lane splitting and filtering are two different things, and no they won't pull you over for filtering, because I’ve seen them filter traffic in Toronto myself and I followed one last year! lane splitting is when cars are moving at traffic flow and you cut through them yes thats dangerous!!!
filtering is when all cars are stopped at traffic light, alot of the people who do get harassed by cops rarely for this is because they were most likely "splitting" while cars were also moving, they don't bother when all cars are stopped in traffic and you filter because there is no "exact" law for it that says simply "filtering is illegal" so it's a huge hassle for them to ever get a conviction or get the right charge.
I know this is true for motorcycle cops because in summer 30+ heat they are not going to stick in traffic like a car for half an hour! i've seen them bend the rule too if i may sa and for those of us who have air cooled bikes we have a a very good excuse when and IF we ever do get pulled, but franckly never been stopped for filtering ever by a cop! and you have to be smart about it too just with everything in life, lets say you are filtering in stopped traffic, and you see a cop car two or three cars ahead, just stop, where you are, and merge when the lights go green back into the lanes, if you pass a marked cop like that, something is wrong with the riders visions and shouldn't be riding in the first place! if its and unmarked one, those are not hard to find either, the odd chance you pass one, you already are up ahead get going fast and be on your way.
For everyone talking about the blitz issue, it's not to scare people, it's to warn the public of the excessive presence, because the public has the right to know what and why so many police forces and vehicles will be present and for what our tax money is going to be spent for, this also helps people save them selves from getting into big trouble and tickets. Otherwise people would be complaining on why so much police presance is there if we were not told about it, because lets face it people just find a way to complain about everything, and this is not just one week they "really" work, infact im one of those people who rather they be less on the streets even on a "normal" day so i can have some skilled and sensible fun, there are tooo many traffic unit cop cars out there! more cops dosen't mean better drivers, just means, more people getting caught being stupid, i rather be a safe, experienced rider who likes to have fun and not get caught with a fine all the time for something silly like using hand signals over my indicators or one dim bulb, because people feel the need to increase cops all the time because stupid careless people can't stop being who they are naturally and complainers, whiners and morons want an organisation they can pay to get rid of them, while the normal people in between get the stick from both ends.
Cops are not all the same, the everyday cops you see are TRAFFIC UNIT cops it's their job to enforce and fine people, there are cops in other divisions you never hear about or see because they are doing their jobs, investigating, narcotics, murder, homicides etc I never understood why people can't see this simple thing.
next time you get a ticket look at the bottom unit, it will say the cop is from a "traffic unit", if he was a homicide cop or detective or any other division and type of cop he would not even pull you over unless it was involved in his line of work, it’s that all cops have the same basic authority but, all are split into specific devisions and jobs types and thats why you will find a traffic unit cop doing many different things, like triffic, murder investigation, but anything other then traffic they are just the temporary security till the real cops show up for that specific job.
also cops are NOT there to serve and protect people or you, their job is and has always been from the start of this type of force to, catch, arrest and charge people for breaking the law or rules, so if you get off, consider yourself extremely lucky, because they don't have to let you off it’s their job to charge you and fine or arrest you weather you and i like it or not, we did this to ourselves.
ever have a problem and you go to the cops and they can't help you until you feed them the exact proof or evidence and information of a suspect or problem, seems like you do all the leg work and they take the cake for that one too. again, it's not their job to protect and serve but to arrest and procecute, hope you all see the picture, they just make it seem like that, one person being arrested and charged fo someone looks like serving and protecting to the rest. "kill one person at a time, and no one will care, they will think its for "their" protection... when you are actually killing "THEM" ... the same people you are serving and protecting.... one by one"
The simple solution is for each human being to start taking their own responsibility, to start driving safer, start riding safer, and care about others, help others, protect others, don't fight or hate each other, if everyone pulled their own weight WE WOULD'NT NEED COPS! Or any other government or organizational help. People like to hate on God, but he gave us simple rules and commandments to follow, and if you read them it will make sense that he was saving us from this exact destruction we all are heading towards, everyone is complaining and fighting each other, never to really see the bigger picture. We are the problem, and only we can fix ourselves, no cop, no government force will or can protect us from our own evils, the smart evil selfish ones just use this knowledge against everyone to get richer.