams going on out there that it's hard to generate interest. Throw in the NIMBYs and you're dead in the water.
Good work , buddy dumdum made 1m+ at 25 , invested in a yacht manufacturing business, which still exists , he is just absent , was divorced, built second business and tanked it , new business again doing well , divorced again, buys large offshore boat , takes us all on amazing trip to Tahiti , sells new business and screws a bunch of friends out of hundreds of thousands . Moves away when we don’t like him. I miss the boat , think it’s in Chicago .
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