Holy **** can this ***** take a punch!

Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

It may seem like unreasonable force to someone like yourself who is trained in the use of force. You have more options and skill than the average Joe, who's only other recourse might have been to tackle her and face a prolonged tussle.

What would you have done if you felt threatened in that situation?

I'm sure the bus drivers are just supposed to put the bus out of service and call it in. He didn't have to get into a yelling match with her, that was very unprofessional. What he did was escalate the issue rather than defuse it. Had he been a professional I doubt she would have even gone near him let alone touch him in any way.

As someone who works with the public, I'm sure he had some sort of training and at least one person telling him to act professional at all times, cause this day in age everyone has a phone with video abilities.
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First and foremost, that woman is not a lady in that video.

To answer your question truthfully, yes it would be fine to put an end to my mother/sister/wife temporary insanity.

Sorry but too many people on here are talking as if he didn't stop after the punch. He tried to put an end to the madness, but she came back at him for more.

Who cares what she is or isn't, she could be a dog for all that matters. She didn't deserve a ridiculous uppercut. Believe it or not getting a blow like that to the head can kill someone. How does giving the driver a push that did absolutely nothing result in using deadly force???
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Who cares what she is or isn't, she could be a dog for all that matters. She didn't deserve a ridiculous uppercut. Believe it or not getting a blow like that to the head can kill someone. How does giving the driver a push that did absolutely nothing result in using deadly force???

ZOMG that push COULD HAVE caused him to knock his head of the wall and DIED.

If a person acts like an animal, they will get treated like an animal. If some strange dog runs up to on the street and jumps at your face, are you going to gently push the dog away? I'm pretty sure you will hit that bastard as hard as you can to stop it.

Based on the video, the fact is she was acting out of control and SHE escalated the situation from verbal to physical. Yes he could have handled it differently, but please let's not forget that she was the aggressor and he was the victim.
if that was the first strike from either party, then she deserved what she got...as for his professional demeanor, well, that's out the window (or door)...i feel bad for this guy, i've seen this before, many years ago while riding the bus...that was a most awesome upper cut...i'm just waiting in anticipation for the street fighter remix version...
ZOMG that push COULD HAVE caused him to knock his head of the wall and DIED.

If a person acts like an animal, they will get treated like an animal. If some strange dog runs up to on the street and jumps at your face, are you going to gently push the dog away? I'm pretty sure you will hit that bastard as hard as you can to stop it.

Based on the video, the fact is she was acting out of control and SHE escalated the situation from verbal to physical. Yes he could have handled it differently, but please let's not forget that she was the aggressor and he was the victim.

Wow, really hope you don't get into any altercations and have to explain yourself. That video evidence is proof of how lightly(yes I know it's still assault) she pushed him. You will get nailed to the wall in court using that kind of forse even with her being the agressor.

Maybe we need to get some real self defence courses out there for men too, instead of just the women ones. It's clear you boys need some lessons!
He could have shot her in the face.

She asked for it several times,, I'd say she got exactly what she requested.
Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

Just curious...to all the guys on here who said they were fine to hit a female in that situation...if it was your mother/sister/wife/daughter or someone close to you (a female) who acted exactly like that lady and got punched by a guy...would you be able to justify that the guy who punched her was in the right and that she deserved it?

Let's face it, look at the way that chick is acting in the video. I bet you she hits her boyfriends/husband/kids, etc. If I had an out of control, abusive, loud mouth mother/sister/wife/daughter and she finally run into some guy that uppercut-ted her in the teeth for it, I'd probably be glad it happened. I'm 100% serious.
Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

he could have shot her in the face.

She asked for it several times,, i'd say she got exactly what she requested.

let's face it, look at the way that chick is acting in the video. I bet you she hits her boyfriends/husband/kids, etc. If i had an out of control, abusive, loud mouth mother/sister/wife/daughter and she finally run into some guy that uppercut-ted her in the teeth for it, i'd probably be glad it happened. I'm 100% serious.

Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

This thread has

Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

OpenGambit believes in exactly the amount of force to diffuse the current situation. Sometimes a bit more force needs to be added to make the attacker think twice about pulling the same crap on someone else. It may be North Korean of me, but I think that's actually beneficial to the society. Based on the interview, the chick will think twice before attacking someone else :cool:
Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

OpenGambit believes in exactly the amount of force to diffuse the current situation. Sometimes a bit more force needs to be added to make the attacker think twice about pulling the same crap on someone else. It may be North Korean of me, but I think that's actually beneficial to the society. Based on the interview, the chick will think twice before attacking someone else :cool:

I get that and I know some times people want to prove a point. I still really think that this was the wrong way to go with this one. It's obvious he doesn't know the lady, it's not like he deals with her on a daily basis to get to a boiling point. Seriously think he needs some customer service training and crisis intervention training.
He could have shot her in the face.

She asked for it several times,, I'd say she got exactly what she requested.

Maybe his job will not allow him to carry one

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Wow, really hope you don't get into any altercations and have to explain yourself. That video evidence is proof of how lightly(yes I know it's still assault) she pushed him. You will get nailed to the wall in court using that kind of forse even with her being the agressor.

Maybe we need to get some real self defence courses out there for men too, instead of just the women ones. It's clear you boys need some lessons!

..and someone need English lessons:
forse - force
agressor - aggressor
defence - defense

And i think the driver did the right thing (Shoryuken)
Who cares what she is or isn't, she could be a dog for all that matters. She didn't deserve a ridiculous uppercut. Believe it or not getting a blow like that to the head can kill someone. How does giving the driver a push that did absolutely nothing result in using deadly force???

He was a bus driver in the process of driving a bus. It's not like these were two random by-standers going at it. He was operating a bus full of passengers. I'm sure he just wanted to diffuse that situation as effectively as possible so that he could continue driving his bus without worrying about whether or not he was going to get assaulted again. While driving a bus full of passengers (I can't emphasize that enough).

Uppercutting her off the bus, while not the most rational way of solving that problem, was pretty goddamn effective. Hilarious too.

Here's a question: if that was a 120 lb guy instead of some uppity "lady", would this be as big a deal? I think it would still be as funny, but it probably wouldn't be as touchy an issue.
Which is it guys, is he defending himself because he feels threatened and the opinion of the "trained" people is that she could inflict serious harm?

Or is he teaching her a lesson for the good of society?

I find it incredulous that some of the people that are the most anti-cop also think that using excessive force is somehow ok with this situation.
Its not ok for the state to do it but private citizens can?
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Which is it guys, is he defending himself because he feels threatened and the opinion of the "trained" people is that she could inflict serious harm?

Or is he teaching her a lesson for the good of society?

I find it incredulous that some of the people that are the most anti-cop also think that using excessive force is somehow ok with this situation.
Its not ok for the state to do it but private citizens can?

Neither. All I saw was a bus driver dealing with an unruly situation to the best of his abilities.

Why does there have to be a greater message here?

You guys want to bring society into this? Here's a better question: why didn't anyone on that bus (ie: guy in the orange vest) step in to help diffuse the situation so that the bus driver could focus on driving the bus instead?

And for the record, bus drivers are trained to drive buses. They're not trained in subduing uppity passengers. Equating this to police using excessive force is stretching it a bit.
They're not trained in subduing uppity passengers.

I gotta believe that's in their training somewhere, seeing how it would not be an uncommon occurrence. When I was taking the bus to school, there was always a ******** trying to cause problems.
Morality...this lost word in some these women beaters.
If she even shoved him or even touched him....this is rational excuse to use excessive violence?
Now your just bein...
May someone rain down on you without a thought you may live or die.... experience it and I'm sure your attitude will change.
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