Its the Ministry's fault? really?
Yeah, they possessed the offender and started controlling his hands and his right foot

Its the Ministry's fault? really?
Its the Ministry's fault? really?
I never said anyone was a heroYeah, these guys are noble heros defending crown lands from the invading asian hordes.
grow up.
I never said anyone was a heroWhat I said is, if a long standing issue was dealt with this incident would likely not have happened. The ounce of prevention thing.
If only his dad wore a condom and his mom took her birth control - ounce of prevention.
Or maybe people fishing in Georgina county should get Outdoor Cards![]()
Or maybe people fishing in Georgina county should get Outdoor Cards![]()
Did you read the G&M story? Do you think that this incident did not have any factors that brought it to this ending? When people complain for years and no action is taken, this is the potential outcome. As i said I'm not condoning anything. Berwick's live is ruined. His parents' live are ruined. Yes I think it could have ben prevented.
Point 1) The civil service consists largely of a bunch of lazy self serving work avoiders that could have POSSIBLY prevented this if other good for nothing civil servants didn't block them over "Profiling" concerns.
Point 2) Nothing in point 1 justifies what was done.
Did you just profile civil servants? When you said civil servants do you mean EMS, Health care, Fire fighter? Just askin![]()
If the MNR had dealt with complaints of locals for the years before this incident happened Shane Berwick probably wouldn't be in a coma and Trevor Middleton wouldn't be facing criminal negligence causing bodily harm charges. What few newspapers are reporting is that Asians have been coming up in large numbers catching as much as they can carry, leave litter behind and don't have outdoor cards.
htt p://
Ontario's Natural Resources Minister Donna Cansfield said one of the most important steps taken by her ministry was to meet with the Asian anglers association and have the province's fishing regulations translated into Cantonese to prevent misunderstandings.
I'm not condoning the actions of Middleton, but I'm sure we are only hearing one side of the story. But from the quote above it appears the concerns of locals about over fishing and no outdoor cards was true.
Canada wants tolerant, understanding & forgiving victims. Sadly, justice has become a thing of the past.
Humanity has no hope.
If only his dad wore a condom and his mom took her birth control - ounce of prevention.
If the MNR had dealt with complaints of locals for the years before this incident happened Shane Berwick probably wouldn't be in a coma and Trevor Middleton wouldn't be facing criminal negligence causing bodily harm charges. What few newspapers are reporting is that Asians have been coming up in large numbers catching as much as they can carry, leave litter behind and don't have outdoor cards.
htt p://
Ontario's Natural Resources Minister Donna Cansfield said one of the most important steps taken by her ministry was to meet with the Asian anglers association and have the province's fishing regulations translated into Cantonese to prevent misunderstandings.
I'm not condoning the actions of Middleton, but I'm sure we are only hearing one side of the story. But from the quote above it appears the concerns of locals about over fishing and no outdoor cards was true.
I can't comment on the lack of outdoors cards or the race of people but I can comment on the fact the amount of garbage that anglers leave behind on public docking area's is absolutely ridiculous. I have actually called out these people on numerous occasions and due to having my security license recorded their plates to be able to obtain their addresses. I then collect their garbage and mail it back to them and the funny thing is a majority of the addresses fall within the GTA.
Now onto the biggest thing. Some of these people who come up and fish on the government docks soon realized there are no washrooms. Instead of leaving the area to go use a public washroom they will actually defecate right on the government dock. Once we caught on to this we posted signs stating "area under video surveillance'. Apparently the culprits doing the defecating noticed these signs and decided it would be better to hide in our back yards and do the defecating there. The township has now provided a outhouse at the base of the government dock which seems to have solved the issue of **** being all over the dock.
For the last issue i would like to make people aware of. All these anglers prevent other user groups from using the dock for what it was designed for ie boating, swimming, sun bathing etc. If you are want to go swimming or tie your boat up they refuse to move on the dock. I don't condone violence and do agree these guys should be locked up and dealt with for what they deserve but there this an on going issue especially around the lakes closer to the city. It's has also only become in issue withing the last 10 years or so. I moved from the city and have quite a respect for the outdoors and just find it sad that some people figure it's literally not their backyard so who cares.