Have attitudes changed?

Remember the sweet innocent girl in school that was from outta town or a different country? she smiled at everyone, was super polite, helped without being asked, I do. In one year of being exposed to "toronto mentality" she changed...adopted the I'm a princess, I'll bang whatever/do whatever/say whatever attitude in no time. hell never in my life did i expect to see something call the "slut-walk" considered acceptable for media to print on the front cover of a newspaper....(or whatever they called it).

Parents these days are afriad to discipline their kids...why? Because in elementary school (if not sooner) they are taught to tell someone if they are being hurt by any adults....parents included. So when parents give their kids a back hand....maybe leaving a little mark and kid tells teacher or whomever they decide to talk to...the parents get reported. Ever heard a kid in public threaten to report their parents if they hit them? yupp, milllllions of times....
kids have no filter and they know they can get away with anything because threatening to report their parents will stop any forms of punishment.

Its sad cuz there are kids that genuinely get abused and need help, unfortunately the kids that cry wolf are far greater then the ones actually needing help. Law enforcement takes child abuse very seriously and ALL cases are treated equally.....whether its the kid actually being hurt or the little monster that just called the cops on their parents for getting slapped around a little bit .

Long story short, If I f'd up when I was younger...I got "the look" of sheer disappointment from my father, or a good old fashioned slap from my mother...
kept me in check ;)
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doesn't appear you have any idea what the slut walk was about.
doesn't appear you have any idea what the slut walk was about.

+ 1. What does the "Slut Walk" have to do with what you're talking about?

Dude, that was in response to the blame-the-victim mentality given by a Toronto police officer at a safety talk.
Long story short, If I f'd up when I was younger...I got "the look" of sheer disappointment from my father, kept me in check ;)

That's the right way of parenting, not beatings like the half of the other posters in this thread believe.

Your Father demanded respect, and you knew when you were out of line.
Yes, attitudes have changed, and many of them should be.

The "more civilized" times that people like to lament are also the same times that said it was ok to fire someone for being gay, or ethnic, or disabled, only a man and women could get married, and hosts of other discriminatory and racist views.

Yes, I don't live in the " its ok to lock up Japanese people times" or the "its ok to have black people go to separate schools" times, or the "indian kids get taken from their parents" times, those people were definately more civilized...
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doesn't appear you have any idea what the slut walk was about.

Irrelevant what is was about...its the fact that it was called "the slut walk". Couldn't they come up with a more appropriate name? maybe something less offensive...why did I have to explain to my 11 yr old cousin what "slut" meant when we passed a public news stand? I dont ever recall such terms being published or used in main stream media when I was younger...

ps. Im familiar with what they represent.
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Irrelevant what is was about...its the fact that it was called "the slut walk". Couldn't they come up with a more appropriate name? maybe something less offensive...why did I have to explain to my 11 yr old cousin what "slut" meant when we passed a news stand?

ps. Im familiar with what they represent.

The "women who dress as though they have loose sexual morals" walk??
Right... I see your point now...

So when the police blame the victim, thats just a symtom of a more civilized time.
and when the victims tell them to go **** themselves, thats just moral deprivity of the current generation.

newsflash - sexual assault affects women of all ages, not just the 18 year olds.

It looks like your the the one with your panties in a twist.
newsflash - sexual assault affects women of all ages, not just the 18 year olds.

Women in their 80's..I mean, seriously? Is there any punishment that's sufficient for that kinda crime?? Man..
Attitudes have changed... and as mentioned, yes times have changed. People were more courteous then but things were also different back then. There are more people now, denser population and more traffic. Your patience would wear thin if you were stuck in traffic everyday for 45mins each way instead of maybe 20 back then. That has shaped peoples attitude to be more impatient, be less courteous and more selfish. I think its a normal trend (sadly) and the ones who realize or notice it and actually care to speak about it are ones who are generally more well taught and environment conscious.
Irrelevant what is was about...its the fact that it was called "the slut walk". Couldn't they come up with a more appropriate name? maybe something less offensive...why did I have to explain to my 11 yr old cousin what "slut" meant when we passed a public news stand? I dont ever recall such terms being published or used in main stream media when I was younger...

ps. Im familiar with what they represent.

Irrelevant what it was about? The name is the WHOLE POINT as to what it's about. The police specifically said "don't dress like a slut" and women responded in kind.

This should provide you with a perfect learning opportunity to give to your young cousin.
Irrelevant what it was about? The name is the WHOLE POINT as to what it's about. The police specifically said "don't dress like a slut" and women responded in kind.

This should provide you with a perfect learning opportunity to give to your young cousin.
The rally could have been called "women's freedom walk" and had the exact same purpose but different name. Their point would still have been very much valid without feeding into media's need for shock headlines.

....and no a I don't think an 11 year old should have the meaning behind the word" slut" nor should I ever hear the word coming from their mouth...if you feel so then ....well...I guess we'll have to sum it up as a difference in opinions.
I can't necessarily speak for the generation-factor, but I do have to say this: every time I travel outside of the Toronto area I'm blown away by how polite and friendly everyone is. Especially when I travel to the U.S.

I hate to admit it, being a native to the city, but it makes me wonder about this place.....

I took a ride through all the small towns around ontario, and I couldn't believe the sense of community, I was even invited in to eat to someones home (me a complete stranger). When I got back to Toronto from my 6 week tour.... it really did open my eyes a bit. I was seriously sad as I got shoulder checked by someone exiting a subway car.

I blame crowding more than generations, although I did get a wooden spoon when I did bad things, good deterent :)

These small towns know everyone, and have a "we are in it together" family attitude. Even growing up in Toronto, I knew everyone on my block. Now I know my immediate neighbours from a wave in the morning and thats it. I'm not invested in their lives at all, so I could care less if they got injured or lost a job. Places to go stuff to do, no time to slow down and why bother getting to know people they only want something from you. I grew up in a toronto where you could play ball hockey on a side street during rush hour. Traffic was only bad in the deep downtown, and my only rule when I went out to play was be back before the street lights came on. Now kids are handheld and supervised through everything.
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The rally could have been called "women's freedom walk" and had the exact same purpose but different name. Their point would still have been very much valid without feeding into media's need for shock headlines.

....and no a I don't think an 11 year old should have the meaning behind the word" slut" nor should I ever hear the word coming from their mouth...if you feel so then ....well...I guess we'll have to sum it up as a difference in opinions.

The whole point was to use the language that the cop used. That was very much the point behind the purpose of the movement. It really had nothing to do with shock value - it was to throw the wording back in the face of the police.
Ayn Rand's ideas have had a big part to play in this modern attitude:

This hack has been an incredibly corrupting force! Frighteningly so she also foretells "people in the future will think like me".

I tried to read Ayn Rand....and I mean i really made an effort to read Atlas Shrugged. I'm sorry but her story just wasn't true to life in ANY sense.
The whole point was to use the language that the cop used. That was very much the point behind the purpose of the movement. It really had nothing to do with shock value - it was to throw the wording back in the face of the police.

So the complete movement of these women had to stoop to the level of one officers statement and that was the justification behind using a derogatory term in public? once again, I just feel the name could have been different with the same results/awareness.

So let me pose you guys a questions, If we for the most part agree that "attitudes" have changed for the worse, what has freedom provided us as people?
Does it not seem like as generations go on the more "freedom" we have to express or do whatever we want, the worse attitudes are getting? Can freedom be a reason to not comply?
I tried to read Ayn Rand....and I mean i really made an effort to read Atlas Shrugged. I'm sorry but her story just wasn't true to life in ANY sense.

She completely misunderstands the nature of altruism and reciprocity and is clearly a passive aggressive ego maniac. But she has "conviction" (as she calls it) and is quite seductive and persuasive in presenting the idea of "selfishness" as a noble, enlightened act. The problem is, her arrogance taints nearly everything she says and she gets off on using improper terminology, or that which could be misconstrued. Using the terms "selfish" is more her attempt to be provocative and create her own "personal philosophy" rather than acknowledge that "rational self interest" is nothing new under the sun and is precisely what altruism and empathy are, but instead on long term scales.

None the less she has perverted the meaning of the word "selfish" into an admirable trait, yet the colloquial understanding remains..."selfish" has not been seen as strategic selflessness, but rather the actual act of being selfish in the short term has become honourable!

She intellectualizes and sanitizes a destructive behaviour.
ofcourse attitudes have changed.. its called the decline of civilization and humanity... its a very sad and interesting subject.

the more human kind takes law into their own hands to provide a "just, peaceful, lawful society, the more we decline and pervert.

the roman empire was the hight point in the last decline. they thought they were the most civil and just nation in the world. in reality it was torture homesexuality , orgies , violence and debautery. they were saved by jesus

we are not too far away from reaching a far worse low point now with america leading the way.. senseless wars, pornography, drugs, alcohol, crime, single families, gay marriages ... a million people coming to see the gay parade but only 5 thousand coming to the veterans parade, sexual perversion..,, the list goes on and on

it will keep going like this until the end of days. thats the real truth
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