Chow likely had next to no involement with this, because this was well in motion prior to her becoming Mayor.
No further changes to the road network likely until after the next set of city recommendations around 2027, as found on section 11 of the below.
Agenda Item History 2023.IE3.7
More info also here:
High Park Movement Strategy
Did anyone consider the mobility impaired?
I would love it if Toronto could be as bicycle friendly as The Netherlands. However they were bicycle friendly since the start and never gave up the infrastructure while North America went car centric for numerous reasons, some valid.
Geriatric politicians and city planners failed to recognize the growth of cycling in the 1960's probably thinking it was a fad. A decade or two later when it was too late some realized that adding an extra two meters to the street widths would have made them bike friendly. That wouldn't help the core but suburbia would be a different matter.
Throw into the problem pathetic public transit, pathetic street layouts, beyond pathetic driver testing, pathetic law enforcement, etc.
It isn't getting better as people move further afield to afford housing resulting in the need for more cars converging on the city.
The two wheeled crowd isn't innocent. Bikes, e-everythings are virtually unregulated and enforcement is rare. High Park has stop signs and a 20 KPH speed limit. Cyclists totally ignore them.
People seem to forget that the roads are for transportation not recreation, group rides included.
The few emails I was able to access indicated people with vested interests in making High Park their private country club or training track. However the pond is off limits to people wanting to canoe or kayak.
I see no mention of Centennial Park in the attachments. It too is due for a remake and has a rarely used BMX facility left over from the Pan AM games. The Go Kart track is done for and I expect the model airplane circle as well.
Has there been any thought to integrate functions?
Has anyone considered the park problems from peak Covid and the need for accessible open space for everyone? Chows econo housing can only be achieved by more crowded conditions and greater tensions.