What aren't you sure about?
That the carbon fibre shell is superior to polycarbonate or fibreglas other than in lower weight.
And any sensible person would not wear such a lid fifty years later.
Why ?....the EPS would not be degraded or are you still not accepting that reality?
I found the small FoV a bit annoying...and getting it over the ears a struggle. Still no fan of FF
It certainly was a protective step up from the 500.
I used to hate trying to get the snaps on and off to change visors...especially when it was cold.

The D-ring straps sometimes get very stiff and hard to tighten once they are in the heat in the tropics for a while. I figure Schuberth has tested their ratchet system on the C3/C4.
I enjoyed my 3/4 Bell - very quiet helmet. Guess they kept the 500 series going. It is multi-density EPS now.
The AFX-155 convertible I still have and might take back to Australia with me. Innovation design tho chin piece was marginal.
The FoV and visor are excellent. When I lost one of connectors on the side of the visor the company flew a set to Nanimo. Looked a bit better than my duct tape kludge,
The Shark Evoline 3 convertible which I alternate with the C3 has gotten full certification for the flip over chin piece.
I tended to ride with visor up on the C3 to facilitate photography where appropriate. The flip over on the Shark is a cleaner solution allowing both FF and 3/4 and both certified.
I'll replace the one mildly damaged in the accident in July.