HD helmet cams

Please post a picture of where you mounted this inside your helmet, I can't picture it.

It's a Creative Vado HD inside a shoei rf-1000. It slightly presses up against my nose, but it's not uncomfortable. If my nose was a little bit bigger, I'd be screwed. Also, there are better helmets to put a camera inside. Some people also shave a bit of the helmet (nothing to really shave on the shoei...but I wouldn't do it even if I could). It's really not as bad as it looks.

I can't get a sample video any time soon - but there are a couple of people on youtube who have the same setup.

When I was looking into it, this was better than all its competitors (the kodak equivalent, flip cams, etc.) in every sense.
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So far this is what im getting...

- Awkward fit
- Great quality videos
- Great sound quality for video blogging
- Can mount in different postions

- Sleeker fit
- Great quality videos
- Poor sound quality
- Laser alignment

There's only about a 25bucks price difference quoted at radioworld.ca
Also, the ContourGPS has a built in GPS to track your speed, elevation and location. It's only $30 more then the GoPro

Go Pro Wide is nearly half the price:



But it's not HD...
^^ it is HD 720P but not 1080P and it doesnt have as wide recording angle as the later model

i had a contourHD 720P and it was great....until one day it fell off on the highway from the back of my bike....stupid design for the mounting....i was worried about my double sided tape coming off and it turns out the actual ContourHD mount separated.

anywho, i have the ContourHD tripod mount brand new in the box if anyone wants it for cheap.


oh and i solved the wind noise on the contour. and dont be fooled into thinking that the GoPro is any better. My friend has one and anything over 70km/h and its all wind whistling. When i was done my mods no matter how fast u went there was only engine noise...and it protected the camera in case of a drop.
Also, the ContourGPS has a built in GPS to track your speed, elevation and location. It's only $30 more then the GoPro

True, but I believe that feature only works if you're posting the videos on the Contour website, correct? Still pretty neat though.

Oh, one thing I'll mention about the ContourHD -- while it IS water-resistant, I've had its front-end (basically the lens, since the plastic lens protector isn't actually the full size of the frame it sits within GRR) leak twice now during heavier rain. The camera shut itself off both times (not sure if this is by design or a malfunction) which kind of sucks since I wanted it on in case of an accident/fall etc. So if you'll be using the Contour during more than a light rain, I would recommend getting the waterproof case... even though it's ugly.

As for positioning, the Contour comes with adhesive pads and a flat-surface mount by default, which mounts quite nicely onto the side of a helmet, bike plastics, etc. However, you also have the option of getting the tripod mount adapter, which lets you mount the camera onto any standard threaded camera mount -- including the RAM Mount ones, which I've used for mine. It can also be strapped onto goggles, and unlike the GoPro, it can be mounted in almost any orientation since the front lens adjustment can spin a total of 180 degrees, where the GoPro must always sit upright.

A disadvantage however: MicroSD cards such as the Contour takes, are more expensive than standard SDHC cards the GoPro takes. ie, a 16Gb Kingston MicroSD was on sale for $50 recently, where the 16Gb SDHC cards are closer to $35.

So there are many pros and cons to both cameras...
oh and i solved the wind noise on the contour. and dont be fooled into thinking that the GoPro is any better. My friend has one and anything over 70km/h and its all wind whistling. When i was done my mods no matter how fast u went there was only engine noise...and it protected the camera in case of a drop.

Might I ask how you were able to do this? I've considered just attaching a foam layer to the outer body of the camera, since I don't really want to open the thing up, but at this point it probably doesn't matter anymore.
Dont bother opening it. It doesnt help. The entire body acts as a microphone so just adding foam next to the mike doesnt do anything.

attaching foam is exacty what i did. i took seat foam you can buy at walmart and cut it roughly the same size as the camera. i then cut a hole from the back the size of the camera and proceeded to cut a slit in the front so the lens can stick out. You then shove the camera in and cut a slit on the side of the foam for the attachment.

It worked great, only thing is, you have what looks like a big fluffy thing on the side of your helmet. Imagine a Boom Microphone wind sock used by professionals.

kinda like this:

Other things people have used is a sock....
^^ it is HD 720P but not 1080P and it doesnt have as wide recording angle as the later model

The GoPro wide that Ice Pic mentioned (half the price) is NOT HD:
Resolution: 5 megapixel (2592x1944) photo, 512x384 video

That's not even close to 1280X720 (720p)
I picked up the gopro wide because royal had it for $180 no tax, while it is half price of the HD I will probably buy another camera next year. It definitely isn't 720p, it does 480p it doesn't look the greatest but you can fit a lot of video on a 2gig SD card (2gig is limit on GoPro wide). I found the wind noise to be minimal but I would reccommend spending the extra $ on the HD version, I will probably have my wide for sale next spring to buy the HD gopro or contour..

This is what the Gopro Wide looks like.. It's not the grestest in low light or behind a light smoke windscreen.


The wide works OK in ideal lighting conditions like in the second video
I got the go pro wide and while I love it I would recommend you spend the money on the hd version. THe non hd eats batteries can only use a 2 gig card and sound quality could be better. Video quality is decent (possibly 720 hd) but defiantly drops off when you convert it to upload on you tube (480p)..

The wide angle is sick tho, you can capture a whole lot in the frame, which makes mounting it to capture what you want very easy.

Also you can mount the go pro upside down and program it to shoot upside down so the vid comes out right side up.
wow there definetly a lot of opinions out there...yet im still leaning towards a contour as a fellow member is going to hook me up with 1.
For those who have or had the Contour cam...can you explain how it mounts onto your helmet and if it can be removed and installed onto a difference helmet?? i want to use it for riding & snowboarding also...
By default the ContourHD comes with a flat-surface mount -- a 2piece unit, one is the base w/adhesive pad which sticks to your helmet, the other is a detachable piece which the ContourHD slides onto using their rail system. (You can either slide off the camera as I do, or pull the camera+mount off, but then you have to re-align the camera vertically if you do it that way.) The adhesive pad is 3M stuff, so it's pretty solid once it's stuck to the helmet for a few hours. It's worth noting that you need to make sure the entire pad is mounted as flat/secure as possible initially, otherwise the weight of the camera/wind may cause the pad to loosen from your helmet. If you need to replace the pad, or want a second flat-surface mount etc, RadioWorld sells all of the Contour accessories.

You can pick up a goggle-strap mount for the camera as well, I think it's more or less the same kind of mount the helmet base uses, but instead with slits for you to run the strap through.
i just bought two sided 3M sticky tape at dollar store....something like 20 of em cost a buck...

stick it to the helmet, trust me, its not going anywhere. the weak part is the actual mechanicm that allows you to detach the sliding part of the mount to all the different bases. its this disk shaped velcro type material. You can pull on it and unsnap it and then rotate the camera on the vertical axis and resnap it back....

that sucker let go when i had it mounted on the bike. I got off the bike, went to turn the camera off and all i found was the base mount mocking me...
With my Contour I got flat surface mount and google mount with one extra 3M sticky pad included.
Goggle mount is great for dirt biking and skiing. It is fantastic camera, as long as you can get over the sound issue.

By default the ContourHD comes with a flat-surface mount -- a 2piece unit, one is the base w/adhesive pad which sticks to your helmet, the other is a detachable piece which the ContourHD slides onto using their rail system. (You can either slide off the camera as I do, or pull the camera+mount off, but then you have to re-align the camera vertically if you do it that way.) The adhesive pad is 3M stuff, so it's pretty solid once it's stuck to the helmet for a few hours. It's worth noting that you need to make sure the entire pad is mounted as flat/secure as possible initially, otherwise the weight of the camera/wind may cause the pad to loosen from your helmet. If you need to replace the pad, or want a second flat-surface mount etc, RadioWorld sells all of the Contour accessories.

You can pick up a goggle-strap mount for the camera as well, I think it's more or less the same kind of mount the helmet base uses, but instead with slits for you to run the strap through.
There is loop that you can hook to the camera and mount.
If camera gets loose on velcro (happened once to me, I hit camera with the hand) it does not
smash on the ground but keeps hanging there.
That velcro is strong, if you pull flat on it sticky backing gives before velcro does.

i just bought two sided 3M sticky tape at dollar store....something like 20 of em cost a buck...

stick it to the helmet, trust me, its not going anywhere. the weak part is the actual mechanicm that allows you to detach the sliding part of the mount to all the different bases. its this disk shaped velcro type material. You can pull on it and unsnap it and then rotate the camera on the vertical axis and resnap it back....

that sucker let go when i had it mounted on the bike. I got off the bike, went to turn the camera off and all i found was the base mount mocking me...
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