Historical day for Palestinians!

So what are foreigners who pay 2x for tuition, send their kids to school here, spending lots of $ etc?
Your anger is certainly misguided my friend. The gov't aint stupid, they got their cut.

Sent from my tablet using my paws

College teachers get paid 90 to 100 k a year for putting 13 hours of class time. That money has got to come from somewhere. If there is outrage it's because the quality of life has been stripped away thanks to the lazy and greedy retiring generations.
Do u make that up or thats law? Lol

Sent from my tablet using my paws

The was the beginning of Canada's dive into cultural immolation. The political parties have used the 1982 constitution and charter to gut Canada and create a society to fit the liberal and conservative agenda: mission accomplished. Canada has no unity, this is putty in the conservative and liberal parties hands as their is no voting momentum to stop them because they use foreigners to skew the vote.
Canada has grown it's population from 20 million in 1980 to 34 million mostly through immigration. The Conservatives have made it easy for foreigners to come to Canada and compete and displace domestic Canadians from employment and employment opportunities. Canada's immigration policy marginalizes domestic Canadians by repressing wages and driving up living costs. Canadians over pay for food, gas, beer, spirits, wine and everything else. This is because Canadians and the foreign workers in the private sector are here to serve the public sector via ridiculous taxes. The only ones who benefit from foreigners in the economy is businesses who drive their wage costs down and public workers who get more tax money to pay themselves incomes and pensions double the private sector.

Displacing domestic Canadians from employment? A report just this week mentioned how immigrants are almost universally underemployed for the talents and qualifications they bring in. That would seem to suggest they end up working in jobs the domestic canadians don't want to do while equivalently qualified canadians trump immigrants to the jobs they apply for. Ie exactly 180 degrees to your argument.
Displacing domestic Canadians from employment? A report just this week mentioned how immigrants are almost universally underemployed for the talents and qualifications they bring in. That would seem to suggest they end up working in jobs the domestic canadians don't want to do while equivalently qualified canadians trump immigrants to the jobs they apply for. Ie exactly 180 degrees to your argument.

While I would agree its stupid in many cases to not allow a qualified immigrant to be a doctor, lawyer, Indian chief etc. here.....if I hear one more story about a guy that was supposedly a brain surgeon, engineer, dentist, lawyer etc in India or wherever and now he mops the floor I'm going to lose it. Lotsa low standards in other countries or a lotta BS going around.
While I would agree its stupid in many cases to not allow a qualified immigrant to be a doctor, lawyer, Indian chief etc. here.....if I hear one more story about a guy that was supposedly a brain surgeon, engineer, dentist, lawyer etc in India or wherever and now he mops the floor I'm going to lose it. Lotsa low standards in other countries or a lotta BS going around.

Not BS...but the actual topic you mention has more to do with the self protecting and serving national medical boards who would rather keep their nice high salaries and employment within their own system. There's tons of extremely well qualified (many more qualified than Canadians) doctors that come to Canada only to be told they need to be recertified. To be honest I think the standard of medical education in this country is crap.
While I would agree its stupid in many cases to not allow a qualified immigrant to be a doctor, lawyer, Indian chief etc. here.....if I hear one more story about a guy that was supposedly a brain surgeon, engineer, dentist, lawyer etc in India or wherever and now he mops the floor I'm going to lose it. Lotsa low standards in other countries or a lotta BS going around.

Security guard at my condo is a doctor, honest.

Guess you'll be needing this now. I'll need it back though.
It is straying a little off topic here... but I personally would not want a person to be my doctor, dentist, etc. (or be an Engineer designing a bridge I drive across) that is not smart enough to check to see if their education is sufficient in the country they are moving to. It is not hard to check and the governing bodies in these cases are pretty upfront about it, never mind all the stuff in the press.

Now maybe they did know, if they are moving here knowing this already...well you moved here knowing what would happen, so why should I feel any compassion about the outcome? They may have moved to escape a situation at home (refugee) but in many of the cases talked about they are not in fact refugees. They either knew what would happen and are now complaining about it OR they were not smart enough to check and are now complaining about it.
Back on topic, what we have in Israel/Palestine is a bad situation put on both peoples in the late 1940s. We can go on at length about who is at fault but does that in the end really matter, is that going to lead to a solution? What both sides are doing today is not doing anything but making the already bad situation worse.

None of this righteousness, finger pointing and religious doctrine by either group is going to help the situation.
Something Ive been wondering, after looking at the loss of Land chart....

Why do you think Israel hasnt just wiped Palestine off the map ? Why have they allowed them to keep that little area ?

if everything people say is true, and Palestine has no help from anyone, what is stopped Isreal from just going full tilt ?
Im not talking about right now, but why didnt they finish the job 5-10-15 years ago.
obviously they have the resources to do so,
^^I'd imagine its a little harder to do a mass genocide and wipe right off the bat then choke a population out slowly.
^^I'd imagine its a little harder to do a mass genocide and wipe right off the bat then choke a population out slowly.

im not talking about lining them all up and killing them, just go full out, and destroy their resistance.
eliminate their government, type thing.
^^ Add to that the bad optics of allowing one group affected by genocide to have their own land who then commit genocide to clear it from others.
Back on topic, what we have in Israel/Palestine is a bad situation put on both peoples in the late 1940s. We can go on at length about who is at fault but does that in the end really matter, is that going to lead to a solution? What both sides are doing today is not doing anything but making the already bad situation worse.

None of this righteousness, finger pointing and religious doctrine by either group is going to help the situation.

Slight correction...the problem goes back to 1907, and the motivation behind the problem goes back well into the 1800s. The religious doctrine is actually a secondary issue. The primary issue is the persecution of Jews throughout Europe, most recently in Russia (the Pogroms) followed by Hilter who reinforced the Zionist plans. Prior to Hitler the Zionist plan was not very well received by Jews in Western Europe and America, who felt Eastern European Jews were blowing the issue out of proportion, but were none the less willing to concede a "homeland" which would be ruled and administed by Britain.

Hitler both weakened Britain and converted more Western Jews into full blown Zionists. The "religious" claim on the land is really just a side show to the primary problem of the treatment of Jews in host nations, which has been a habitually reoccuring problem in every European host country without exception!

So forgive me, but the history is very important to understand the motivation. Jews see this as a survival issue, not a religious one, and that's why you have a very large portion of the Israeli population who are atheist and some even gay!!! Despite the irony of their religion condemning homosexuality in the story of Sodom and Gomorah (which is IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL)! To treat this as a religious issue is to misunderstand and misdiagnose the problem.

Furthermore, the Hitler complecation and quite often quoted / reference, the number of Jews killed often leads some to treat their circumstance as of more importance than the now 5 million displaced Palestinians in refugee camps outside of Palestine and Israel. This Western / "White Man's Guilt" / Holocaust rhetoric is only now being reversed, as Jews have begun to expose they are willing to use the same tactics on others (the wall between Palestine and Israel, the sea blockage, defacto ghettos, etc). The world has begun to see, the victim become the victimizer and thus will no longer give them a "free pass".

So no, the issue does not stem from 1948, not at all, and no it is not a religious issue at it's core. History, cultural history, mass psychology, and so on, all play an enormous part in the motivation of either side and is critical to solving the problem.
destroy their resistance.
eliminate their government, type thing.

That adds a bit to the complication. HAMAS are the ones that like go "brute force". The PLO want to keep things diplomatic. If HAMAS was out of the equation, things would be much easier in the peace process.

I don't think people on either sides of the wall want to go to war. You can read online comments from both sides wishing the best for both states. You don't have to go far to see that governments don't represent what majority want...
Something Ive been wondering, after looking at the loss of Land chart....

Why do you think Israel hasnt just wiped Palestine off the map ? Why have they allowed them to keep that little area ?

if everything people say is true, and Palestine has no help from anyone, what is stopped Isreal from just going full tilt ?
Im not talking about right now, but why didnt they finish the job 5-10-15 years ago.
obviously they have the resources to do so,

Great question!

Full tilt would expose them to be just as cruel as Hitler and they would lose all sympathy world wide. Hitler would be vindicated and Jews all across the world, in influential positions at the heads of companies in various global financial centres would face suspicion and their cyclical historical problem would come back to haunt them. The problem where they are run out of every (Western) host nation they locate to, including Rome, Spain, France, (under heavy restrictions / curfews in Venice), Russia, England, Germany, Romania, Poland, etc etc.

This has become a legacy of theirs, whether it is their fault or not, and Israel has become a survival issue. They are caught in a very hard situation. Historically they have never been a military or ruling force, other than the Kingdom of Israel over 2000 years ago. That broke up internally divided into 2 and was weakened due to infighting and eventually over come by the Romans. None the less, Jews have always exercised soft power through influential positions in host nations. They end up raising suspicions and doubts when economies shift to the bad side, because they are a family clan united across borders and often relocate to the next successful state or empire. In doing so, host nations often become angry when they see this group as being loyal to themselves and not the host nation, have influential positions and power (not the ruling top mind you, but usually second tier (ruling merchant class). Jews are often then persecuted for being traitors or undermining the local population / nation.

Israel was their dream of having their own nation to finally end this legacy problem. They can be united and loyal to their own nation. The problem is that this is a total fiction - on the ground. Israel is a weak crappy patch of desert with no real resources. And to sustain it, 6 million Jews in Israel require nearly 15 million Jews abroad in influential positions to sustain it for them, through AIPAC in the US, to various multinational mega companies to donate "expat" funding. Cinneplex-Chapters-Indigo is a prime example.

Isreal must be seen as firm, but not as bad as those they remind us all of when it comes to propaganda WW2 movies.

FYI 8 million Ukrainians were killed in WW2. 27 Million Russians / Soviets died fighting Hilter. See a holywood movie industry / genre about that much?!?!?! No thought not.

Part of the 20th century Jewish survival strategy is to use sympathy as a tactic to advance a more aggressive state policy. But this is a delicate balancing act as a) "the white man's guilt, only stretches so far"...Germany nor any Western nation would tolerate what Israel does to any Western nation, and is getting quite annoyed at the embarrassment of flaunting the UN as it currently does, b) To piss off yet another new enemy (the Arabs, who have historically been the greatest ally to the Jews) is waking sleeping Lion, all be it a tired injured one, but some day, mass pyschological historical wounds that do not heal may return, just the way the Jews are themselves acting out on hundreds of years of historical mass psychological wounds. To anger even the weak Arabs now, beyond mild annoyance will prove their downfall 200 years from now when a power, say China, not so Jewish friendly shifts the global power balance.

Israel is running out of time to grab the land it can (within reason) and Netanyahu colourfully calls this "Facts on the ground". The time is running very short for Israel and they simply cannot either eliminate their opposition, nor even continue what they have been doing. Their opposition has grown in strenth, and their allies have weakened, and their sympathy is waning badly. There is room for 1 or 2 last pushes.

Notice how the 1 state solution of the 70s where Israel would rule Palestine has seccumb to the 2 state solution. This is primarily due to the demographic shift of increasing Palestinians through birthrates. Forget about the whole Palestinian right of return (5 million), the local Palestinian population alone (West Bank and Gaza) is near 5 million. Within Israel "proper" is another nearly 1.5 million Palestinian Arabs. Jews only number 5 Million. Put the (non-refugee) Palestinians together in 1 democratic state, and guess what, 6.5 million Palestinians to 5 millions Jews and bye bye Jewish state....the rhetoric of "the only democracy in the region" will collapse as Jews won't tolerate an Arab state with 40% Jewish population. Israel will be dead through demographics. Add to that the "right of return" of Palestinians in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and you will have an 11.5 million Palestinan to 5 million Jews ratio. No more Jews will move to Israel from the West so once again, Israel is dead.

Palestinians have all but given up the notion of the "right of return" because in truth only 1 Million or so were actually kicked out in 48 and 67. But in refugee camps they had loads of kids and now number 5 million. So fine, the Palestinians in Palestine are on the verge of abandoning the "right of return" even though Israelis claim the "right of return" of any Jew born anywhere in the world!!!!

None the less the raw demographics of Palestine proper mean Israel and Palestine can only exist as 2 states if Israel wishes to survive. With a growthing spectre of Neo Ottomanism, and democracy in the region, all be it Islamist leaning, a unified Arab region with a weakening America could mean a dark saga for Israel if they don't start kissing Arab *** faaaaaaaaast! This is a last pathetic grab from Israel for a few more settlements before terms begin to be dictated back to them.

Israel is weakening by the day and already many Jews have begun to see this and distance themselves from Zionism as it has become to be known.

You will begin to see a friendlier Israel over the next 50 years.

One last thing...the Jews are not bad people, they are just historically and pyschologically scarred. They may also be perpetuating a particular social misunderstanding that creates these problems. Jews see themselves as "chosen" and historically they have viewed this as better or elevated, special and so on. In reminding others that you are better than them and not allowing them to join your club (unless your mother is of Jewish blood), one tends to breed resentment. Just like if a Muslim calls you an infedel and thinks they are better than you. The Jewish word for that was Gentile. More orthodox and thoughtful Jews consider the "chosen" status differently and consider the status to not be special in an elevated sense, but rather in the sense that they have a different test in this world, which may include a different responsibility, even harsher conditions! They also make inclusions for Noahide peoples....people who follow the laws of Noah, as being exempt from (infadel / gentile) status.

The unfortunate thing is that Jews, like all of us, are not all that religious or deep. They are average people who kinda go through the motions or pretend or don't believe in God at all! So they (in a lot of cases) have become an arrogant secret society like the Masons, often being accused of being the illuminati. They aren't the illuminati but due to this self fullfilling pertpetual isolation between themselves and regular society, the Jewish clan (not a race or religion even) have become nervous, secretive, over protective, and fittingly very hard working! As a minority their survival is based on blending in and attaining high level professions of influence. Nothing wrong with that, but when you view your host nation with suspicion, or lead your host nation into strife then abandon them when it suits your needs, this ultimately is self perpetuating and creates the viscious cycle. Unlike Jews, Christians too think they are better than you, but then open their arms and invite you to joing their mega "club". Anyone who says they are better than you, will untilately breed some hostility. Imagine then if they said "We are chosen and you can never be, your blood can never be pure". Reform Jews are different mind you and they allow conversions, but this is a very recent phenomenon and not indicative of their history.

Once again, not bad people, great people actually, just caught up in a confused ideology (in my opinion).
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lol, this situation is far more complicated than 2-3 sentences. After all, you are dealing with 30+ years of history.
how about breaking that down into 2-3 sentances..


The breakdown would be crude and lack nuance. The details are important rather than provoke racism. Read the "book" not just the "cover". Take the time to understand, I took the time to inform to the best of my abilities. This "WOT" crap is lazy and doesn't do the topic justice. Fox news has all the sound bites you can handle. So please step up your game if you ask such provacative questions, the least you can do is be prepared to listen.
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