Holy **** can this ***** take a punch!

Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

See below:
Exactly, we are all assuming a lot, we weren't there, hence why all it's left is the question - Are you ok with hitting a girl yes or not? I am not, I will run if I have to because I don't have an ego to maintain, I will do the absolute best to not have to resort to it.
Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

That's true for the bus driver too, though. It looks like they were both fairly ****** off to begin with, and then they both antagonized each other to that ridiculous conclusion. His reaction was unreasonable. Absolutely. To call it cowardly, though, is unfair IMO. Calling it cowardly would imply that he only reacted that way because she was a woman. I'm making a big assumption here, but I'm pretty sure he would've executed that cartoonish uppercut regardless of gender.
my point and assumption is that he wouldn't do it to a guy bigger than him and that is what makes him a coward
Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

Exactly, we are all assuming a lot, we weren't there, hence why all it's left is the question - Are you ok with hitting a girl yes or not? I am not, I will run if I have to because I don't have an ego to maintain, I will do the absolute best to not have to resort to it.
Why is this so important to you? Who cares if someone, when physically attacked by one, would hit a woman? This question holds about as much importance to me as "do you take cream in your coffee?". LOL Are you mad that someone holds such radically different values to yours? Whether I would or not, makes no difference to the 99% of the female population that would not physically attack me because they have class and decency. The other 1% I avoid associating with so the answer makes zero difference. So why do you care so much?

But to answer your question, since for some strange reason, this is such a critical questions for you, given certain circumstances yes, I would be ok with hitting a woman. Go ahead and call me a "coward", "wife beater", or whatever term you deem appropriate. I don't care cause I don't have an ego to maintain either.
Gents Zx600 and Sabex, can you two just

you mean spelled right?

"Spelt" is also proper English; depending on where you're from.

For reference: Spelt is most commonly used by British. Along with "defence." Spelled and "defense" are the American spellings.
Canadian-English borrows more from British-English than American-English.
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Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

Im not implying anything, I am saying you didn't. You want us to believe that you will stand by while a men hits your mother and further more defend his position. You my friend are full of **** or you really hate your mother

If I was in the same area, I would forcefully hold my mother back myself, I wouldn't just standby and let someone attack an innocent person. I don't give a **** if they're black, white, asian, grey, jewish, virgin, old, young, family, lover, etc. Everyone gets equal treatment.

If my mom came home and said someone hit her because she hit them, I'd tell her to suck it up it's her own fault. She would do the exact same to me, or anyone else. If the cops came to the door looking for one of us, she would hand us right over to the police.
You take responsibility for your own actions.
Some of us have jobs, if you checked my profile you would see that the last time i logged in was before you wrote that question

I'll admit to that.

but why use your brain when you can just write stuff up in here to make u sound like you have won an argument.

I answered a question truthfully and you immediately pushed it away as false. It must be really nice to only read what you want to, and only hear what you want to. If it doesn't agree with/support your opinion, who cares right? Seems you're the one trying to make it seem like you've "won."
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The video was put out there for humorous reasons...I get that...someone getting just deserved stfu.
If the bus driver were a woman being harrassed and hit by a female passenger...just "maybe" justified if life or passegers were threatened.
But the reality it's a freakin mature male striking a young female and not just defending himself....this is a offensive strike, that is not professional or moral. He was not in anyway in a perilous position.
Maybe it's the video games where you can knock off anyone you want...I dunno what makes some think this or striking females is ok sometimes.
But if you can't see clear what is right and wrong ...I guess that's how you were raised issue.
The .05% of females that are gonna lay this threatening beating on you...those few who are so concerned about...probably will never happen in your life time to be concerned about. Again watch far too many movies.
Ashkan sorry if you didn't read my posts, but I did state that I did not care wether or not the person was male female or what ever else. I don't agree with women using the gender card and if you knew me you would know that I do not use the gender card at all. I like to do things on my own and learn to do thing on my own. Very indipendant. Also drives me nuts when woman pretend not to know how to do something so that someone else doesn't it for them. Believe it or not they try that s*** with me too.

I was simply saying that regardless of her gender, what the bus driver did was not right. I would have the same view if it was a man being knocked out as well.

Imnothing, I very much doubt she just showed up on the bus like that. The driver was also giving her attitude hense why she lost it on him. Her bahaviour was not right but as a professional bus driver of 20 plus years that driver reacted very pourly towards her.
Im glad to hear you say that because i also dont think violent is acceptable be it on women or men. And maybe he couldve just shoved her out of the bus but based on how she was acting, i think it wouldve ended up in a fight anyways. and i dont know about her but i see people who have this feeling of entitlement and walk around as they own the world. People like that dont need to be pushed, theyre ****** off and rude to begin with. What really pisses me off is when society (mostly anyways) always victimize the woman no matter how wrong she maybe and the men are always the Violante criminals who have to always prove theyre not. Any one us who live in this society, have a friend who is a lawyer or a cop or have ever witnessed a domestic dispute knows that as soon as the cops are called, by default, the man gets taken away and gets treated like **** and thrown in custody. I have many friends who are lawyers or cops who (off duty of course) talk about this issue all the time. So again, im not trying to encourage men hitting women AT ALL. Im just saying that gender should have nothing to do with any of this. If you instigate a physical fight, its your fault and you should be taken away REGARDLESS of being a man or a woman. guess we are saying the same thing
Re: Holy *hit can this b*itch take a punch!

Why is this so important to you? Who cares if someone, when physically attacked by one, would hit a woman? This question holds about as much importance to me as "do you take cream in your coffee?". LOL Are you mad that someone holds such radically different values to yours? Whether I would or not, makes no difference to the 99% of the female population that would not physically attack me because they have class and decency. The other 1% I avoid associating with so the answer makes zero difference. So why do you care so much?

But to answer your question, since for some strange reason, this is such a critical questions for you, given certain circumstances yes, I would be ok with hitting a woman. Go ahead and call me a "coward", "wife beater", or whatever term you deem appropriate. I don't care cause I don't have an ego to maintain either.
Not mad, I sound mad when i write, people have told me that but I am not.

In regards to this being important to me, not really but I do find disgusting how guys these days are like females, including the fact that they would fight one.
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The .05% of females that are gonna lay this threatening beating on you...those few who are so concerned about...probably will never happen in your life time to be concerned about. Again watch far too many movies.

Good job pulling that number out of your *** lol. It really depends on what the situation is. Right now its pretty much an argument of being treated equally. I know a few girls that know how to and will fight if the situation arose (although they don't go around picking fights - they all took/are taking some sort of martial arts though..). Guess it also depends on the area you live in and who you hang around... (I find people in Newmarket are generally nice....referring to your profile location)

Do you really think the girl would have backed off if he sat there and did nothing after she struck him? She acts as an aggressor but when shes put on her *** she threatens to call the cops to send him to jail THEN threatens to get "her people" and beat him down. People who make those kind of threats tend to do that commonly.
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Good job pulling that number out of your *** lol. It really depends on what the situation is. Right now its pretty much an argument of being treated equally. I know a few girls that know how to and will fight if the situation arose (although they don't go around picking fights - they all took/are taking some sort of martial arts though..). Guess it also depends on the area you live in and who you hang around... (I find people in Newmarket are generally nice....referring to your profile location)

Do you really think the girl would have backed off if he sat there and did nothing after she struck him? She acts as an aggressor but when shes put on her *** she threatens to call the cops to send him to jail THEN threatens to get "her people" and beat him down. People who make those kind of threats tend to do that commonly.

The amount of men in jail for domestic abuse is staggering and funny thing is most women in jail have been sexually or physically abused prior to going to jail by men.
You might be in the club or joining it...since it's alright. Wonder if your Ninja girlfriends think its cool to beat on women who are loud and obnoxious.
I thought Sabex was a chick?

Why do people still think this?

I mean... I can dress up as, and pretend to be, one if you want... but at the end of the day I've still got my own trouser snake.
From loudmouth to "OH GOD OK OK OK OK" in under 10 seconds.
Can you post a vid of what it looks like? Just curious as I've never seen a bouncer use it and some of the videos are 5 minutes long on youtube + show all these variations. IMO, Toronto bouncers get away with so much excessive force.
what does bond have to say about this ?!

Can you post a vid of what it looks like? Just curious as I've never seen a bouncer use it and some of the videos are 5 minutes long on youtube + show all these variations. IMO, Toronto bouncers get away with so much excessive force.

I'll see if I can tape the demonstration when I requalify this winter. There aren't many good youtube videos and the good ones are staged.

Security professionals use it...Bouncers just use their size. I'm not 6'6 and 300lbs so I have to use it a lot by comparison. I prefer the armbar tbh, gives you tons of control and it'll work on more people than the wristlock. I've seen a smaller chick dislocate a big guy's arm like it was nothing using the armbar.

As far as excessive force, the cops downtown have much better things to do with their time than deal with drunks making a disturbance, so they give us a very long rope. The job is equal parts intimidation, compliance and security. If people aren't scared of you, they won't listen to you and you no longer have a (relatively) safe environment.
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I'll see if I can tape the demonstration when I requalify this winter. There aren't many good youtube videos and the good ones are staged.

Security professionals use it...Bouncers just use their size. I'm not 6'6 and 300lbs so I have to use it a lot by comparison. I prefer the armbar tbh, gives you tons of control and it'll work on more people than the wristlock. I've seen a smaller chick dislocate a big guy's arm like it was nothing using the armbar.

As far as excessive force, the cops downtown have much better things to do with their time than deal with drunks making a disturbance, so they give us a very long rope. The job is equal parts intimidation, compliance and security. If people aren't scared of you, they won't listen to you and you no longer have a (relatively) safe environment.
So add downtown disturbances to the list of things the cops are to busy to deal with , they are also to busy to investigate bike theft ... ummm I wonder what do they have time to do




Ohn yea always time for this


Ummmm it makes me think!!!




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what does bond have to say about this ?!


"if u have tried everything else.... some women cannot leave it alone, they are good at this...then it is merited"

Spoken like a true Sir

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