It's arrogant to think it, but is it not arrogant to kill people for what you think?
No kiddies it isn't. Here's a lesson from daddy...I think rapists and child molesters are wrong and would gladly have them killed.
It's arrogant to think it, but is it not arrogant to kill people for what you think?
Hitler decided to take what wasn't his by the might of his arms. Your types would have said "too bad so sad, they got conquered, now they should suffer the consequences". Bin Laden killed a bunch of innocent people and got a small part of what he deserved - counting on God to dish out the rest.
No kiddies it isn't. Here's a lesson from daddy...I think rapists and child molesters are wrong and would gladly have them killed.
And after world war 2 the map was redrawn in many places. Conquered! Would you like to give Europe back to zee Germans?
Look at the settlement map, that tactic is not working. Canada is not a good country to look for sympathy. Canada has skeletons in the history closet. That's the problem with foreigners coming to Canada they are deluded about Canada.
Jews have typically been unable to devastate their openents due to very very low demographic numbers and have also historically faced genocide in every Western host country they have been in.
My ancestors were called bandits for resisting the German invaders.
Then from their standpoint it would make perfectly good sense to reclaim land somewhere in the region their ancestors came from, by force if necessary, seeing as they're so unwelcome everywhere else, wouldn't it.
That wasn't the question, obviously. I don't know why you'd even mention child molesters or rapists when the context here is your justification of conquering other peoples by force.
Let's try again, but focus this time: "It's arrogant to think it, but is it not arrogant to kill people for what you think?"
All I can think about is all the poor people who are just trying to live their lives while having to deal with all this.
This is my signature
You would have let him have it in the first place. My ancestors were called bandits for resisting the German invaders. Nowadays, they would have been referred to as terrorists and insurgents. Before that, my old country was occupied for half a millennium.. Had my ancestors not been fighting them for all that time until they kicked'em out, my name would have been Hassan. I'm sure the Turks would have had choice names for people resisting their rule.
Sunny has a point. A very "realist" humannist approach....
"Facts on the ground". Why jazz up and idealize what we are? Why strive to be better in the neo-religious-humanist sense? Why strive to attain acceptance from a just God? Naaaaaaaah, anything you can get away with from the perspective of human or social justice is fair game!
Ultimate humanist-realism. The only punishment or justice is our own man made, relative justice. So why lie to ourselves?
Oh and PS...
If you do conquer someone, make sure to wipe them off the face of the Earth so you don't have to deal with their PC whining centuries later. History and society will note them as a footnote, no more, so don't worry. But if you half a$z the job, they might guilt trip you later and inconveniently develop a strain of concious politics to get in the way of your future conquests.
"Boots", er I mean..."Facts on the ground"...that's the humanist / G-dliest way!
Just a small realist point for Sunny though....Jews have typically been unable to devastate their openents due to very very low demographic numbers and have also historically faced genocide in every Western host country they have been in.
"Facts on the ground" as Netanyahu likes to emphasis, may actually turn in favour of the angry horde very shortly. Let's face "facts"...and Jews have some painful facts to consider before they make a new enemy in yet another host region!
...but it sure is creating some friction.
What is it with you and immigration? You know your great grand parents were also immigrants, right?
And to let you know, alot of immigrants dump a whole set of $$ in this economy. Do you know how much you have to pay to get citizenship? There are lots of fees and lots of applications, each application costs $$.
Then there are those who bring money here. They bring $$ from their home country to spend in Canada. Ever seen a whole set of immigrants driving around Pacific Mall driving Benz? They sure as hell didn't buy it from their home country. Then there are those who come here to invest and buy houses, how much do u think they spend? Some of my friend's parents put a whole lot of money into Canadian banks.
If you don't know the truth about foreigners, just keep your mouth shut because your argument doesn't make sense.
youre missing the point i think that the neighbor is in his own house not in my house. If your neighbour comes and kicks you out of your house with a gun, does he have the right to stay there and will you just pack up and leave? Remember you are the LEGAL and rightful owner of your house just like Palestinians are LEGALLY the land owners of the pre 1967 bordersAnd to counter your weak analogy with another weak analogy: If your neighbour proclaims that his sole purpose in life is to eliminate you and your family from the face of the earth, then starts lobbing hand grenades into your back yard on a daily basis, he gets put in a restricted/fenced compound where his access to supplies are restricted/limited.
Canada has grown it's population from 20 million in 1980 to 34 million mostly through immigration. The Conservatives have made it easy for foreigners to come to Canada and compete and displace domestic Canadians from employment and employment opportunities. Canada's immigration policy marginalizes domestic Canadians by repressing wages and driving up living costs. Canadians over pay for food, gas, beer, spirits, wine and everything else. This is because Canadians and the foreign workers in the private sector are here to serve the public sector via ridiculous taxes. The only ones who benefit from foreigners in the economy is businesses who drive their wage costs down and public workers who get more tax money to pay themselves incomes and pensions double the private sector.
youre missing the point i think that the neighbor is in his own house not in my house. If your neighbour comes and kicks you out of your house with a gun, does he have the right to stay there and will you just pack up and leave? Remember you are the LEGAL and rightful owner of your house just like Palestinians are LEGALLY the land owners of the pre 1967 borders
Canada has grown it's population from 20 million in 1980 to 34 million mostly through immigration. The Conservatives have made it easy for foreigners to come to Canada and compete and displace domestic Canadians from employment and employment opportunities. Canada's immigration policy marginalizes domestic Canadians by repressing wages and driving up living costs. Canadians over pay for food, gas, beer, spirits, wine and everything else. This is because Canadians and the foreign workers in the private sector are here to serve the public sector via ridiculous taxes. The only ones who benefit from foreigners in the economy is businesses who drive their wage costs down and public workers who get more tax money to pay themselves incomes and pensions double the private sector.
Sorry, but for the sake clarity could you define a "domestic Canadian"? Is that like a 4th generation immigrant Chinese, Ukrainian, or French or Englishmen?