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Hearing loss

On a waiting list at Costco for a hearing test.
Good luck - it's gotten complex to choose a path ...fortunately most approaches allow a 30 day window to test even the most expensive solutions..
I gave Apple Airpods Pro a spin first off as there was a 2 week return and learned a few things. Using a smart phone with any hearing device is both annoying and useful.
You get the computing horsepower for filtering and it does work for clarifying conversations in noisy backgrounds, Much depends on where your hearing deficit lies. Lots of people getting to the age and it's wide open but here be dragons. :eek:
I tried a set from ?Connect Hearing? a couple of years ago, after the ear doctor sent me.
They weren't tuned exactly right as one seemed to focus behind me, and the other in front, and there was a lot of excess noise that I didn't need to hear. At that point I could still hear most things that I wanted to, and wasn't constantly asking people to repeat themselves. Times are changing. Might see if I can get a referral from my doctor when I go, to get something faster than Costco.
Hearing aids in my recent and ongoing experience do somethings very well in quieter settings and struggle with noisy settings. I enjoy hearing the birds but not the traffic noise.
At my step dottors 40th party I was struggling even to hear the person 2' away but then found out she was as well.
You'll never get your full hearing back.
Your brain acclimatizes as well so what is annoying initially you get used to.
There are times the peace and quiet of flawed hearing is welcome.

Since the OTC hearing aids were approved in 2022 the choices exploded and the technology has ramped up.
I was relieved when I found the Jaspa 3s for $799 + $200 extended coverage.
Standard batteries ( last a week @ 50¢ each ) and no app needed worked well enough and fully covered by our health insurance.
Was relieved returning the $4500 jobbies I had for 3 weeks.

I'm still following Apple's progress as was impressed with the effort for $299 on the AirPod Pro...for speech clarity it worked and iOS 18 will add more ability. You also get very good ANC earbuds.

Instead of expecting the hearing aids to cover all bases ( music for instance ) and TV intelligibility I'm using high end Sennheiser Momentum4 with their own EQ and App for music plus a Yamaha Sound Bar with it's own set of tech for making voice on TV easier to hear ( called Clear Voice )
The Senns are terrific at ANC...startling at times and on the upper end for headphone fidelity.
The benefits for both are immediate with no downsides that always come with HAs.

Spending $300 - $500 each on enhancements on specific aspects of my hearing so far has been for me better use of funds than $4500 HAs which were far from perfect.
YMMV tho depending on where your hearing loss is and how severe.
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Hearing aids in my experience do somethings very well in quieter settings and struggle with noisy settings. I enjoy hearing the birds but not the traffic noise.
At my step dottors 40th party I was struggling even to hear the person 2' away but then found out she was as well.
You'll never get your full hearing back.
Your brain acclimatizes as well so what is annoying initially you get used to.
There are times the peace and quiet of flawed hearing is welcome.

Since the OTC hearing aids were approved in 2022 the choices exploded and the technology has ramped up.
I was relieved when I found the Jaspa 3s for $799 + $200 extended coverage.
Standard batteries ( last a week @ 50¢ each ) and no app needed worked well enough and fully covered by our health insurance.
Was relieved returning the $4500 jobbies I had for 3 weeks.

I'm still following Apple's progress as was impressed with the effort for $299 on the AirPod Pro...for speech clarity it worked and iOS 18 will add more ability. You also get very good ANC earbuds.

Instead of expecting the hearing aids to cover all bases ( music for instance ) and TV intelligibility I'm using high end Sennheiser Momentum4 with their own EQ and App for music plus a Yamaha Sound Bar with it's own set of tech for making voice on TV easier to hear ( called Clear Voice )
The Senns are terrific at ANC...startling at times and on the upper end for headphone fidelity.
The benefits for both are immediate with no downsides that always come with HAs.

Spending $300 - $500 each on enhancements on specific aspects of my hearing so far has been for me better use of funds than $4500 HAs which were far from perfect.
YMMV tho depending on where your hearing loss is and how severe.
Once its gone, its gone and even the best hearing aids are no match for the natural. As MacDoc has testified, HAs work well in a quiet environment and not so well in a room full of jabbering humans.
And you know what, it is the same with IOLs, you trade one set of problems for another. Though, I will vouch that the technology of IOLs is more advanced than HAs vis-a-vis functionality.
(Speaking for a friend)

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