Has the city lost it's mind...

Salaga is a town and is the capital of East Gonja district, a district in the Savannah Region of north Ghana. Salaga had a 2012 settlement population of 25,472 people. Salaga became the largest slave market where people were bought, sold, or traded for cattle, nevertheless, between the 18th and 19th centuries.

They're down to 2.9 out of 1,000 people enslaved in 2023 according to the Global Slavery Index.
Wasn't Ghana the centre of the African slave trade?

I think Brazil got the most , almost 50% , the rest going to French and British ports . America at the hieght was a British Port . Ghana got a lot of Indian immigrants , thanks to the British , and the conditions were not far off slavery . I think the last slave terminal in the Caribbean was the market in Havana , then under a Spanish flag .

But a city millions in the hole , wasting time correcting our ‘colonial past’ in my opinion is just idiotic .

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I think Brazil got the most , almost 50% , the rest going to French and British ports . America at the hieght was a British Port . Ghana got a lot of Indian immigrants , thanks to the British , and the conditions were not far off slavery . I think the last slave terminal in the Caribbean was the market in Havana , then under a Spanish flag .

But a city millions in the hole , wasting time with Dundas street correcting our ‘colonial past’ in my opinion is just idiotic .

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Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com mobile app
Visit High Park while you can. Phase 2 of the bicycle take over is complete and I suspect phase 3 will come next spring or summer.

Phase 1 was no cars on weekends which meant disabled people couldn't visit the gardens, have a coffee at the Grenadier or watch their grandchildren swim, play, or visit the zoo.

Phase 2 is lane and parking restrictions. Only enter from Parkside Drive and only exit by Bloor Street.

Bicycles exceed the speed limits and stop signs are totally ignored.

Phase 3 will be no cars any time of the year. This works with people living within a few blocks of the park. They consider it THEIR park and want the 400 acre, billion dollar country club to be exclusively theirs.

Chow obviously didn't let it sink in that during Covid peak, parks were areas where families could go to relieve the tension of being cooped up in 500 square foot apartments. You know, like the ones that could possibly be affordably be built on her budget.
Visit High Park while you can. Phase 2 of the bicycle take over is complete and I suspect phase 3 will come next spring or summer.

Phase 1 was no cars on weekends which meant disabled people couldn't visit the gardens, have a coffee at the Grenadier or watch their grandchildren swim, play, or visit the zoo.

Phase 2 is lane and parking restrictions. Only enter from Parkside Drive and only exit by Bloor Street.

Bicycles exceed the speed limits and stop signs are totally ignored.

Phase 3 will be no cars any time of the year. This works with people living within a few blocks of the park. They consider it THEIR park and want the 400 acre, billion dollar country club to be exclusively theirs.

Chow obviously didn't let it sink in that during Covid peak, parks were areas where families could go to relieve the tension of being cooped up in 500 square foot apartments. You know, like the ones that could possibly be affordably be built on her budget.
Chow likely had next to no involement with this, because this was well in motion prior to her becoming Mayor.

No further changes to the road network likely until after the next set of city recommendations around 2027, as found on section 11 of the below.
Agenda Item History 2023.IE3.7

More info also here: High Park Movement Strategy
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I think Brazil got the most , almost 50% , the rest going to French and British ports . America at the hieght was a British Port . Ghana got a lot of Indian immigrants , thanks to the British , and the conditions were not far off slavery . I think the last slave terminal in the Caribbean was the market in Havana , then under a Spanish flag .

But a city millions in the hole , wasting time correcting our ‘colonial past’ in my opinion is just idiotic .

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com mobile app
I have never been a fan of cancelling history or burning books.

200 years ago the world was different. In the space of 30 or so years, 10,000 years of slavery came to an end. Rather than celebrating a person who was instrumental in ending trade in slaves, we now denegrate the guy for not getting it done faster.

What’s next?

Under the first several Canadian Prime Ministers, Women were repressed, denied the right to vote unable to become legislators; they were also unable to sit on juries. When they married: they lost all status in civil law, the laws protecting women and dogs from spousal beatings and rape were the same. Women could not own property and their wages were paid to their husbands. They were slaves.

Is it time to rename Laurier, Borden, Mackenzie, Macdonald etc monuments, streets, schools and update pics on some our currency?
@Mad Mike no need to give them any ideas

One of my black friends is posting about this on facebook, and they don't seem impressed by the youge dundas square name change, neither do any of her friends.
When my parents split up and my father moved to New Zealand I would have lost my Canadian citizenship if he applied for NZ citizenship. I'd be stuck living in Canada, born here but not a citizen. Children were considered chattels of the father.

Types of persons who would not have acquired Canadian citizenship when it was created under the 1946 citizenship laws included the following:[7]
  • Someone born in another country who did not live in Canada on their 24th birthday
  • A "war bride" who was never naturalized
  • A war bride's child who was never naturalized
  • An unregistered "border baby" – a person with Canadian parents who was born in the U.S. and not registered, commonly someone whose mother crossed into the U.S. to give birth in the closest hospital[8]
  • In certain circumstances, someone whose connection to Canada involved descent through a woman rather than a man
  • Someone born out of wedlock
  • A person born to a parent on military service outside Canada
Types of persons who lost their Canadian citizenship included the following (based on both the 1946 and 1977 Citizenship Acts):

  • A second-generation born-abroad Canadian who did not apply to retain citizenship by their 28th birthday
  • Those whose father naturalized in another country while they were children[9]
  • A woman who married a non-Canadian before 1947
  • A child of a woman who married a non-Canadian before 1947, regardless of whether that child was born or lived in Canada
  • A Canadian who took citizenship of another country before 1977
In most cases, Lost Canadians were never aware that they were not citizens (or had lost their citizenship) until they applied for government pensions, attempted to receive healthcare or applied for passports.[7]

Our useless cows of politicians did nothing for ages to correct the problem because they were too busy bestowing citizenships to immigrants.
I have never been a fan of cancelling history or burning books.

200 years ago the world was different. In the space of 30 or so years, 10,000 years of slavery came to an end. Rather than celebrating a person who was instrumental in ending trade in slaves, we now denegrate the guy for not getting it done faster.

What’s next?

Under the first several Canadian Prime Ministers, Women were repressed, denied the right to vote unable to become legislators; they were also unable to sit on juries. When they married: they lost all status in civil law, the laws protecting women and dogs from spousal beatings and rape were the same. Women could not own property and their wages were paid to their husbands. They were slaves.

Is it time to rename Laurier, Borden, Mackenzie, Macdonald etc monuments, streets, schools and update pics on some our currency?
I'm ethically opposed to 'cancel' history , because those that forget history are doomed to repeat it .

Those that think slavery is over just need to travel far enough and its still out there , not working in a cotton field , but a crappy low end hotel out on plains rd Burlington. But yeah , changing a street name instead of hiring two officers to bang on hotel room doors , lay some charges and collect the bags of party favours makes so much more sense. The woke group like the easy pickings .
Chow likely had next to no involement with this, because this was well in motion prior to her becoming Mayor.

No further changes to the road network likely until after the next set of city recommendations around 2027, as found on section 11 of the below.
Agenda Item History 2023.IE3.7

More info also here: High Park Movement Strategy
Did anyone consider the mobility impaired?

I would love it if Toronto could be as bicycle friendly as The Netherlands. However they were bicycle friendly since the start and never gave up the infrastructure while North America went car centric for numerous reasons, some valid.

Geriatric politicians and city planners failed to recognize the growth of cycling in the 1960's probably thinking it was a fad. A decade or two later when it was too late some realized that adding an extra two meters to the street widths would have made them bike friendly. That wouldn't help the core but suburbia would be a different matter.

Throw into the problem pathetic public transit, pathetic street layouts, beyond pathetic driver testing, pathetic law enforcement, etc.

It isn't getting better as people move further afield to afford housing resulting in the need for more cars converging on the city.

The two wheeled crowd isn't innocent. Bikes, e-everythings are virtually unregulated and enforcement is rare. High Park has stop signs and a 20 KPH speed limit. Cyclists totally ignore them.

People seem to forget that the roads are for transportation not recreation, group rides included.

The few emails I was able to access indicated people with vested interests in making High Park their private country club or training track. However the pond is off limits to people wanting to canoe or kayak.

I see no mention of Centennial Park in the attachments. It too is due for a remake and has a rarely used BMX facility left over from the Pan AM games. The Go Kart track is done for and I expect the model airplane circle as well.

Has there been any thought to integrate functions?

Has anyone considered the park problems from peak Covid and the need for accessible open space for everyone? Chows econo housing can only be achieved by more crowded conditions and greater tensions.
Is it time to rename Laurier, Borden, Mackenzie, Macdonald etc monuments, streets, schools and update pics on some our currency?

Add PET to that list. He did, after all, commit a grievous act that harmed every citizen of Canada..
Add PET to that list. He did, after all, commit a grievous act that harmed every citizen of Canada..

He pulled off a few good things but failed miserably on others.

When passing legislation he failed to recognize that, as George Carlin said "Half the people are dumber than average".

The bill of rights wasn't bolstered by a bill of responsibility. He assumed too much.

He was smug and if it was good for the leader it should be good for the masses.
Well at least they're not renaming the entire street...so it will be cheaper to just rename some city assets.

Still dumb. But not as dumb.

So the Chair and Vice-chair of the Yonge Dundas Square board resigned as they were grumpy that they weren't consulted. The General Manager made the announcement. WTAF. How many people are being paid to manage a small piece of concrete? No wonder the city is so broke. There should not be an entire paid organizational structure for a one acre public space. The mind boggles.

Fathered JT?
I thought that was Castro?

So the Chair and Vice-chair of the Yonge Dundas Square board resigned as they were grumpy that they weren't consulted. The General Manager made the announcement. WTAF. How many people are being paid to manage a small piece of concrete? No wonder the city is so broke. There should not be an entire paid organizational structure for a one acre public space. The mind boggles.

I would hope these boards are unpaid…but somehow doubt it.
Not Canada, but scary regardless. Guys look young (probably juvenile) attacking a man and his wife for an iPad sale that was setup.

Good thing there was video of the whole thing thanks to Tesla's sentry mode.
Not Canada, but scary regardless. Guys look young (probably juvenile) attacking a man and his wife for an iPad sale that was setup.

Good thing there was video of the whole thing thanks to Tesla's sentry mode.

Under $900, California won't charge them for the robbery anyway.
Which thread? Has Toronto Lost it's Mind? Special Interest Groups? Bicycle thread?

Toronto infrastructure committee voted to upgrade winter bike lane service from "safe and passable" to "bare pavement". At what point do they acknowledge that the price paid to install and maintain bike lanes vastly exceeds any benefit and has a ridiculous per km travelled cost (especially in the winter). I expect this bare pavement mandate will be addressed by a heavy layer of salt in the bike lane and bikes choosing to ride in car lanes to slow down corrosion. They don't keep the pools open in winter just in case someone wants to go swimming, I don't think it is unreasonable for bike lanes to have no winter maintenance as their traffic volume does not support the expense (and by definition, there is an adjacent roadway that they are legally allowed to use).

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